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The Sexual Framing of

Male-Female Interactions
by Captain Jack!
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My Story and How to Be Your !
Own Dating Guru!
Dear Friend,
Even though we’ve never met I know a few things about you.
I know you aren’t satisfied with the area of your life
called, “Dating.”
I also know you’re a man of action, and you’ve decided to
do something about it. Which brings you to guys like me.
I first started this journey in late 2004. I had just
gotten a divorce. I was overweight. I had two young
daughters and had been decimated when the economy tanked
after 9/11.
I was thrust into a world I knew almost nothing about. I
met my first wife at 20 years old and got married a couple
years later.
I had never really dated. I only had a girlfriend for a few
months in high school and then never had one until I met
the girl I eventually got married to.
Not exactly success, huh?
But, I came across the dating community. Here were guys who
were DOING something about it. I devoured everything I
could. I went out, scared as shit, and failed HORRIBLY.
Many times I went home having done nothing other than stand
at the bar or club all night talking to no one but the
bartender and feeling so outside of it all. A few times on
the verge of tears out of frustration.
I pressed on and on. Putting in several hours a night when
I wasn’t scrambling to find work to pay my bills.
Successes started trickling in. A phone number here, a date
After more researching online I kept hearing about this guy
named Mystery. I could tell something was different. He had

a structure, a system, a Method. It looked and sounded
amazing. Almost magical, and I wanted the Magic! So I took
a bootcamp and learned directly from him.
I wanted the Magic and I got it! But, it didn’t come
without a lot of hard work. Taking the bootcamp was just
the beginning. I worked on myself like a madman! I studied
every major system out there. I posted for feedback. I
posted for ideas.
I reconstructed my Game Plan from the Ground Up nearly
every 3-4 months.
I created “Sticking Point Analysis” to help me bust through
places where I got stuck. (It’s modeled after Eli
Goldratt’s System described in his book, “The Goal.”)
While I love Mystery’s work I began noticing certain things
that no one else seemed to notice. I tested them out and
discovered that many of the core assumptions I previously
held were wrong. Over time I developed my own ideas,
theories and tactics. I began to see the world differently.
I got good. I mean real good. Better than I ever dreamed or
imagined I could.
In short, I became my own Pick-up Guru!
Now, I teach and coach in addition to having fun in my
private life.
While I do make money at it, I do it mainly to help other
guys. Those rare men who, rather than whining, have taken
action and decided to do something about their
My goal for you: is that YOU become your own Guru. I’ll
help you every step of the way but YOU’VE got to do the
I’ve made it as simple and fun as possible. Make it an
~ Captain Jack ~

P.S. For those of you who want to work through this guide
with my help I have a special 4 week coaching program to
help you. Here’s how it works, you do the ‘missions’ in
this book and after each one you send a full writeup to me
with any comments or questions. I’ll look it over and give
you feedback that will speed your progress. Send an email
to with subject line
“mission eCoaching” for more info.

What Others Have Said About Captain Jack!
“Captain Jack's ability to engineer same night pulls is actually a
little frightening.” – Future

“CaptainJack is the best PUA who isn't already a guru. And

better than every instructor I've ever seen from RSD, Juggler,
PU101 etc.” – Sinn

“Watching Captain Jack work is incredible. He's just this really

laid back, normal guy, and then he talks to a girl, and then he's
making out with her, and then they're heading off to his place,
arm in arm. And then you think to yourself "how the hell did he
just do that!?"” – Tenmagnet

“All but Captain Jack” by Steve Mayeda (aka El Topo)
So Bar XXXXX it is. We head on over and it looks good right
Man! Hot Girls Crazy! Totally packed! There were more hot
girls than people at the three Bars we were at before.
I walk around and see Kino Master. Then I see Captain Jack.
Tribulus sees a bunch of other people that I don’t know.
And like most all the other guys they are standing in a corner.
All but Captain Jack.
What a motherfucker man (I say this in the Miles Davis
phrasing of ‘motherfucker’).
He is fucking good. He was an instructor at my Boot Camp in
Scottsdale and pulled twice when he was there.

Tribulus is not around so I follow the other PUAs. We stand in a
corner waiting for Captain Jack.
It feels great hanging out against a wall with a bunch of guys
acting cool. Let me tell you.
Captain Jack comes up says something to me and then like a
fucking pro opens an HB9 (note: that stands for hot girl with a
rating of 9 out of 10). I have got to tell you, I really don’t get it.
I watched the whole thing.
CJ Saw the woman at the bar, walked up next to her. Looked
her way slightly, looked away and opened. I have no idea what
he said, but she opened right away.
Kino (physical touching) right away.
He says something else and has her locked in. Her boyfriend
come over and summons her. She acknowledges him and then
turns back to CJ.
More kino, more kino and then the BF pulls her away
physically. The club kicks us out. Captain Jack is still inside.
All the PUAs and I wait for him. No one including myself open
anything, and there is still stuff around us.
After about 15mins CJ comes out with a girl. Tribulus finds me
and says for us to go. I leave the other PUA wallflowers as the
watch CJ in the midst.
On the way back Tribulus tells me not to fall into the trap of
becoming a wallflower. He’s right, it is one thing to watch
someone who’s really good, but it is another to follow him
around and take notes that will never see the light of day.

We talk about how good Captain Jack is. Tribulus says, ‘He’s
doing the same stuff that we do, he just does it right.’ But
man, it doesn’t look like it.
I now realize that my minuscule success of number closes and
dates are nothing. Yeah, I can open a set, get attraction, get
comfort, but I got a long way to go.
I have a new goal.
I have got to get as good as Captain Jack. I have got to work at
this thing.
- El Topo


This book will show you how to meet and attract a beautiful
woman much faster than you ever thought possible.
Using the ideas, theories, tactics and strategies I’ve been able
to take MANY women home from bars and clubs the very same
night I met them. I’ve done it with a startling amount of speed
and consistency.
It was FUN for a few years but now I believe the best chance
you have for happiness and fulfillment is in a relationship with
a beautiful woman of high quality.
I thought having all that sex would make me feel better but it
actually didn’t have that much effect on my overall happiness. I
derive a lot more satisfaction from focusing on one beautiful,
high-quality woman.
I think serial monogamy provides the best opportunities for
both your and her long-term happiness and health.
That is my opinion after having had non-committed sex with
several hundred women and often having 4-5 simultaneous
However, the WAY I get a girlfriend now is basically the same
way I would initiate a purely sexual relationship. The primary
difference is in the AMOUNT of qualification I do beforehand
(you’ll learn more about that later) and how much sexual
tension I build before having sex. (Now I usually wait until I am
SURE I want her as a girlfriend first).
How you live your life is up to you. You can use this to do like I
did and have lots of sex with lots of women if you want. I
suggest serial monogamy though. The pleasure derived from it

is far superior. And, if the relationships breaks down for any
reason, just dust this guide off and find another one!
~ Captain Jack ~

Workability is the Measure!
The next sentence you read might be the most important in
the entire book.

The most important thing regarding the theories and ideas in

this book is not whether or not they are true... it is whether or
not they actually work!

Workability is the real measure of this guide. Who cares if it is

true if it doesn’t work? And, who cares whether or not it is true
if it gets the desired result?

And, everything in this has been proven to work again and

again in every situation imaginable, in dozens of countries on
earth by guys of all ages, shapes, sizes and skills.

They all laud the amazing workability. Remember that as you

read this. The most important thing is not whether you agree
with the theory or WHY I say something works, but that it does

The Big Lie!

If you are not enjoying the success with women you desire
there are really only a few things wrong.

They are all fixable.

But, before I list them out and show how we are going to solve
them I want to tell you the real, core reason you are not
experience the results you want.

It is this: You have bought into a huge lie. I’m not saying there
is some government agency promoting this lie and shoving it
down everyone’s throats. I really have no idea where it came
from, why it is here or why it still persists.

I’ve proven it to be untrue. So have all of my students. But,

once you understand it and convince yourself, no PROVE to

yourself, that it is a big lie you will benefit from the inequity in
the dating scene it has created.

This lie is actually what will make it possible for you to have
outrageous and unheard of success because it obliterates your
competition by keeping them out of the Game entirely. Or,
causing them to do such stupid things that they rarely or never

What is the lie?

It manifests itself in various forms, here are a few examples:

• Women are not as sexual as men.

• A quality woman would not sleep with a guy on the first date
(or 2nd or 3rd or whatever).

• A woman wants to get to know the guy first, go on dates, get

romanced, etc.

• It takes a lot to turn a woman on.

You find it in a common double-standard as well: If a woman

has sex on a first date she is a slut. But, if a man has sex on
the first date he is a stud.

All of this above stuff is untrue. Women enjoy sex and want
sex just as much as men do. Forget all the idiot psychologists
who say otherwise.

The big lie is that sexual urges exist independently as part of

body processes. That is not true. When someone gets turned
on, feels horny or feels attraction there has ALWAYS been
some recent stimulus whether external (in their environment)
or an internal copy of an external stimulus now stored in the

In addition to that, some people have made the decision to

experience turn-on at certain intervals because they enjoy the
kinesthetic feelings. Even this requires a mental action. It’s

simple enough. When they made that decision they also said
“recall stored images/ideas/concepts of this type” and the
mind provides them. This causes the stimulus and the person
gets turned on. It might APPEAR spontaneous but even that is
due to their early decision to periodically experience the
mental stimulus.

There really is only one difference in sex drive between men

and women. Men ARE more likely to get turned on by sight and
women are more likely to get turned on by a man’s behaviors,
primarily communication behaviors.

If men DO have more sexual thoughts than women it is only

because there are more visual stimuli in the average man’s
environment than male behavioral stimuli in the woman’s

When I use the term sexual I am talking about the feelings you
experience as a result of the opposite sex. I am not only
referring to sexual turn-on. If a woman makes you feel more
“manly” that is part of the “sexual” I am talking about. It has to
do with your sexual nature as a male (or hers as a female).

Not understanding the “big lie” and the “only one difference”
has caused men so much trouble.

But, now, you should know that her sex drive can be
stimulated by an outside source and it is stimulated by male
behaviors, primarily communication behaviors.

More on that later. But, first. this is from an article I wrote to

readers of my “pick-up artist” blog, called Captain Jack’s
Grande Adventures. It is one of the widest read and most
popular dating blogs on the internet.

The blog served as the home of my written record of my

research into all aspects of dating. I’d go out and document
exactly what I said or did each night at bars and clubs all
across the United States but mainly in my hometown.

I’d post new theories, ideas, experiments on the blog and get
feedback. I’d share what worked and what didn’t. I’d even
publish nearly word for word reports of my outings so other
guys could dissect and learn from them.

Here’s an article introducing one of my big breakthroughs. As I

said in my “Disclaimer” I no longer have sex just for sex like I
did then, instead preferring to get a long-term girlfriend in a
monogamous relationship BUT I STILL do the things I’m
teaching here -- I just delay sex and add a few things on to
make her my girlfriend.

Here’s the article:

Romance = Male-Female Sexual Tension

Posted January 12, 2009

Women are starving.

I’m sitting in the bookstore right now and the Cafe points
directly to the Sex, Relationships and Romance Novel section.
There is an absolute STREAM of women going over there.
Those sections are NEVER empty.


Women are literally starving for the male-female sexual

dynamic. Now, that’s not the word they use for it.

They call it ‘Romance.’

But, most men cringe and think of Romance as flowers,

expensive candlelight dinners, chocolates and kissing her ass.

It’s not that at all! And, women know that. Have you ever READ
a romance novel? They are filled with sexual tension, secret
sex liaisons, forbidden pleasures. I made my way through half
of one and I swear nearly every character had sex with every
other character by the midway point. I stopped reading.. I got

Romance = male-female sexual tension.

Not that other shit we’ve been trained to think. Romance can
occur anywhere.

A bookstore, a sidewalk, an expensive restaurant, wherever.

It’s not the environment, it’s the tension. If you make her feel
feminine and sexy, she’ll WANT to have sex with you.

And, there’s no better way to create that male-female sexual

tension than with Sexual Framing.

Mastering Sexual Framing will give you the absolute power to

have sex pretty much whenever you want it.

(It has NOTHING to do with dirty talk or being a creepy horny

guy. It’s MUCH MUCH MORE than Strawberry Fields or Rings on
Fingers, too. (Note: Those are conversation routines I use when
talking to a woman.)

Not only can you have a life filled with sex, you could easily
use it to get a girlfriend. Or, have a few girlfriends at a time. If
you were really perverted you could use it to create a Harem of
chicks who basically act as personal assistants. (That’s right,
they’ll run your errands and shit and ENJOY IT! Strange, I know
but I’ve done it and so have countless others.)

And, you can have these types of relationships without lying or

drama. See, YOU set the rules by your frames. The problem is
when you go around Gaming you have no friggin’ clue what
Frames you are setting.

Even worse, you have no idea of the Frames SHE is setting and
you are unwittingly AGREEING to.

Shit man, you could even use it to get married.. and, then,
keep the marriage alive and spicy for years to come.

Sexual Framing and understanding the female psychology of

sex really decomplicates things. Do you feel meeting women is
hard or draining or complicated or takes too much time?

Sexual Framing makes it easy.

Once you get it you will look so smooth people will watch you
and swear you’ve been good with women all your life.

No one understands it better than I do and I can TEACH you

how to apply it every day no matter where you are or what
you’re doing.

Shit, you can even apply it to business. About a month ago, I

got 6 experts in the spiritual self-help field to hand me 4
detailed lessons for a new membership program for FREE
because I understood their values and framed it so that if they
DID NOT do it for me they’d be violating their values.

And, the women? Well, they will be so relieved, so glad, so

HAPPY that they’ve met a guy who REALLY GETS IT they will do
pretty much anything you want.

So, what exactly IS this Sexual Framing I’m talking about? In

it’s essence it is using your words to convey to her several
things which make a sexual relationship much, much more

The Big Lie makes it more powerful because she has

SUPPRESSED her sexuality because she’s been told it is bad.
This suppression requires her to put off sex, to set up a bunch
of rules around it and to make sure NO one views her as a slut.

All of this gets in her way of having a good relationship and in

YOUR way of initiating it.

Therefore, we must remove the suppression, validate her sex

drive, let her know we approve of it and let her know we think
SHE is sexy.

The easiest way I’ve found to do each of those is in this book.

I’ve created word-for-word “scripts” for conveying them inside
of a normal conversation.

There is no hypnosis involved (gross!). Nothing about it is
activating “secret” parts of her mind that make her
unconscious and have uncontrollable sex urges. That is not
only gross and unethical, it is wholly unnecessary and is not
even the best way to do it.

It is not dirty talk, although AFTER you get your conversation in

a Sexual Frame then she often WILL dirty talk and be open to it
from you after all. You’ve already demonstrated to her that
you’re not judgmental.

It is a very simple, straightforward and fun way to get both her

mind and body’s sexuality unleashed from its societal
suppression and aimed squarely at YOU, the one who has
helped her liberate it!

As I mentioned earlier, this guide will show you exactly what I

say, why I say it, why I think it works and gives several
examples of how I’ve used it in real life to get the girl.

You’ll understand them so you can have a conversation and

say similar things in the same way to get similar results.

Further, I’ll show you how to get into a normal conversation so

you get a chance to actually bring them up to the woman so
they have the intended effect on her.

But, before we do all that, would you like to read actual reports
which detail my adventures where I used it successfully?

Here are three. Don’t get too caught up in the “Routines” that I
talk about. We’ll go into more detail on that later. In these
reports I use their names so I don’t have to type out what they
are. Most of the people I wrote these for on private forums
already knew what the routines were. Instead, focus on the
overall flow and structure of the interactions.

Here are three reports for you to read.

Lay Report: Too Smooth


Last night I meet PlayerT and his hottie at the venue.

Eye spy a 3 set (2 girls, 1 guy). As I'm walking over another guy
pulls up behind my Target. Hmmm. Now, I'm 3 steps away and
it has become a 4 set.

My mind is calculating body language information with each

step...she's NOT into the all. So, he gets totally
ignored. I walk around him and open them as a 3set. The girl
I’m targeting (my Target) backturns the dude.

He looks at his other friends across the aisle like "what the

When dealing with the group you have 3 basic options.

1) Ignore them and game the girl. Cockblock city UNLESS the
girl wants you so bad that she vetoes her entire group. This
does happen but it is low probability and a hard way to work.

2) Neutralize them and wait for the opportunity to game her.

This is higher probability than #1 and actually takes LESS
energy (in the long run) than #1.

3) Win the group and have them GIVE her to you. This is the
highest probability and is the most fun, too. It requires A LOT
of focus and experience. It is the highest probability of all 3.

But, being the lazy fucker that I am, I opened with #2 to gauge
the group cohesion. After about 1 minute she was shining so I
switched to #1. They BACKED AWAY from us when her
attraction skyrocketed. Had they stood their ground or even
chimed in, I would've moved back into #2 or #3 depending on
their actions.

I pulled her over to PlayerT and his hottie and intro'ed.

I ran my routine called “Strawberry fields.” She starts biting her
lower lip. Playing with her hair. Squirming in her chair.

I take her to the quiet side and sliiiiide into that sweeeet
Comfort Rhythm with her. She is giving me those dreamy looks
and probably thinking I'm her prince.

I'm giving her those dreamy looks (but I'm really micro-
calibrating and methodically building in "justification hooks"
for her feelings so when she looks back on our little piece of
time together she has REASONS to justify those emotions.)

I'm also wondering what she looks like naked.

Her friend calls and then comes over. It is time for them to
leave. Awwww, just another hour under my spell and she
would've surrendered totally to me.

We give each other one of those long lingering hugs and I do a

routine called “Almost Kiss.” She submits, but I'm a tease
bypassing her lips and gently caressing her neck with my lips.

She gives me a longing, lingering look as she is walking away.

I saw HBWhiteShirt earlier and she gave me a quick hug. Again,
she was standoffish and said, "I'm going to get a drink" and

After gaming the HB (code for Hot Babe) above I found her
again. This time I was determined to solve the riddle.

I found out that she felt weird because apparently that was her
first Same-Night-Lay with a guy so she was freaking out when
she saw me and "didn't know how to act around" me.

I think if I could've talked to her mon, tues before seeing her

that wed. it would have been OK when we saw each other.

I patched things up quickly, got the CORRECT number from her

and was in again. I took her to her place and did naughty,
unspeakable acts with her.

"I approach every woman as a potential mistress." -- Aristotle

Part 2:

I meet up with PlayerT and PlayerJ at the venue. PlayerT is with

his usual HB10 and PlayerJ is all over her friend (who I passed
on a couple weeks ago – about a 6).

Naturally I’m feeling that I should have a honey fawning all

over me.

I scan the room...not much here as it is Sunday night but

definitely some talent to work with...HBWhiteShirt (see LR: Zen
of No-Game etc, etc) just came in but I’ve already had her
about 3 times now so she’ll be a last resort.

I notice a group turn towards me out of my peripheral vision,

slowly scanning that direction I notice the girl from Part 1.

I had texted her once before but never set anything up because
she was working. Then, I had my daughters for 10 days in a
row preventing me from going out for any Day2s (a second
date after you meet a girl).

It is a 4 set, 2 guys, her and her friend. Hmm...The guy

obviously likes her...she seems mildly interested in him but
she is giving me AIs (Approach Invitations - keeping and
holding eye contact encouraging you to come talk to them).

I decide it is time to pass by. She waves, I smile and head right
past her to the bar. I turn back around. I re-open her directly
(why not, have talked with her before, number closed and she
is giving AIs).

The guy leaves after 30 seconds never to be seen again.

Having already been in comfort with her I did little more than
be a funny, entertaining guy with heavy doses of kino
(physically touching that has sexual overtones).

This girl REMEMBERED the entire previous meeting. She recited
almost every single conversation topic.

I was amazed.

CJ: “Wow! You have an amazing memory.”

HBJLoBooty: “I have a selective memory...I only remember
things that impress me.

CJ: * smiling * “Oh yeah?”

HB: “Yeah, you made quite an impression.”

rd th
I kiss closed her in the bar after her 3 or 4 blatant IOI
(Indicator of Interest) AND when she stared up at me with lips
half open and eyes surrendering to me...

I interspersed our time together with trips back to the table

where PlayerA and PlayerJ were sitting, leaving her in order to
fractionate and make her wonder a bit if I’d be back.

I walked her out to her car and we started making out near the
back bumper. Here’s where my improved social awareness
skills are turning would-be objections into lays.

HBJLoBooty: “Where are you parked?”

CJ: “Over there. Take me home, I’ll have a friend of mine bring
me back to my car in the morning.”

She starts going “mmmmm” as if she’s hesitating and about to

voice an objection. In the past, I would’ve just stood there and
waited for her to say something.

Not now.

I let go of her and walked to the passenger side and hopped in.
She stood back there for a second like “WTF?” and then came in
the car and started driving.

Ha ha...

Got her to my place, got her comfortable and escalated to full

~ Captain Jack ~

End of Lay Report: Too Smooth

Sorry for all the jargon! If you ever see a word or phrase you
don’t quite understand please jump to the glossary
immediately so you know what is going on.

If you read closely you can see all of the major phases of a
successful pick-up. There’s FINDING her, approaching her,
meeting her, getting her attracted, getting her sexually
attracted and getting her to agree to go with me back home.

But, almost ALL of the first part of the interactions were

structured so I could do two things: Strawberry Fields and
Almost Kiss. Those two routines unleash that suppressed
sexual desire and get her to attach them to YOU. Notice how
she thoroughly remembered our meeting even thought it was
from weeks ago?

That’s how powerful this stuff is.

Here’s another one.

LR: CaptainJack Shows Catholic Schoolgirl De-Light

March, 2006

Get to the venue about 10:20 and there is a HUGE friggin' line
and I'm pissed because I like to start early.

Dan W. and Jason show up and we wait forever to get inside. I

think we rolled in about 11:15 or so.

Dan and I are heading to the bar because after all that waiting
and getting rained on, I need a shot of patron. (Note: I do not
recommend drinking, especially for beginners as you’ll need all
of your brainpower to focus.)

The place is packed and filled with hot girls. Sweet.

As soon as Dan and I hit the bar a girl comes over and starts
grabbing my scarf and kinoing me hardcore. I'm a bit taken
aback because it happened so fast.

HBTeacher: blah, blah, blah, love your scarf thingy, blah, blah

CJ: Cool. I like it too

HB: Oh, I'm sorry.

CJ: For?

HB: You look scared or something. I don't mean to get you in

trouble with your girlfriend.

CJ: Girlfriend? ** Geez, I need some Patron, quick ** Naw, I'm

just scared of drunk girls with beer bottles on St. Patrick's day.
That's pretty scary. You never know what they are gonna do.

HB: ** shocked look and then smiles ** I just talk to whoever I

want...blah, blah, blah

CJ: Yeah, that's the way it should be.

I turn back around and Dan hands me the shot and I tell him
that he has to finish his beer before I finish my shot but I'll give
him a head start. We laugh. Cheer our drinks and then I blast it

Ok, time to run proper game on HBTeacher. I see her looking

for her friends and walk back up to her.

HB: I'm looking for my friends.

CJ: Your friends? They are having fun. Let's go outside.

I start her outside and it takes FOREVER to get out there.

On the way, a few other chicks touch my scarf. This is the
value of wearing some unique, interesting clothing item that
no other guy will be wearing, gives you more opportunities.

One guys says some shit. He appears to be about 7 feet tall.

Bald with a goatee. I immediately think of that song "Jump
Around" by "House of Pain."

GoateeGuy: This is a pussy tail!

CJ: What? ** making them repeat always takes a bit of mustard
off of their bullying attempt **

GoateeGuy: The scarf, that's a pussy tail.

CJ: Cool man. ** As I continue dragging the girl towards the
outside patio. **

Captain Jack does not need an Irish ass-whipping...especially

not when the night starts off so good.

I get the HB outside and lock-in against the wall. (Note: “lock-
in” means you get somewhere and get settled in a way that
makes it appear that the girl is leaning into you and interested.
When other girls in the bar/club see it they view you more as
an attractive male because a girl has shown attraction to you).

She immediately goes into qualifying herself. (That means she

is telling me how great she is, haa. This is an attempt to show
she’s “qualified” for my level of attractiveness. How’s THAT for
turning the tables?)

Turns out she is a teacher - has been single for a few months

CJ: A teacher? oh, god!

HB: What?

CJ: Every teacher I've met has been soooo bad!

HB: Well, yeah! We have to be good all week around the
children so when the weekend comes...

CJ: It would never work out between us...

HB: Why? Why? ** putting her hand on my chest **

CJ: You'd always be trying to steal my attention...I'd be trying
to steal your attention... HB: ** laughs ** blah blah blah

I run strawberry fields.

After the interpretation she says, "That is SOOOOO True!

Omigod! How did you know all that!"

HBTeacher: "I have to have sex like 3 times a day!"

CJ: "3 times! I'd be worn out. You'd kill me! My back, my

HBTeacher: "No. No. Once in the morning...once when I get
home...or just twice that night."

CJ: "Oh, I see. So you just space it out. Cool. We can do that."
** ha ha, I'm fucking sneaky. **

I run the Question Game Routine.

Craziest place she's had sex...the beach.

My favorite place to have sex...swimming pool.

HBTeacher: Nooooo. It makes the girl raw.

CJ: "That's not my problem." ** she laughs **

HBTeacher: "Where do you like to take girls to hang out."

CJ: "Straight to my place."

HBTeacher: "No for real. Where would you take me."

CJ: "Straight to my place."

HBTeacher: "ha ha, I'm not that easy..." blah blah blah

Now, I keep thinking, "Ok dude, time for the kiss close" but she
just keeps yapping and I get sidetrack like 3 times.

Finally, we decide to look for her friends. SHE number closes

me and makes sure I call her to make sure I got the number
right. Which is interesting. I've noticed NOW that when I don't
go for the number close and they bring it up, they'll often
make me call them so they can store my number. This has
happened a lot lately but never used to happen.

I talk to the other PUAs for awhile and then we decide to get
some more gaming done.

Another chick looks at my kick-ass scarf that I bought for $5

at Wal-greens and opens me with a negative comment...

HBIrish: "What ever you were thinking when you bought shouldn't have."

CJ: I laugh..."You're a good girl, trying to act bad."

She looks shocked and then recovers.

HBIrish: "No, it's the other way around. I'm Irish, we're all bad."
CJ: "Cool. I've heard irish girls have bad tempers...."

HBIrish: blah, blah, blah

I move on because I'm not interested.

I'm talking to Dan W. and I point out a 3-set with two cute
brunettes. One is about an HB8...the other LOOKED like an HB8
from a distance but when I got close she turned out to be a 7.

I tell Dan W. what the situation is about how the HB7 is sort of
feeling left out...and it's a good opportunity to go over there.
About that time I notice that best opportunity open up so I roll

CJ: “Do you guys think David Bowie is hot?”

HBCatholic: "Who's that?"

From there I move her outside patio. We vibe a bit and she tells
me she's Catholic and I tell her that all Catholic girls are bad.
That every Catholic girl I've known has loved bondage and
kinky stuff. She AGREES!

Chat with her...make her sit in my lap...get the Kino going very

I notice Matt and Dallas Shaguar and wave them over and we
chat for a bit in front of HB.

I take her back inside and sit down in a booth with her. I start
the Question game. Gets sexual really quick.

** Mystery's Kiss Close Routine **

CJ: "You want to kiss me, don't you."

HBCatholic: "No."

CJ: "Oh, I didn't say you could. You just looked like you had
something on your mind."

HB: * laughs *

I start talking about something else and we chat for another

few minutes. Dan W. walks by and says, "Her friend is looking
for her." I nod. She is talking on the phone to said friend.

Her friend mentions getting something to eat and she has a

guy with her. So, it is 4 of us now.

When I get up from the table, I am surrounded by people.

Matt, Dan W., two of Matt's friends and one of Matt's FB's (I
think). I am getting introduced and people are talking to me
about my archives (a collection of reports like these on the
internet) and so forth and I'm trying to pay attention and meet
people while simultaneously making sure the Bounce goes
through. (A bounce is a move from one location to another, in
this case, from the club to IHOP).

We head to IHOP.

I consider switching Targets. Her friend is better looking and

more bubbly. My girl is being kind of cold for some reason.
(Note: I actually had a date and make-out session with her
friend a few weeks later.)

They go to the bathroom and when they come out something
has changed. She is a little more snuggly to me.

She drops her friend and the guy off at their car. I do the
hooka speech. She says it sounds really cool. I tell her..."Let's
go now. I have one at my place."

HBCatholic: "Ok!"

We leave my car in the parking lot and come out here.

She was awesome in bed, except she kept on saying stuff like,
"Spank me daddy! Harder daddy!!! I've been a baaaaaad girl!"
Kind of on the edge for me. The last thing I want to think
about during sex is family members.

Afterwards she told me that she masturbated TWICE before

going out that night. TWICE! And, that she didn't think she was
going to come during sex because of that. She also told me
that her friend was on a mission to get laid that night.

Then, she asked me if I had any toys.

~ Captain Jack ~

End of LR: CaptainJack Shows Catholic Schoolgirl De-

Light March, 2006

You’ll notice that this was a girl that I met THAT night. And,
she was a very, very pretty girl.

You should see many similarities between this one and the
previous one, even though the previous one took place in two
meetings and this one took place in only one.

The “routines” I used sexualized the conversation without it

seeming weird or resulting to outright dirty talk which is
unlikely to work. Remember, it has to take place as part of a
CONVERSATION. Dirty talk is one way. But, when I tell her that
a choice she has made reflects that she has a high sex drive

then that is different, see that? It is a shared experience and it
is about HER.

LR: Sinn Has Only 4 Lays This Month

Posted at January 11, 2007

(NOTE: Sinn was my wing man at the time and we would travel
the country to different cities and teach guys how to interact
with women. We would have friendly competitions about how
many women we had sex with up to that point. I was using the
title of this report to taunt him in a way as part of that
competition ha.)

I’m on Bootcamp in Scottsdale. The venue we roll to doesn’t

have many sets. I’m getting irritated because I want to open. I
help a few students out and give them as much feedback as I

I finally open a set around midnight. It’s a semi-cute girl with

braces. I open her because she has one of those bodies you
can just punish.

Two Part Kiss Routine hooks. (This means that it gets her
interested so she is also invested in the conversation. It is not
just me yapping away. She is contributing.)

She turns to face me. I lock in. I start teasing her about her

It’s really on so I decide to parade her through the venue. (This

is simply putting the girl on your arm and walking around the
place so OTHER people see you do it.)

It turns out she is their with her mother and aunt. Her aunt is
eating some 26 year olds face. I tell her that I have 2 condoms
in my wallet and we should drop them off with them.

I move her around and get locked in against a rail. Strawberry

fields. Jealous ex deletes my numbers. She then moves into

Comfort with me by asking me what I do, where I live etc. She
tells me she has a 6 year old son. I run First Child Brings Surge
of Ambition Routine.

I try to kiss but she rejects. Hmmm, this is weird. It’s

EXTREMELY ON. I’m thinking it’s cause her mom is there.

I move her again to build social proof.

I open another cute girl (a little chubby). Two part kiss Hooks.
We’re in attraction. I tell her it will never work out between us. I
run jealous ex deleted my numbers routine. She tells me her BF
just broke up with her a day or two ago.

I change the subject to something I can’t remember. Her two

friends come in and I have them introduce me to her. She likes
me but I’m trying to trade up. I saw her later trying to catch
eye contact but I was in set.

I had one or two other sets: one of the girls ignored me, the
other opened really well was really hot and started dancing on
me but I had already decided to open this Brunette with
awesome long hair, a thin body and nice boobs. It’s about 1:20
or so..

Two part Kiss Routine.

Trust Test. Spin. Lock in.

It’ll never work out between us.

CJ: How’d you get here?

HBHolland: I drove everybody. I’m the designated driver.

CJ: That sucks. I’m within walking distance so I can drink as

much as I want!

HBHolland: I wanna drink too!

CJ: Hotels have alcohol.

HBHolland smiles real big.

I run Rings on Fingers Routine.

I picked her up and put her on the bar. This drove her
attraction levels through the roof.

Jealous Ex Deleted My Numbers. Hookah TB.

Strawberry Fields Routine. (She said 100! strawberries.)

It’s really on. I get her number and figure I’ll try to get her to
meet up with me later.

Closing time at the bar.

Sinn has texted me that he just closed his 4th for the month so
my 5 lays are by no means safe. We’ve been shit talking on a
level commensurate with a Boxing match. I know I have to step
up. It is making us work hard. It is making me concentrate. It’s

At 2:35 am I text her “Hi sexy lady”

She texts back about 3:05 “where you at?”

I tell her I’m eating but going back to the hotel. She texts
something about being happy I talked to her. I text back
“mmmm... I wanna see you”

She agrees to come and get me. She gets there and we start
making out by the pool. We get to the hotel room. I try to pull
her into the shower but Sinn is in the bed with one of his
peepers open so he can get a look at her.

She laughs and says we need to let him sleep and to come to
her place.

We leave and drive back to her place. On the drive:

“First Child Brings Surge of Ambition”

I start dirty talking her. She’s loving it.

We get to her place and I discover that she has lingerie under
her outfit. Nice fake boobs. Sex twice. Sleep. Sex in the
morning, too.

On the way back to the hotel in the morning I debrief her. She
tells me that I was so dominant and interesting that she got
extremely turned on because most guys are too soft and weak.

~ Captain Jack ~

End of LR: Sinn Has Only 4 Lays This Month

Are you noticing a pattern? All of these have the same basic
structure and the most important and effective parts of the
interactions are standardized routines that I’ve designed (or
borrowed from others) that create specific effects. They are
designed to let her know this is a sexual interaction and it’s
This guide will teach you that structure and how to construct
those ‘sexual framing’ routines. (Or, you can simply adapt
mine for your use).

How to Use This Guide!
You’ll get the absolute BEST results by actually going out and
trying this stuff. Don’t worry about the results at first. The first
thing is to just get out of the house and be social. There are
“missions” in here for you to go out and do. They will train you
in the skills you need to get good at meeting and attracting
women so you can get the girlfriend or wife of your dreams. In
addition, they will help you to internalize the ideas and
This is not a book to simply read. It consists of missions. If you
only read the book you will not improve your love life. If you
read it and do the missions, some of them over and over again,
you WILL experience a tremendous increase in your love life.
No one who has applied a fair amount of action can say they
have not improved a great deal.
By the time you go through all of the missions in this book you
should be a man who can go into any social situation and take
your best possible shot to initiate a male-female sexual
relationship. Basically, that means you can make her into your
girlfriend or even your wife, if that’s what you want.
That does NOT mean you will have to wait for sex. I’ve found
that if done properly sex is the easy part. Most of my best
girlfriends came from women who I met and had sex with that
very night.
I don’t necessarily recommend this any more. But, it was part
of my learning and growth process to get extremely good at
starting sexual relationships in as short a time as possible.
Now that you’ve seen an overview, let’s get down to the nitty-

What Makes Sexual Framing Possible:!
Understanding the Core Basic Behind All Male-Female!
Sexual Dynamic Interactions!
Now  that  you’ve  got  some  of  the  background  and  seen  examples  of  how  
successful  interactions  have  gone  down.  There  is  only  one  good  place  to  
begin  a  study  of  the  male-­‐female  sexual  dynamic  and  that  is  at  the  very  
There  are  doubtless  a  few  reading  this  who  could  go  out  right  now  and  
getting  a  girlfriend.  Many  could  do  so  easily.  Others  feel  they  have  no  
clue  and  their  results  conKirm  it.  Others  could  rattle  off  theory  and  ideas  
from  the  world’s  greatest  pick-­‐up  artists  like  experts,  yet  fail  miserably  
in  real  life.  Still  others  are  so  in  apathy  they  do  not  even  try.    
No  matter  the  skill  level,  there  is  something  each  one  of  us  lacks,  
otherwise  we  wouldn’t  be  studying,  researching  or  looking  for  answers.  
So,  for  maximum  results,  we  are  going  to  begin  at  the  very  beginning  of  
the  subject  and  master  each  point  as  it  comes  up,  just  as  if  we  knew  
nothing  at  all  about  it  right  now.  In  that  way  we  shall  be  sure  not  to  skip  
the  one  thing  or  the  Kifty  things  that  each  of  us  needs  which  would  
unnecessarily  limit  us  and  make  things  harder  and  more  inefKicient  than  
I  will  warn  you:  At  times  the  thoroughness  with  which  I  spell  things  out  
may  seems  excessive,  perhaps  even  exhausting  or  annoying.  There  is  a  
reason  behind  it.  As  I  said  earlier,  skipping  one  simple  thing  can  cause  a  
weakness  that  seriously  inhibits  results.  We  are  going  to  be  thorough  
because  I  want  you  to  get  the  best  results  possible.  
We  will  begin  as  far  down  the  ladder  as  how  a  man  goes  about  Kinding  
suitable  women,  as  in  where  they  are.  For  anyone  looking  to  make  a  
thorough  and  quality  selection  it  is  a  task  that  must  be  handled  before  
much  else  can  be  done.  And,  then  we  shall  go  all  the  way  down  to  the  
case  of  a  man  who  wants  to  attract  a  beautiful  woman  who  is  so  used  to  
getting  hit  on  that,  when  she  goes  out  in  public,  she  surrounds  herself  
with  male  and  female  friends  who  serve  as  barriers  to  any  would-­‐be  
We  will  see  what  he  must  do  for  any  case  he  could  come  across:  The  case  
of  the  lone  girl  in  the  coffee  shop.  The  case  of  a  girl  walking  through  a  
store  who  seems  too  busy  to  interrupt.  The  case  of  two  girls  out  at  night  
in  a  bar  or  club  who  seem  to  have  vowed  to  ignore  anyone  but  each  
other.  The  case  of  a  woman  who  is  holding  out  for  some  other  guy  who  
does  not  seem  to  know  she  exists.  We  will  tackle,  dismantle  and  SOLVE  
every  possible  case  or  variation  you  can  imagine.  
In  order  to  do  this  we  will  examine  all  of  the  factors  point  by  point.  We  
will  DISCARD  what  does  not  have  an  effect  on  the  outcome  and  
RUTHLESSLY  ignore  it  as  if  it  does  not  even  exist.  We  will  go  clear  from  
Kinding  where  they  are  to  making  them  AWARE  of  you,  to  making  them  
INTRIGUED  by  you,  to  making  them  feel  SEXUAL  INTEREST  in  your  
maleness,  to  unleashing  their  pent-­‐up  SEXUAL  DEMAND  and  focusing  it  
squarely  on  you,  to  getting  her  full  and  100%  conscious  AGREEMENT  to  
begin  a  sexual  relationship  with  you.    
This  will  cover  how  to  make  an  initial  approach,  what  to  say  Kirst,  how  to  
keep  the  conversation  going,  how  to  handle  others  in  her  group,  how  to  
get  her  intrigued,  how  to  get  her  to  consider  you  as  a  potential  lover  and  
how  to  move  things  to  a  physical  level.  
By  taking  one  point  at  a  time  as  it  comes  up  in  the  natural  order  of  
things,  beginning  with  the  simplest  and  most  obvious,  each  successive  
point  will  be  equally  simple  and  obvious.  In  the  same  way,  by  executing  
my  designed  missions,  noticing  the  results,  understanding  what  
happened  and  debugging  it,  each  successive  experiment  will  yield  an  
increase  in  your  ability  to  attract  the  woman  you  desire.  
Now  then,  starting  at  the  beginning,  since  we  are  talking  about  how  to  
start  a  sexual  relationship  (as  opposed  to  gaining  a  friend),  let’s  ask,  
“What  is  the  bare  absolute  minimum  required  for  a  sexual  relationship?”  
You  need  a  female.  But,  not  any  female  it  has  to  be  one  YOU  want,  right?  
Further,  she  has  to  be  available,  true?  (I  don’t  recommend  trying  to  get  a  
woman  who  is  engaged  or  married.)  What  else?  Hmm…  How  about  
agreement?  She  must  agree  to  it.  Then,  there’s  you.  Obviously  you  can’t  
initiate  a  sexual  relationship  without  being  present.  So,  we’ll  add  that  
you  two  must  be  in  the  same  location  at  the  same  time.    

So  a  bare  minimum  is:  One  Male,  One  Female,  Same  Time,  Same  
Location,  Agreement  to  Have  Sexual  Relationship.  
Simple  enough,  right?    
Ah,  but  I  hear  you!  It’s  NOT  that  simple!  “I  can’t  just  go  up  to  any  
beautiful  woman  I  want  and  say,  ‘Hey,  let’s  go  to  a  location  and  have  
Ok,  you’re  right.  That  would  be  an  extremely  low-­‐probability  move.  But,  
remember  what  we  want  to  do  is  build  this  from  the  ground  up  and  stick  
to  the  basics  without  unnecessarily  complicating  things  or  adding  in  a  
bunch  of  arbitrary  rules  which  take  us  no  closer  to  the  ultimate  goal.    
So,  where  does  it  all  hang  up?  It  all  hinges  on  that  one  word:  Agree.  And,  
lucky  for  you  we’ve  got  an  extremely  powerful  ally  in  helping  us  to  get  
her  to  Agree  to  that  sexual  relationship.  It  is  her  suppressed  sexual  
nature.  I  will  show  you  exactly,  precisely  how  to  un-­‐suppress  it,  let  it  out  
and  get  the  pent-­‐up  demand  aimed  directly  and  squarely  at  YOU.        
The  rest  of  this  book  will  show  you  how  to  make  a  beeline  right  to  
Agreement  by  unleashing  her  sexual  nature.  Once  you  have  that,  
everything  else  is  very,  very  simple.  
How You Get Agreement!
In  every  communication  interchange  there  is  some  level  of  agreement.  
This  level  of  shared  agreement  dictates  the  future  options  for  the  course  
of  the  interchange.  I  can  say,  “The  cat  is  ugly”  and  you  can  say,  “No,  it  is  
cute.”  On  that  point,  we  do  not  have  agreement.  If  you  then  said,  “Let’s  
take  it  home.”  I  would  not  be  very  likely  to  agree  to  that  statement.  After  
all,  who  wants  an  ugly  cat?  If  you  wanted  me  to  agree  you  would  have  to  
Sind  some  way  to  get  me  to  agree  that  we  should  bring  the  “ugly”  cat  
home.  You  might  appeal  to  my  love  of  animals  by  saying  that  an  “ugly”  
cat  is  less  likely  to  Sind  a  home  and  therefore  may  get  put  to  sleep.  You  
may  try  several  different  appeals  to  gain  agreement.    
Understand  that  communication  is  used  to  secure  agreement.  And,  
communication  is  accomplished  by  your  words  (and  a  few  other  things  
we’ll  get  to  later.)  

What  you  say  matters.  Take  this  example  from  legendary  writer,  Gary  
Halbert.  He  would  have  students  in  his  seminars  write  two  letters  to  
their  mothers.  I  would  like  you  to  do  the  same.  Don’t  worry  if  you  don’t  
have  a  stamp  or  an  envelope  right  now,  just  grab  two  sheets  of  paper  
and  write  down  each  letter  and  get  ready  to  send  them.  
The  Sirst  letter  you  write  should  go  something  like  this:  
Dear Mom,

I’m very busy right now and I don’t have time to

call so that’s why I’m writing you this letter. You
know, mom, not only are you responsible for my very
existence, you are also the nourishment that has
made my life sparkle.

I’m under a lot of stress right now and for some

reason, I started thinking about you. It has
occurred to me that maybe I haven’t let you know
recently how much I appreciate you and how much I
love you.

I especially like remembering you and remembering

all of those times you took care of me when I was
too little to take care of myself. Anyway, I’m
going to make it a point to see you just as soon as
I can and then you sign love, and your name.

Wouldn’t  your  mother  just  love  that?  What  effect  do  you  think  it  would  
have  on  her?  I  bet  she’d  cry.  
But,  now  write  something  like  this:  
Dear Mom:

If I weren’t such a long way from home, I probably

wouldn’t have the guts to tell you this but the

following has been true ever since I was born. You
have made my life a living hell.

Every person I know has a mother that is superior

to you in every positive way imaginable. You are
nothing more than a wrinkled up old bitch and as
far as I’m concerned, the biggest waste of skin God
ever created.

Speaking of God, as the good Lord knows, you’re

certainly not too mentally swift either. So just in
case your low IQ keeps you from understanding what
I’m trying to say, let me make it perfectly clear.

Eat Shit and Die.

Please don’t call or write me. I have no

inclination whatsoever to communicate with you ever
again. Reluctantly your son or daughter,

P.S. dad sucks too.

I  bet  that  one  would  make  her  cry,  too.  But,  it’d  a  totally  different  kind  of  
crying,  wouldn’t  it?  The  letters  are  roughly  the  same  size.  They  are  from  
the  same  person  (you,  her  son)  and  to  the  same  person  (your  mother).  
Yet,  the  effect  on  her  could  not  be  any  different.  It  is  the  meaning  behind  
the  words  which  create  the  effect.  
In  addition  to  WHAT  you  say,  there’s  also  HOW  you  say  it.  I  can  say,  “I  
hate  you.”  in  several  different  ways  to  create  different  effects  in  you.  I  
can  say  it  with  a  playful  tonality.  I  can  say  it  in  a  way  that  seethes  with  
anger.  I  can  say  it  in  a  jealous  way.  The  words  are  the  same  but  the  
tonality  changes  the  meaning  and  thus  the  effect  it  creates.  
What  you  said  earlier  matters  to  what  you  are  saying  now  because  it  can  
modify  the  meaning  and  effect.  Compare  these  two  sentences:  

Sentence  1:  “All  the  other  girls  in  my  phone  are  not  responding  to  my  
voluminous  voicemails  and  text  messages,  let’s  hang  out.”  
Sentence  2:  “I  had  a  blast  talking  to  you  the  other  night,  at  Sirst  I  thought  
you  were  a  real  dork  but  you  proved  me  wrong,  let’s  hang  out.”  
The  Sinal  phrase  is  “let’s  hang  out”  but  what  you’ve  said  before  that  is  
night  and  day.  In  one  you  are  saying  she  is  your  LAST  option.  In  the  
second,  you  are  saying  you  enjoy  being  around  her.  Big  difference.    
In  addition  to  all  of  the  above,  WHO  is  saying  something  matters.  
Imagine  modifying  the  two  letters  to  your  mother  so  they  did  not  come  
from  you.  Imagine  they  came  from  some  random  person  in  China.  What  
impact?  Very  little.  Probably  just  confusion  and  bewilderment  before  
getting  tossed  in  the  trash.    
One  Sinal  thing:  Who  else  hears  what  is  said  often  makes  a  difference.  
Consider  the  emotional  impact  differences  the  following  compliment  
like  “You  are  extremely  sexy”  to  a  woman  would  if  also  heard  by:  
1. Her  Dad  
2. Her  Best  Girlfriend  
3. A  stranger  
4. Her  boyfriend  
5. Her  ex-­‐boyfriend  she  no  longer  liked  
6. No  on  else  
Isn’t  it  safe  to  say  she  would  have  different  reactions  and  feelings  about  
the  compliment  depending  on  who  else  heard  it?  Doesn’t  it  also  makes  
sense  that  her  RESPONSE  back  to  you  would  be  possibly  modiSied  by  
who  was  there?    
I’ve  said  it  to  a  woman  and  had  her  sink  into  me  and  begin  making  out  
with  me.  Other  times  it  has  seemed  to  cause  almost  no  discernible  
To  most  effectively  gain  agreement  you  need  to  realize  that  what  you  say  
matters,  how  you  say  it  matters,  what  you’ve  said  earlier  in  the  
interchange  matters,  who  says  it  matters  and  who  else  hears  it  matters.  
Given  that  all  that  is  extremely  important  you  do  NOT  leave  it  all  to  luck  
and  chance!  If  you  ever  want  to  get  real  good  at  meeting  and  then  dating  
beautiful  women  you  should  know  what  to  say,  how  to  say  it,  when  to  
say  it  and  who  to  BE  while  you’re  saying  it.  Further,  you  should  know  
what  is  ok  to  say  in  front  of  others  and  when  you  should  get  her  alone  
That  means...  you  are  going  to  need  a  script  of  sorts.  Imagine  you  walk  
out  of  your  hotel  to  grab  a  taxi  to  go  somewhere.  Right  there  on  the  
corner,  also  hailing  a  cab,  is  the  most  beautiful  woman  you’ve  ever  seen.  
Hair  Slowing,  slender  Sigure,  perfect  skin,  big  doe  eyes,  perfect  lips.  You  
see  the  taxi  coming  towards  her  and  you’ve  got  mere  seconds  to  snag  
her  attention.  What  would  you  say?    
I  know  EXACTLY  and  precisely  what  I’d  say  to  stop  her,  to  hold  her  there  
long  enough  to  hear  me  out,  to  get  her  commitment  to  talk  to  me  later.  I  
don’t  have  it  down  verbatim  necessarily  but  I  would  say  much  the  same  
thing  every  time.    
Do  not  think  it  is  a  good  idea  or  somehow  romantic  to  leave  something  
this  important  to  chance.  You  will  miss  out.  Instead,  prepared,  practiced  
and  polished  guys  like  me  will  be  spending  our  nights  enjoying  the  girls  
YOU  wish  you  had.  
Basic Structure: The Game Plan
As you saw in my my reports these interactions follow the
same basic structure. I am going to reveal that structure and
show you how having a set Game Plan which includes Routines
will help you get the girl.
First, you have to FIND the women. And, since you are just
learning you want to find LOTS of them.
Well, think of it this way. If you wanted to get good at Golf but
you only went out and hit one ball a day, how good do you
think you’d get?

In fact, would you ever have ANY hope in getting good? No.
Because you are not getting enough practice and the results
you are getting are not happening in a small enough frame of
time for you to notice the patterns you need to in order to
increase your situational and social awareness.
The easiest way to get lots of practice is to go where there are
lots of available, single women all in one place.
That almost always means bars and nightclubs. I hate them. I
despise them. At times they’ve been fun but for the most part I
don’t like them. I don’t like alcohol. I don’t like smoke. I don’t
like loud music. I cannot dance, either.
But, at a bar or club, I can talk to 20 women in one night if the
place is packed.
So, we are going to say you should plan on spending 2-3
hours per night at a bar or club with enough women in it so
you can talk to 8 to 15 groups.
The more the better. Especially at first. Once you get good you
can meet women anywhere you want. Until then, you’ve got to
practice and that means talking to a volume of women.
Then, you are going to need to know what to say first to
“Open” the group for a conversation.
From there you’ll need enough material to talk to the group
with until you can find an opening to playfully TEASE the girl
you want.
Once she starts showing some interest and engagement you’ll
then need material to hold a conversation, turn it into a male-
female sexual dynamic, melt her heart so she feels strong
emotions about you and then close for a future date.
I don’t want you to get overwhelmed. This is actually simple
once you know what to do. However, it DOES require practice.
Lots of practice.
In your game plan you’ll have the following routines which
correspond to the structure of meeting and attracting a
Step 1: Find A Woman You Are Attracted To
Step 2: Open the group she is in with a standard opener
Step 3: Tease her
Step 4: Start a conversational Theme
Step 5: Tease her again
Step 6: Continue the theme or start a new one
Step 6a: Ask how they all know each other to make sure she is
not someone’s wife or girlfriend. If she is available, then...
Step 7: Shift your focus to your Target
Step 8: Ask her a Qualifying Question
Step 9: Get into a one-on-one conversation with her by telling
her friends you are going to borrow her for a few minutes.
Step 10: Sexualize the Conversation (Sexual Framing of Male-
Female Interactions!)
Step 11: Run a HeartMelter to get her feeling a connection to
Step 12: Sexualize more.
Step 13: Do a TimeBridge (that means set up a date for later
that week right then and there... DO NOT just get her number
and have to call her to set up later).
Step 14: Talk to her more about anything at all for a few
minutes before taking her back to her friends.
Now, it’s time for a mission. Ideally, you’d go and execute this
mission BEFORE reading the rest of this guide. That’s how I feel
you’ll get the best results.
I must stress that the ONLY way to get good at this is to
actually go out and do it. Reading will accomplish little for you!

Mission #1: The Newbie Mission with

Standard Openers
Back in 1998, Mystery started posting on a newsgroup called He hoped to find men who were actually out
meeting women who he could swap notes with so he could get
better. His ultimate hope was that he could find some guy who
was MUCH better than him so he could learn from him.
He soon crashed head on into the reality that not only was he
the best in the group, most guys hardly even TALKED to
To combat this he created what he called, “The Newbie
Mission” and invited everyone to do it. Most of the guys didn’t.
They wanted more information, more ideas, more theories or
they wanted to beat ONE approach to death by constantly
analyzing it.
Opening a group up for conversation is a skill and any skill
requires practice.
I want you to go out and approach 50 groups in one week. The
purpose here is to get you used to opening a group, delivering
a routine and gracefully exiting.
That’s it. Pick a group with a woman you think you might be
interested in. You look at them, start talking, continue talking
and when you’re done, you exit. Do NOT drink. Not even an
If you are scared, that’s ok. Whatever. So you’re scared. Ok. So
what? Do it anyway. They have no idea how scared you are. Just
go and do it.

For this, you’ll need a standard opener. I’ll give you two. One is
better for groups who are all female. The other is for groups
that have one or more males in it. Those two will be all you
Opener 1: David Bowie (all female group)
You: Do you guys think David Bowie is hot? (Or instead of hot
you can say attractive)
Girls: Yes/No/Who?
You: My niece, she’s in her late teens, is infatuated with him.
Has a huge poster on her wall. It’s a mystery to me.
Girls: Blah, blah, blah.
You: Ok, nice talking to you guys.
And, then you’re off to do it again! Don’t complicate this... it is
simple. Just go do it, ok? Don’t over think it. Don’t worry about
what they’ll say. None of it matters. This is about YOU getting
better at a skill... the SKILL of starting a conversation and
running a routine. That’s it.
Opener 2: Malibu Black Snuck Up on Me (mixed set)
You: Any of you like Malibu rum?
Group: blah, blah, blah.
You: I was on a date and this girl kept ordering them for us
and I was like “Ok, this has no alcohol I can have a few of
these.” Plus they were really good so I just kept drinking. Shit,
was I wrong! All the sudden I could hardly focus my eyes! I
found out later from the waitress it was Malibu Black -- that’s
double the alcohol as regular Malibu. Stay way from that stuff.
Group: blah, blah, blah.
You: Ok, nice talking to you guys.
And, you’re done. Now, don’t worry about these not being
true. You can make up something similar that is true if you
want, just don’t stray too far. I’m not advocating lying. You DO
NOT need to lie to get a girlfriend or a date. But, you aren’t
trying to do that now. Right now you are merely practicing a
skill and that’s the skill of opening, not getting a girlfriend. In
the future, when you are really trying to get a girlfriend you
will know enough to create your own “routines” taken from
your real life experiences.
After each night you go out I want you to write down what
happened. I want you to write down as much of the
conversation as you can. I want you to write down what you
observed and put a date on it. The reason you’re doing this is
to help your recall AND to keep things in your awareness so
you can begin to notice patterns. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!
Please, please, please do it.
Tease Her Mercilessly!

There  is  a  difference  between  incredibly  beautiful  women,  pretty  
women  and  average  women.  (I’m  assuming  you  do  not  want  an  ugly  
woman,  ha).    
The  difference  is  in  how  men  react  to  them.  The  incredibly  beautiful  
woman  truly  experiences  a  different  life.  No  one  holds  her  accountable.  
Everyone  (especially  men)  kiss  her  ass.  She  gets  opportunities  to  go  to  
exotic  places,  see  bands,  etc,  etc,  etc  all  for  free.    
That  is  why  you  CANNOT  treat  her  like  she’s  special.  Everyone  does.  So  
you  should  tease  her.  Mercilessly.  But,  remember  that  part  of  this  guide  
where  I  said  WHO  says  something  makes  a  difference  to  its  effect?  You  
do?  Great!  
We’re  now  going  to  make  sure  we  are  taking  that  account  because  it  
probably  isn’t  going  to  go  over  very  well  if  a  Stranger  just  walks  up  and  
teases  her.    
So,  you’re  going  to  tease  her  only  after  you’ve  got  her  group  interested  in  
you.  That  will  happen  somewhere  after  you’ve  gotten  through  your  
opener.  Not  real  long...  maybe  a  minute  or  two  after  you’ve  opened.    
This  makes  you  different.  Every  other  guy  who  has  gone  over  there  will  
kiss  her  ass.  “You’re  so  pretty.”  blah,  blah,  blah  or  just  be  boring  (Where  
do  you  work,  what  do  you  do,  where  were  you  born,  boring,  boring,  
Let  me  make  a  point:  This  is  part  of  an  attitude  that  you  are  not  going  to  
take  her  crap.  Everyone  does.  She  has  a  love/hate  relationship  with  that.  
She  often  thinks  people  are  not  trustworthy  because  of  this.  She  feels  
like  she’s  not  getting  real  feedback  and  so  can’t  improve.  You  will  be  a  
breath  of  fresh  air.  
But,  I  must  reiterate...  It  is  not  necessary  or  in  any  way  useful  to  be  mean  
about  it.  This  is  a  playful  “not  going  to  take  your  bs  little  girl”  attitude.  If  
you’ve  ever  seen  Harrison  Ford  in  Raiders  of  The  Lost  Ark  movies  
imagine  how  he’d  do  it  but  with  a  little  more  playfulness.  
So,  for  the  next  mission  you’ll  need  several  teases  and  several  
conversational  themes.  You  will  open  like  you  did  before  but  this  time  
you  will  focus  on  TEASING  your  TARGET  once  or  twice  and  getting  into  a  
conversational  THEME  before  ending  the  conversation.    
So,  let’s  do  it.  50  more  groups  on  this  mission.  
Mission #2: Teases and Themes
I LOVE teasing girls! They get so funny. A lot of times they’ll
start acting like little spoiled kids. So hilarious.
Here are a few of my teases:

I say one of these after she says something, no matter what it
is. Make sure you SMILE when you say it, too. And, don’t let it
become the subject of the conversation. You want to move on
right after that.
CJ: Ok, who brought their little sister to the bar?
CJ: Is she always like this? You can dress her up but you just
can’t take her anywhere. (Mystery used this in front of me on a
bootcamp and the girl who had previously seemed annoyed by
his presence was suddenly incredibly attracted to him. I’ve
used it hundreds of times since then and had the same
CJ: “Umm, Note to self – DON’T date this girl” and laugh and
smile REAL BIG because this can be taken harshly.
The key as I said above is to say it playfully while smiling real
big and then MOVE ON.
Now, what are you going to move onto? One of your favorite
conversational themes.
Mine are: places in the city I like to go to and why, traveling all
over the world, adventures I am going to do in the future or
have done (Scuba, spear fishing, boating), UFOs and ghosts -
are they real?)
I could talk about any of those for quite a while. So, for this
mission you want to open, tease, get into a conversation with
the group about one of your themes.
You might not tease during the opening conversation, you
might get into a theme first.
Either way, make sure you get in a tease before you exit the
group. Of course, don’t make the tease the LAST thing you do.

That’d look weird. Stick around another few minutes
discussing your theme before gracefully exiting.
It WILL help you to write down your own themes and then for
each one write down 5-7 statements about it you think people
will find interesting.
There you have it. Fifty sets over the next week!
Mission #3: Qualify Her and

Secure a Future Date
By now, you should feel like you are pretty good at opening
and getting into a conversation. If you don’t feel that way then
I suggest doing “mission #2” over again. Remember, you are
gaining a SKILL. It is silly to move onto a higher skill when you
do not feel comfortable in a lower-level, foundational skill.
Remember earlier when I said that really beautiful women get
treated differently? How they’re always getting their ass kissed?
In most men’s eyes they are qualified to be their sexual partner
just because they are beautiful. That should not be true for
you. She should have MORE than just her good looks going for
You want to make that clear to her. That will also set you apart
from all other desperate men who are constantly kissing her
You do this with a Qualification Statement.
But, you’d only do this after first checking if she’s married or
there with her boyfriend. It’s the polite thing to do and will
save you lots of trouble. So, before this you want to ask, “How
do you guys know each other?”

If it turns out she is not with her boyfriend or husband THEN
you can move into Qualifying her with one of the statements
below, or one you make up.
(You’d use only ONE of these examples).
CJ: You’re cute. What else do you have going for you besides
your looks? (a variation of Mystery’s more complex and lengthy
CJ: What do you want to be when you grow up? And, don’t say
CJ: What do you do in life when you’re not out at bars hitting
on ridiculously semi-handsome guys? (gesturing to myself)
Don’t take what she says too seriously. In fact, many women
will lock up. They’ve probably NEVER been asked this before.
If she can’t say anything or kind of locks up just say something
like, “That’s ok. I have a good intuition about people. I think
you have substance.”
At this point, if you haven’t already invited her to an area away
from her friends do so. Remember, the principle we covered
earlier that said WHO else around could hear the conversation
modifies it’s effects? You don’t want her worrying about what
her friends are going to think/say about what you’ve said or
what she said. So, either right before or right after
Qualification you should try to get her away from her friends
for a bit. How?
CJ: “You seem interesting. Let’s go over there and chat for a
If she says yes, then look at her friends and say, “I’m going to
borrow your friend for a few minutes. We’ll be right over there
if you need us.”

If she says no, don’t get flustered. She might not be ready yet.
Fine, it’s ok. At this point, qualify her if you haven’t already...
or, if you have then tease her a lot more as you discuss one of
your themes.
After you ask her the Qualification question, if she does
happen to say something interesting then reward her on it.
Woman: “Well, I’m really nice!”
CJ: “That’s great! If more people were nice Earth would be a
better place. That’s interesting.”
Woman: “I’m a good kisser!”
CJ: “Hm... Ok, let’s find out!”
(That has actually happened MORE than once. You can also be
a little more suspenseful and say, “We’ll see. Give me another
example.” Then, after she does that you can say, “I’ve been
thinking about the first one too long” then move in for the
Now, you want to go back to or use again one of your themes
for a few more minutes before you do the next thing.
NEVER just get her number. If you get her number all you are
doing is buying an opportunity to chase her into a date. Set it
up then and there while she is experiencing your MAGIC!
You’ll have better chances. Trust me.
What I do is have something setup for later in the week that
most people would be interested in.
CJ: “Hey, my friends and I are going to meet up to Sunday night
to see this new band play at xyz place. You should come
This is called a TimeBridge because you are bridging between
NOW and a future date when you will see her again.
The fact that you are talking about your friends relieves some
pressure of a one-on-one date. Giving her what you will do
makes it more real in her mind. Telling her were does that as
well and saying “you should come along” also relieves the
pressure that it is going to be a long, intimate, one-on-one
date with a lot of pressure.
If she says, “yes” then you trade numbers with her and go back
to a normal conversation for a few minutes. You do NOT want
to end off right when you get her number!
Do Mission #3 on 50 sets! That doesn’t mean you have to
TimeBridge 50 sets.. it means you OPEN and get as far as you
can through the mission for each set.
Mission #4: Sexualize the Conversation

Ok, by now you should’ve gotten a few lovely ladies to talk to
you one-on-one. Further, a few of those should have agreed to
meet you a few days later for a date!
If that’s not the case don’t fret. What we are about to do will
help you. If you were not able to get women to agree to be
with you one-on-one or you are not at all confident you can do
it well then go and redo Mission #3 for another 50 sets.
If so, then, let’s move on... this is the FUN part!
What we want to do is follow Mission #3 all the way until you
get her alone but BEFORE you ask for the TimeBridge you are
going to sexualize things a bit. This WILL IMPROVE the amount
of numbers you get as well as the number of women who
actually show up for the date.
You’ve got her alone. You have qualified her. The conversation
is going well. Now let’s sexualize it.
CJ: “Hmmm... I want to find something out. Have you ever
taken the Strawberry Fields test?”
Girl: “Ummm.. no, what is it?”
Now, you and her stand up if you’re not already standing. You
stand next to her and gesture out in front of you like you’re
pointing out a field.
CJ: “You’re walking around and you come across a strawberry
field. How high is the fence?”
If she has any hesitation at all just say, “Show me with your
hands how high.”
CJ: “Ok, you get over the fence, how many strawberries do you
Girl: 5! (or, whatever number)
CJ: “Oh my god! Five! Wow!” (while shaking your head)
The girl will usually go “what? what? why are you surprised?” or
something like that.
Don’t answer her. Just press on.
CJ: “Ok, what about the farmer?”
No the girl will say something like, “What about him?” or “Did
he see me?” or “Is he good looking?”
CJ: “Wow! First 5 strawberries now this?!”
It doesn’t really matter because the overall interpretation will
always be the same.

CJ: “Ok, here’s the interpretation. The fence has to do with
your goals. You set them high but not so high you can’t reach
them. That’s good.”
CJ: “Now, the strawberries! I still can’t believe this... you said
five.. oh my god... well, that has to do with your sex drive.
Most people say two! And, you said five! You’d have me
handcuffed to the bed I’m sure!”
They will usually laugh or say it’s true or say something like
“for the right person!” or similar.
CJ: “Ok, the farmer. The farmer has to do with society’s rules
and regulations regarding relationships, you said, “What about
him?” that means you do your own thing in that area forget
what society says! That is good.”
That right there accomplishes these things: You’ve
complimented her on your goal setting, you’ve told her she has
an above average sex drive, you’ve told her she doesn’t care
what others think about that and said that is a good thing.
See how that would make her feel MUCH better regarding her
It does. It’s the closest thing to magic I’ve ever seen.
After this go back to normal conversational themes for a few
But, throw in something like this: “You know, I like what you’re
saying but sometimes it’s a little hard to concentrate because I
think your eyes are really sexy.”
I’m serious.

I’ve seen women bite their lips and blush on many occasions
when I’ve said something like this.
Why? Because now WHO is saying it? You, the MAN who has
told her that her sexuality is good, a MAN who is interesting,
who can hold a conversation not only with her but with her
friends and who can make her feel all sorts of GREAT feelings.
But, if you were to go right up to her and say that right after
first meeting her what do you think would happen? She’d blow
you off like any of the other 100 guys who started a
conversation by telling her she was pretty or should be a
model or whatever.
Can you think of others? By the way, you only need to say one
or two of these. I’ve gone as high as three but never much
more than that because it can be too much.
Here are a few that I’ve used:
CJ: “Can you repeat that last sentence, I keep on getting
distracted by your nice lips. I’m going to kiss them at some
Sounds super cheesy doesn’t it?
Well, in the context, it fits right in and it hits them like an atom
bomb! It is building that sexual tension that most men don’t
realize women mean by “Romance.”
After delivering the Strawberry Fields routine and a few
statements like the above THEN go for the TimeBridge.
I bet you get more to say yes and I bet they are more likely to
actually MEET up with you later.
Now, remember that you should stick around for a while after
getting her number before ending it off. That can be as long or

as short as you want so long as it is no shorter than 5 minutes
after getting the TimeBridge.
Mission #5: Deep Connection

By  now  you  should  be  having  some  wonderful  sexually  charged  
interactions  with  the  most  beautiful  women  you’ve  ever  talked  to.    
If  you’ve  found  it  difSicult  then  I  suggest  going  back  to  one  of  the  earlier  
missions  and  putting  in  some  extra  work.  Usually  a  problem  with  a  
mission  is  NOT  in  the  mission  itself.  It  is  usually  that  some  earlier  
mission  was  not  fully  completed  or  the  skill  it  handles  needs  more  
So,  for  this  mission  you  are  going  to  do  just  like  Mission  #4  but  after  
delivering  Strawberry  Fields  (or  a  similar  one  you’ve  created)  you  are  
going  to  deliver  what  I  call  a  “Heart  Melter”  which  is  some  story  from  
your  life  that  will  make  a  girl  go  “awwww.”    
I’ll  post  a  few  of  mine  so  you  get  a  feel  for  them  but  I  don’t  recommend  
them...  You  should  make  your  own  but  you  can  use  these  to  see  how  they  
are  structured.  
CJ:  “When  I  was  younger  I  wanted  to  be  an  astronaut.  My  dad  thought  it  
was  cool.  Any  time  we’d  go  to  meet  family  or  friends  he’d  say,  “My  son  is  
going  to  be  an  astronaut.”  He  even  bought  me  this  huge  globe  of  earth  
and  put  it  in  my  room.  I’d  go  to  the  other  side  of  the  room  and  pretend  I  
was  Sloating  in  space  and  the  earth  was  far  away.  But,  then  I  changed  my  
mind  and  I  was  so  afraid  my  dad  was  going  to  be  disappointed.  So  one  
day  I  said,  “Dad  I  need  to  tell  you  something.  Sit  down.”  and  he  looked  at  
me  kind  of  confused.  Finally,  I  broke  it  to  him,  “Dad...  I’ve  decided  I  don’t  
want  to  be  an  astronaut  anymore.”  He  said,  “That’s  Sine,  son.  You  can  be  
whatever  you  want.”  I  was  so  relieved.”  
I’ve  had  women  get  tears  in  their  eyes  on  this  one.  But  the  next  one  I  am  
going  to  tell  you  has  put  quite  a  few  of  them  in  tears.    
$18  For  The  Light  Bill  

CJ:  “You  know  how  you  can  tell  someone  is  talking  about  something  
serious  on  the  phone  by  their  voice  even  if  you  can’t  hear  every  word  -­‐  
just  by  their  tone?  When  I  was  about  7  or  8  or  so  I  heard  my  mom’s  voice  
like  that  while  I  was  playing  in  my  room.  I  got  close  to  my  door  and  
listened.  She  was  worried  about  paying  the  light  bill  she  didn’t  know  
how  she’d  get  the  money.  So,  the  next  day  I  put  a  lot  of  my  toys  in  this  
wagon  and  sold  them  to  other  kids  in  the  neighborhood.  I  took  the  
money  to  my  mom  and  said,  “Hey,  I  heard  you  on  the  phone.  Here’s  $18  
for  the  light  bill.”    
You  see  how  those  would  get  her  all  emotional,  haa?  This  causes  a  huge  
contrast  in  her  mind.  You’re  not  a  horny  guy,  now  you’re  this  complex  
and  REAL  person  with  a  past.    
It  changes  everything.  They  don’t  HAVE  to  be  used  after  the  sexual  
framing  portions.  I’ve  used  them  Sirst  with  the  same  impact.  You  can  see  
for  yourself  if  you  prefer  a  different  order.    
So,  go  out  and  do  another  batch  of  50  and  see  how  that  changes  things!  
Mission #6: Improvement

Ok,  you  should  be  getting  numbers  now  and  dates  as  well.  If  you’re  not  
take  a  look  at  how  closely  you’re  following  the  mission  instructions  and  
redo  them  to  gain  the  associated  skill.    
What  I  want  you  to  do  on  this  mission  is  simply  go  out  and  open  50  sets  
this  time  getting  as  many  numbers  as  you  can.  Try  to  beat  your  previous  
Go  back  through  all  of  your  previous  mission  reports  and  see  if  there’s  
something  you  need  to  work  on  and  think  of  how  you’d  improve  it.  
What To Do On A Date

Ok,  so  now  you  should’ve  gotten  quite  a  few  women  agreeing  to  meet  
you  again.  What  I  like  to  do  is  actually  invite  them  out  BEFORE  that.  I  

will  often  text  them  later  that  night  or  the  next  day  something  simple  
like,  “Great  talking  to  you!  Seven  strawberries  wow!”  
Then,  I’ll  text  or  call  and  invite  them  out.    
When  I  get  them  out  I  keep  it  fairly  low  key  and  romantic.  I  give  her  a  
soft  hug  when  I  see  her.  You  don’t  have  to  spend  money.  Have  a  fairly  
normal  conversation  and  then  compliment  her  on  something  (non-­‐
sexual).  Her  smile.  Her  eyes.  Her  sense  of  humor.  Her  clothing.  Her  hair.  
One  is  plenty.  Too  many  gets  a  bit  uncomfortable.    
Throughout  the  date  you  want  to  increase  the  touching.  Light  at  Sirst.  
Don’t  be  grabby.  Touch  her  arm  or  shoulder  Sirmly  but  not  hard.  Leave  
the  soft  touches  to  wimps.    
If  she’s  responding  well  then  get  closer.  If  you  guys  are  in  a  booth,  have  
her  sit  next  to  you.  Move  out  to  a  patio  or  to  the  bar  so  there’s  not  a  
massive  table  between  you.    
Now,  let  her  know  that  her  beauty  is  having  an  effect  on  you.  Not  “Oh  my  
god!  You  are  so  beautiful!  How  are  you  NOT  a  model  already?”  
Something  simple  like  in  the  earlier  missions.  “You  have  amazing  lips.”  
—  “The  other  night  I  couldn’t  stop  thinking  about  kissing  them.”  Got  it?  
I’m  not  giving  a  list  of  them  because  if  you’ve  picked  the  right  woman  for  
you  there  will  be  PLENTY  that  is  attractive  to  you  that  you  can  
compliment  her  on.  Make  it  sincere.  
If  you  guys  haven’t  kissed  by  now  then  I  suggest  waiting  for  a  pause  and  
saying,  “Wait!  Hold  that  thought.”  and  leaning  over  and  kissing  her  
lightly  for  a  few  seconds  then  ending  it.  You  don’t  want  to  go  on  too  long.  
You  want  to  break  it  off  before  her.  Leave  her  wanting  more.  Her  heart  
will  be  racing  and  that’s  how  you  want  it…  but,  you  do  NOT  want  her  to  
become  too  self-­‐conscious  about  kissing  in  public  and  ending  it.    
No,  you  only  want  her  to  feel  good,  feel  comfortable,  and  feel  like  she’s  
having  an  amazing  effect  on  you.  After  all,  why  did  she  go  through  an  
hour  or  more  of  clothing,  doing  her  hair,  applying  her  make-­‐up  and  
shaving  her  legs?  To  have  an  amazing  effect  on  you.  Make  sure  to  let  her  
know  she  accomplished  it!  

This  is  all  fairly  simple.  It  is  a  skill  and  it  requires  practice.  But,  nothing  
quite  beats  have  a  beautiful  woman  staring  at  you  like  you  are  a  Prince  
and  hoping  she  can  be  your  Princess.  So,  go  get  good  at  it.  

The key to all of this is practice. You have to do the drills (the
missions) to get the skills. Meeting and getting women
interested in you IS A SKILL. And, as you’ve seen you can use
these missions to develop the skill.
Enjoy your new adventures!
~ Captain Jack ~


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