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Banking –

1) Wrong charges on credit card –

My name is jagan and my account number is 12345. I noticed some discrepancies on my

most recent statement from you. I have enclosed a copy of the statement and circled the
error so that you can see what I mean.

Specially, there are charges here for purchases I never made, including restaurant charges
on 04/05/2010. I don’t know what could account for this problem. It may be that
someone else has been using my credit card number. If this is the case, I will have to
cancel my account with you and start a new one, with a new number. In the meantime,
however, please let me know what can be done about these incorrect charges. Obviously,
they need to be removed from my account.

I hope to hear from you soon. Let me know, if you need any more information.

2) Poor service from bank tellers –

I have been a customer of ICICI bank since 2005, and have usually found your customer
service to be very satisfactory. However, I have noticed a certain decline in the past
weeks. The last time I was in your bank, I waited in the line for an inordinate amount of
time, due to the slowness of tellers/insufficient number of tellers on duty.

When I was finally helped, my teller, madhu, after two hours as a customer of your bank,
I would very much regret having to move my accounts elsewhere. But if your level of
customer service does not return to its former high standard, that is exactly what I will be
forced to do.

3) Error on bank statement -

I have a savings account at your bank, account number 12345. On the most recent
statement I received, I noticed a few errors in math- all in the bank’s favor. I have
enclosed a copy of the statement, and have circled the errors

I find this very disturbing, because it makes me wonder if a trend of inaccuracy- or

perhaps even dishonesty- is prevalent at your bank. Perhaps you think that an individual
with a small total balance won’t notice if someone skims pennies off their account? If so,
you are mistaken. I expect not only to have the discrepancy re-credited to my account,
but to also receive a written apology and a promise of no further ‘mistakes’ on my
4) Requesting record of account activity -

I would like to request a full record of the activity on my account for the past six months.
My account number is 12345. Because I use this account card so often, I often have
charges carry over from one month to the next. I have kept most of my monthly
statements, but I find in going through my files that some are missing, and I therefore can
not trace some of the charges on the card.

The current total due on my most recent statement seems a bit excessive. But if I could
see a full record of all the card activity over the last six months, I might be able to
account for the apparent discrepancies. Please send this as soon as possible, I will not pay
off the full amount due to you until I have verified that all charges are accurate.

5) ATM deposit never credited –

Last week I deposited a check in the amount of rupees ten thousand through your
automated teller machine. Even allowing for the normal amount of time it takes for a
check to clear, that desposit should have shown up on my current statement. It did not. I
am enclosed a copy of the receipt I received form the ATM at the time of transaction.

I hope that the omission of this deposit from my recent statement is merely a simple
oversight, and that the full amount will be credited to my account immediately. If there is
any problem, I should know about it. please let me know as soon as possible.

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