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Boys Group

Northwest Middle School

Reading School District

Course Description: Students in Boys Group will learn about the historical injustices that have
played a part in shaping the poverty within their community, as well as the social factors/barriers
which persist in their present lives. With that knowledge as their inspiration, they will embark on
a multi-week path towards self-discovery, empowerment, and eventual community service.
Students will participate in restorative circles, peer mediation training, project-based learning,
and critical and intimate conversations on myriad topics. Topics include machismo/dangerous
masculinity, racial/gender/socioeconomic oppression, mock interviews/job prep, future-self
exploration, social media pressures, misogyny/sexism, and many others relevant to young
males today.
(adapted from Miss Chamberlain’s original The Academy Syllabus)

Instructor: Mr. Durham & Miss Chamberlain

Core Texts:
The Imagine Project by Diane Maroney
Future Self Journaling by Dr. Nicole LePara
The Restorative Practices Handbook by Bob Costello, Joshua Wachtel and Ted Wachtel


Week 1: A Brief History of Class, Racial, and Gender Oppression

1. Data on School Suspensions and the School-to-Prison Pipeline

2. The Role of Socioeconomic Class in Education & Perceptions of RSD
3. History of Gender Oppression
4. History of Racial Oppression

Week 2 or 3: Leadership

1. Leaders vs. Followers & Male Role Models

- Showing emotion as a man in America
- “Toughen up”
2. What makes a good leader
3. Setting Personal Boundaries & Intentions
4. School Leadership Service Project, Brainstorm (w/ Mrs. Stine?) / or Larger Community
5. School Leadership Service Project, (w/ Mrs. Stine?) / or Larger Community Activity?
Week 2 or 3: The Future Self

1. Future Self and Gender Expectations

2. Future Self: What Do I Want?
3. Future Self: What Is Stopping Me?
4. Barriers to Self-Confidence & Future Self; What Can We Do?
5. Mock Job Interview Prep.

Week 4: Restorative Practices

1. Restorative vs. Punitive Discipline

2. Basic Principles of Restorative Practice
3. Prevention of the School to Prison Pipeline
4. Peer-Mediation Training (w/ Mrs. Frederick)

Week 5: Sympathy vs. Empathy

1. Sympathy vs. Empathy (w/ Mrs. Frederick)

2. Barriers to Empathy
3. “Boys Being Boys” -- What 7th Grade Girls Say About Boys at Northwest
4. “Boys Being Boys” -- How Can We Educate the Younger Generations / Younger Students at

Week 6: The Imagine Project (if time allows)

1. The Imagine Project (Reading)

2. The Imagine Project (Writing)
3. Imagine Poems Presentations
4. Graduation Luncheon & Ceremony

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