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Content Development 1

1. Add details to the objectives and subordinate skills based on objectives and
subordinate skills.

1. The applicant will be able to describe the process for setting up a pre-qualifying interview
1.1 The applicant will discuss the steps required to begin the volunteer process
● The dog animation will appear and prompt the user to start. Then a list will appear after
the user clicks the next button. The list will display all four steps they must complete prior
to scheduling an interview.
● Once the user has read the select step the circle will change into a paw print to remind
them what steps they have completed.
1.1.1 The applicant will locate the learning module section
● The user will click on number one for learning modules. The screen will change
to give more details on the learning modules. When the user is done the will click
the button to return to the task list.
1.1.2 The applicant will identify and review the section supporting ITA documents
● The user will click on number two for criteria for prospective handlers. The screen
will change to give more details on the criteria for prospective handlers. When
the user is done the will click the button to return to the task list.
1.1.3 The applicant will identify and review the section self-assessment
● The user will click on number 3 for self-assessment. The screen will change to
give more details on the self-assessment. When the user is done the will click the
button to return to the task list.
1.1.4 The applicant will identify and review the section pre-qualifying interview
● The user will click on number four for a pre-qualifying interview. The screen will
change to give more details on the criteria for the pre-qualifying interview. When
the user is done the will click the button to return to the task list.
1.2 The applicant will acknowledge that volunteering for ITA requires a financial commitment
1.2.1 The applicant will describe the estimated total costs involved to volunteer with ITA.
Scheduled Cost: handler course, vet visit, team test, registration fee
● The animated dog will give the user a justification for why this type of
volunteering and then display a button user can click on to view cost break down.
1.3 The applicant will describe the Pre-qualifying interview
● The user will be prompted to watch a video that will teach the user about what the ITA
staff are looking for in a prequalifying interview and how to schedule an interview.
1.3.1 The applicant will state the format of the interview and the expectations
1.3.2 The applicant will state how to set-up the pre-qualifying interview
2. The applicant will analyze content on what qualifies a person and animal to be an ITA volunteer
therapy team
2.1 The applicant will state the animal qualifications for volunteering
● Create the animation of a dog introducing the concept

2.1.1 The applicant will identify what kinds of animals qualify as therapy animals
● Create a question/image or video for each qualification for the user to identify
○ Create a dog that lists qualification with bulleted text for each
● Create a content panel for feedback after the user has identified each image
2.1.2 The applicant will Identify characteristics that make an appropriate therapy animal.
● Create an image or video for each qualification for the user to identify
○ Create a dog that lists qualification with bulleted text for each
● Create a content panel for feedback after the user has identified each image
● Create drag and drop with images comparing 2.1.3 and 2.1.2
○ Create a content panel for feedback after the user has identified each

2.1.3 The applicant will Identify characteristics that do NOT make an appropriate therapy
● Create an image or video for each non-qualification for the user to identify
○ Create a dog that lists qualification with bulleted text for each
● Create drag and drop with images comparing 2.1.3 and 2.1.2
○ Create a content panel for feedback after the user has identified each

2.2 The applicant will state the human qualifications for volunteering
● Create the animation of a dog introducing the concept

2.2.1 The applicant will state what humans are eligible to volunteer with ITA
● Create a question/image or video for each qualification for the user to identify
○ Create a dog that lists qualification with bulleted text for each human
eligibility trait
● Create a content panel for feedback after the user has identified each image

2.3 The applicant will describe the combined animal and human qualities a team needs to be a
successful therapy team
● Create the animation of a dog introducing the concept

2.3.1 The applicant can state the ITA Philosophy

● Create a question/image or video for each qualification for the user to identify
○ Create a dog that lists qualification with bulleted text for ITA Philosophy
● Create a content panel for feedback after the user has identified each image

2.3.2 The applicant can identify Difficult Situations/Difficult Visits

● Create a question/image or video for each qualification for the user to identify
○ Create a dog that lists qualification with bulleted text for different
● Create a content panel for feedback after the user has identified each image

2.3.3 The applicant can state What Qualities does a PERSON Demonstrate as Part of a
Successful Team
● Create a question/image or video for each qualification for the user to identify
○ Create a dog that lists qualification with bulleted text for each human
● Create a content panel for feedback after the user has identified each image

2.3.4 The applicant will state that they will be comfortable saying No to keep their animal
○ Create the animation of a dog introducing the concept
■ Created bulleted text if needed

3. The applicant will be able to identify behavioral cues given by a dog and interpret them.
3.1 The applicant will identify the signs of an animal that does not want to be petted
● Create an animation of dog introducing the concept

3.1.1 The applicant identifies the following behaviors: -They duck their head away when
you reach for them -They move away- They look away -They leave the area -They yawn
-They scratch themselves -They lick their lips they lift a paw -They show “whale eye”
-Growling and snapping
● Create a question/image for each behavior for the user to interpret
● Create a content panel for feedback after the user has interpreted each image

3.2 The applicant will recognize the signs of a dog wanting to be pet
● Create an animation of dog introducing the concept

3.2.1 The applicant identifies the following behaviors: -They initiate it by moving into your
space -They put their head or body under your hand -They pull your hand toward them
with their paw -The muscles of their face are relaxed -Their eyes get droopy -They flop
their body down like a rag doll -They flop their body onto you
● Create a question/image for each behavior for the user to interpret
● Create a content panel for feedback after the user has interpreted each image

3.3 The applicant will recognize signals of a dog that could go either way
● Create an animation of dog introducing the concept

3.3.1 The applicant identifies and interprets the following behaviors: -Hand licking
-Flipping over on their back -Pushing with paws -Lip licking
● Create content slides of each image and have the dog explain why
● Create several(2-3?) questions/images for the user to interpret after the delivery
of the content.

3.4 The applicant will discern signs that indicate a dog is stressed or no longer interested in
continuing a therapy session
● Create an animation of dog introducing the concept
3.4.1 The applicant identifies signs of animal stress during a therapy session
● Create content slides of each image and have the dog explain why
● Create several(2-3?) questions/images for the user to interpret after the delivery
of the content.

3.5 The applicant will outline ways to train animals to enjoy petting
● Create an animation of dog introducing the concept

3.5.1 The applicant states that classical conditioning is the best method for training
animals to tolerate petting
● Provide a multiple choice question about training methods.
● Provide a content slide outlining classical conditioning
2. Describe strategies, media use, and content organization.

Module 1

Objectives 1.1.1 the dog will introduce itself and then prompt the user to read a quick
intro to iTA.
For objectives 1.1.2, 1.1.3, and 1.1.4 the user will be able to move about the task list at
their own pace and can view the steps in any order. When the user finished viewing a
step the system will highlight the step with a paw to help the user keep track of their

For objectives 1.2, 1.2.1, and 1.2.2 the dog will provide a rationale for the user and
allow the user to see the break down of costs.
For objective 1.3 and 1.3.1, the user will watch a video to learn about what skills they
will need to demonstrate in a prequalifying interview as well as how to schedule an
The last step users will complete a knowledge check to show they remember the steps
they must complete prior to an interview. This was objective 1.1 but it made sense to
move the knowledge check to the end of the module.
Module 2

● Module 2: Each section will have an animated dog to introduce the concept.
● Module 2: Each Section will have Images or Video to teach the concept in order
explicitly teach the qualifications of each section

● Objectives 2.1.1, 2.3.1-2.3.3: Will have an interactive learning interface with an

image to interpret/watch with multiple choice answers. It will include:
○ The animated dog prompting the user
○ An image
○ A submit button
○ A back button
○ A help button
○ A hint button
○ Feedback notification after the placement of each picture.

● Objectives 2.1.2 & 2.1.3: WIll have an interactive learning interface that an image
to interpret/watch with a drag and drop picture scenario It will include:
○ The animated dog prompting the user
○ Images that drag and drop
○ A submit button
○ A back button
○ A help button
○ A hint button
○ Feedback notification after the placement of each picture.

● Objective 2.2.1, 2.3.1, 2.3.3: WIll have an interactive learning interface where the
learner will choose from a selection of answers (words and pic.) to make a list of
qualities for an ITA Volunteer. It will include:
○ The animated dog prompting the user
○ Word icons that drag and drop
○ A submit button
○ A back button
○ A help button
○ A hint button

Module 3:

● Objectives 3.1- to 3.3 Will have an interactive learning interface with an image to
interpret with multiple choice answers. Content will be given in the feedback
after the user answers. There will be:
○ The animated dog prompting the user
○ An image
○ A submit button
○ A back button
○ A hint button
● After the question is submitted, the user will be notified if correct or incorrect
and the content/feedback will pop over the screen

● Objectives 3.4 & 3.4.1 For these objectives the dog will introduce the concept of
stress. The user will then be prompted to interpret signs of stress through
images for each behavior with multiple choice answers. Content on each
behavior will be delivered after the user answers the question. There will be
○ The animated dog prompting the user
○ An image
○ A submit button
○ A back button
○ A hint button
● Objectives 3.5 & 3.5.1 For these objectives the user will be asked about the best
training methods to help dogs accept petting. There will be one question
followed by brief content with respect to the answer. There will be
○ The animated dog prompting the user
○ An image
○ A submit button
○ A back button
○ Content presented after the question

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