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Department of Informatics

6CCS3NSE Information Security

Credit value: 15
Semester: 2
Teaching: Weekly 2-hour lecture; weekly 1-hour practical starting from the second teaching week

Aims and Learning Outcomes

This module is all about the security of networks of computers and their communications. It describes Network
Fundamentals, and the security of Internet protocols, including wired, wireless and mobile communication
networks. It will also describe network attacks and countermeasures, particularly focusing on intrusion detection
and prevention systems.

On successful completion of this module, students will:

Be able to:
 NSE1. Demonstrate knowledge of security properties for networks and the principal approaches to
guaranteeing those properties
 NSE2. Demonstrate an understanding of network attacks
 NSE3. Demonstrate an understanding of network security protocols
 NSE4. Apply intrusion detection and prevention systems
 NSE5. Demonstrate an understanding of Mobile and Wireless security

 Network fundamentals
o Ethernet, ARP, DHCP, IP/TCP, DNS, BGP
 Network attacks
o Including physical interception, ARP spoofing and poisoning, DNS poisoning, IP spoofing,
DCHP starvation and rogue server, packet sniffing, DoS/DDoS, Man-in-the-middle, BGP
route hijacking
 Network security protocols
o tunneling, VPNs, TLS, SSH, IPSec
 Anonymity and privacy
o including proxies, onion routing, censorship circumvention
 Intrusion detection and prevention systems
o stateless and stateful firewalls, and traffic filtering
o intrusion analysis and detection
o network monitoring (including Netflow)
o Honeypots
 Mobile and Wireless security
o Wireless cracking, and Rogue wireless access point
o Wireless security
o Mobile security
Department of Informatics
100% written examination (2 hours).
Reassessment: 100% Written examination

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