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Bruno David and Julian Tbomas

[Without place] there would be neither in art history). It was introduced, as Tbe Oxford
language, nor action nor being as they have English Dictionary (Simpson and Weiner 1989:
come to consciousness through time. There 628) notes, "as a technícal terrn of painters." The
would be no "where" within which history word "entered the English language ... as a Dutch
could take place. "Where" is never there, a importo And 'landschap,' like its Gerrnanic root,
region over against us, isolated and objective. 'Landschaft,' signified a unit of human occupation,
"Where" is always part of us and we part of indeed a jurisdiction, as much as anything that
it. It mingles with our being, so much so that might be a pleasing object of depiction" (Schama
place and human being are enmeshed, forrn-
1995: 10). The tension between landscape as an
ing a fabric that is particular, concrete and
entity to be viewed like a painting from afar, and
dense. (Joseph Grange 1985: 71)
either analyzed or aestheticized, and landscape
as a context of dwelling or inhabitation is one
... a given place takes on the qualities of its that has haunted landscape studies, and that was
occupants, reflecting these qualities in its own bequeathed to archaeology once it began to be
constitution and description and expressing concerned with the concept, much later on.
them in its occurrence as eventoplaces not "Landscape archaeology" does not have a par-
only are, they bappen (and it is because they ticularly long history. It was perhaps first used by
happen that they lend themselves so well to Mick Aston and Trevor Rowley in the mid-1970s
narration, whether as history or as story).
(Aston and Rowley 1974), but it was only in the
(Edward S. Casey 1996: 27)
mid- to late-1980s that it began to be widely cited
in academic work. This is not to say that archae-
The terrn landscape carne into being in the final ologists have not long employed notions of "land-
years of the 16th century, when the eariy Dutch scape" (see Darvill, this volume). But it is arguable
landscape artists began to paint rural sceneries that during the 1970s and 1980s "landscape" ceased
that incorporated reference to changing conditions to be simply a unit of analysis over and above the
of life (see Cosgrove [1988] for comparable obser- "site" and became instead an object of investigation
vations on Renaissance Venetian art; see Cosgrove in its own right. As a specialized terrn within the
[1998], Daniels and Cosgrove [1988], and Schama archaeological discipline, the word has witnessed
[1995] for masterful discussions of "landscape" a recent efflorescence, and with this a privileged

28 Part I: Historical Perspectives

if somewhat uneasy use. This is because what landscape history. Here, though, the conception
archaeologists have understood to be "landscape of landscape employed was one borrowed from
archaeology" has shifted, so that today it does not another discipline, rather than representing the .~
mean exactly what it used to even 20 years ago.
Nor is it presently employed in quite the same way
emergence of an "archaeology of the landscape.")
We thus have during these early years, and on
by everyone (see below). When "landscape" has both sides of the Atlantic and beyond, a number of
been used by archaeologists, it cannot therefore be influential works all aiming to address past human
assumed a priori to refer to one particular precon- historical landscapes as environmental archaeol- 'C
ceived thing or another. Indeed, even within the ogy. Examples abound, and include john Evans's vi
~u ~
works of individual archaeologists, the term may The Environment 01 Early Man in the British Isles o
shift its connotation according to contexto (1975) and An Introduction to Environmental z•...
We return to a definition of "landscape archae- Archaeology (1978), each of which approached os

ology" toward the end of this chapter. First, how- the topic mainly by looking at the impact that
I ~
,;.., ~
ever, to get a better sense of its nuances and its people had on the land. Karl Butzer's classics, .S
boundaries, we begin by discussing aspects of Environment and Arcbaeology: An Ecological
\\ Õ

its historical emergence, focusing on the post- Approacb to Prehistory (1964) and his subsequent "E
1970s years (for this is when landscape archaeo- Archaeology as Human Ecology (1982), explore >.
the "dynamic interactions between human groups .o 'é
logy began to take its present shape), and discuss
also its various attributes. We direct the reader to or societies and their environrnents" (Butzer 1982: ,.....,

chapters in this volume by Darvill, Patterson, and xi), Many of these books airned to understand ~ ~
McIntosh for histories of landscape archaeology in human-environment relations in terms of the
various parts of the world. economic and/or adaptiue sertlernent-subsistence õ
There is little mention of the term landscape strategies adopted by people in the past, such as ..c::

archaeology in any of the major archaeologi- in Eric Higgs's (1975) Palaeoeconomy and Michael ~
os Ql
cal journals until the mid-1980s (see Table 1.1), jochim's (1976) Hunter-Gatberer Subsistence and <I)
c, li:
as far as we are aware anywhere in the world.' Settlement: A Predictive Model, respectively. During u ~

Indeed, silences are telling. In 1978, the leading the 1970s and into the 1980s, the focus was very C
international journal World Archaeology dedi- much on "economic" (in the United Kingdom) and ~
cated an entire issue of the journal to the theme "adaptive" (in the United States) attitudes toward o
"Iandscape archaeology," but not a single paper the environment.
in that issue ever used the termo Instead, we find With such a focus on relationships between ~
the papers directing their attention to site distri- people and their physical environments carne os
butions in environmental settings (e.g., Hurst and ongoing calls to more accurately and systernatícal- ~ ~
Stager 1978; Marshall 1978; Stjernquist 1978), eco- Iy characterize the way people occupied and used os
nomic strategies and their interregional dynamics places in the past (e.g., Clarke 1968; Foard 1978;

(Irwin 1978), economic determinants of settlement Redman 1975). This meant refinements in field '"
patterns (e.g., Conrad 1978), artifact distributions methodologies and statistical analyses, in particu-
(e.g., Foard 1978; Hirth 1978), environmental lar as they relate to the distribution of archaeologi-
impacts and limitations on agricultural production cal materiais and sites across the landscape. It also '"~ '=
(Marshall 1978), and demographic processes and led to a more detailed understanding of landscape c,
sociQ::9l"ganizationalcomplexity (e.g., Hirth 1978) formation processes (ultirnately to better assess -5
in particular regional settings. human impacts on the environment and environ- <I)
This is not to say that there is anything inher- mental constraints on demographic processes). ::l
ently wrong with the approaches chosen by these These new targets of enquiry were airned at more .S
authors. What these directions do highlight, how- systematically addressing human organization :.
-5 t
ever, is the way landscape archaeology was under- and scheduling in the landscape, and, to achieve
e 6-
stood at that time. The focus was then firmly on these aims, innovative analytical techniques were <I)
human impacts on and interactions with their required. What was aiso necessary was a new spa- os
c, ~
physical surroundings, evidencing disciplinary con- tial scale of approach, one that targeted relatively 'õ
cerns aiso apparent in many contemporary books, small and well-defined regions. The results were <I)
which almost invariably used the language of major developments in survey methodologies (e.g., E
"environmental" or "ecological" archaeology rath- Foard 1978), sirnulation and predictive modeling i
er than "Iandscape" archaeology per se. (A1though (e.g., Sabloff 1981), taphonomy (e.g., Wood and ~
there are exceptions, as in Aston and Rowley's johnson 1978), geoarchaeology (e.g., Hassan 1979; ~
[1974] landmark text, which outlined a field of Neumann 1978), and bioarchaeology and palaeo-
study combining archaeological fieldwork with ecology (e.g., Shawcross 1967a, 1967b). A1though ~ ~
listorical Perspectives

the conception
borrowed from Xv .... o o o N o o o o o o o o o o
representing the .~ E-<

the landscape.") .S'

.•.. oIj
y years, and on ~ tíc<S -o If\
ond, a number of =
1:: o
:lress past human '1: '"
.D o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
mental archaeol- v c<S ~ '"
v" ..:t: ~
.ide john Evans's vi
..:t: ~ ";:l (/)

n tbe Britisb Isles

o ~
J Environmental
hich approached
v xv .... r<) .... o .... o o o
the impact that ~ ~ E-<
Butzer's c1assics, .S o
~ oIj
An Ecological
id his subsequent '"6
u tíc<S -e

I (1982), explore
1:: •...
o .... o .... o o o o o

en human groups 'i: c<S ~ '"

,--.. v
v" ..:t: ~
nts" (Butzer 1982: ~ v:
ed to understand ~
in terms of the
xv .... '<t' o .... o o o
the past, such as •..
u "O
os 1:
li: ~
I'wmy and Michael
r Subsistence and c,
.•.. o oIj
u O Õ '<t'
spectively. During -o'" ..... v~ es -O'"•.. t--
~..c:: ....
ne focus was very c:
= u ~ o .... o o o o o o
•...~O <
.!:l .D
ted Kingdom) and ~•.. c<S ~ '"
..:t: ~
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-~ ~
ionships between Õ
rvironrnents carne os xv .... ....
r and systematical-
.s~ E-<
o r<) o o o o o o o
)ccupied and used v
c, g.
1968; Foard 1978; os oIj
finements in field -o'" ~ tíc<S -o
c:: 1:: •... o-
talyses, in particu- ~ o ....
~ .•.. '"
.D o o o o o o o o o o o
ion of archaeologi- Il)

=vt: c<S

v" ..:t:
e landscape. lt also ..c: ;:s o:
c, u
nding of landscape
Y to better assess .s
ment and environ- -ov
xv r<) .... o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
raphic processes). u
lere aimed at more •.. r-.
rnan organization .sos .~ oIj
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'"... c<S -o'"

1:: •... '"
ai techniques were c,
c, ~ '"
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s. The results were Il)
.D ~
nethodologies (e.g., E;:l
iredíctíve modeling Z o o- o ri) o r-. o o t(\ o
ry (e.g., Wood and
...• '"oo o
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30 Part I: Historical Perspectives Chapter 1: Landscape Archa

each of these specialist developments had deeper put it, these were landscapes "stripped ... of their the many works tha
historical roots (e.g., see the papers in Brothwell cosmological, symbolic and spiritual meaning" that example:
and Higgs [1969]), including multidisciplinary fau- failed to mention religious sites and concepts that
nal and vegetation investigations incorporating were important to the Nunamiut themselves and • in Australia, Cc
pollen, land snail, and beetle remains, the 1960s to "that clearly mediated ecological relationships." It Golson 1971
1970s saw an exciting explosion of ideas generally was "an archaeology of place devoid of meaningful
• in Ireland, Ree
focused on how to better investigate past human- place and of meaningful emplacement, just as it is
environrnental relations at fine-grained geographi- devoid of social experience and salience" (see also • in the United I
cal scales. Many of these developments were Insoll 2004). We retum to these latter notions later 1980
closely associated with an increasing sophístíca- in this chapter. • in the United ~
tion of statistical procedures (e.g., LeBlanc 1973; By focusing on settlement systems rather than
• in central Ame
Simek and Leslie 1983; Spaulding 1976; Wilcock settlement patterns in and for themselves, archaeo-
and Laflin 1974; see reviews by Clark 1982; Clark logical attention in the United States thus quickly • in Africa, Gree
and Stafford 1982). tumed to process rather than location of human Stewart 1989
In this context, both in the United Kingdom behavior in the landscape. This is perhaps best • in ]apan, Hirol
and in the United States there emerged schools of exemplified by Binford's (1980) very influential • in New Zealan
thought that systematically sought to access past differentiation between "collectors" who generally
• in Holland, Ba
spatial patteming of settlements and cultural objects "rnap onto" resources "through residential moves
across landscapes (e.g., in the United Kingdom: and adjustrnents in groups size" (Binford 1980: 10)
Clarke 1977; Hodder and Orton 1976; in the United (producing three kinds of sites in me process: field A contemporary inte
States: Bettinger 1977; King 1978; Mueller 1975), camps, stations, and cacbes): and "Iogistically" United States and SOl
and similar approaches to the archaeological record organized "foragers" who bring back resources ticular benefited hug.
also emerged-not entirely independently-across to base camps on a daily "tlpcounter" basis (and range research (e.g.,
the globe (e.g., Bakels 1978). One key develop- who produce two kinds of s~ along the way: Binford 1981; Brain
ment in the United States was a differentiation by residential base camps and resourcing locations). the ecological scíen.
Winters (1967, cited in Parsons 1972: 132) of the Such differentiation of what are essentially eco- Iy applied to archae
terms settlement pattern (the spatial distribution of nomically (and largely subsistence-) driven mobil- New Zealand, when
sites) and settlement system (the way that people ity strategies aimed to distinguish among various information on the I
organized themselves in the landscape). These forms of organizational altematives in specific ity of shellfish specí.
now-disaggregated concepts quickly took hold environmental settings so as to better model evo- tion rates of those s
throughout much of the English-speaking archaeo- lutionary pathways under changing environmental likely duration of oc
logical world. However, they remained most influ- conditions. Thus, "since systems of adaptation are (Shawcross 1967a)a:
ential in the United States, where the processual energy-capturing systems, the strategies that they cific locations (Shaw
interests of the New Archaeology, as championed employ must bear some relationship to the energy related methods wei
by Lewis Binford in particular, targeted settlement or, more important, the entrophy structure of the to be closely tied 1
systems (incorporating an understanding of settle- environments in which they seek energy" (Binford with settlement-subs
ment pattems) for their ability to inform on an 1980: 13, italics in original); changing environ- modeling, which w.
"archaeology of place" that was reduced largely mental conditions will in this formulation have ated with developrr
to relationships between settlement (places where considerable influence on settlement-subsistence retrieval (for exarnp
people lived and undertook economic activities) systems. izing artifact distribu
and subsistence (things that people ate). Settlernent- In the United Kingdom, however, archaeologi- environrnental detai
s~istence system analyses, such as the influential cal interest took what initially looked like a minor tion distributions (u
and impressive investigations among the Nunamiut tum in a different direction airned more at char- rather than just pote
of Anaktuvuk Pass in Alaska by Binford (e.g., 1978, acterizing the spatial patterning of archaeological local populations) ai
1981), were largely strategies by which to inves- sites and artifacts, an originally potentially insig- Settlement patter
tigate humans responding to biological needs for nificant tum that eventually led to what could be tings were thus an
food and shelter in their particular environmental described as a paradigmatic shift (see below). along with spatial
settings. As Binford (1982: 6) notes, in undertak- The 1970s into the 1980s also saw the rapid variables. Together,
ing an "archaeology of place": "I am interested in development of various multidisciplinary meth- tal and cultural dist
sites, the fixed places in the topography when man odologies, principally geoarchaeological and to better characteriz
[síc) may periodically pause and carry out actions." bioarchaeological, enabling a more detailed char- soning behind settk
But these were "Iong-term repetitive patterns in the acterization of human-environrnental relations pattems. This was
positioning of adaptive systems in geographic space through notions of palaeoecology. Developments both the adaptive th
. . . arising from the interaction between economic along these lines were apparent in many English- in the United States
zonation ... and tactical mobility" (Binford 1982: speaking nations, including the United States, the largely expressed l»
6). As McNiven and colleagues (2006: 14) cogently United Kingdom, and Australia, as is evident by in particular David(
Historical Perspectives Chapter 1: Landscape Archaeology Introduction 31

ripped ... of their the many works that appeared at that time. For school of economic archaeology and its focus on
tual meaning" that example: site catchment analyses. Such a general focus on
and concepts that environrnental perspectives and economic param-
it themselves and • in Australia, Coutts 1970; Mulvaney and eters are well summed up in the 1978 World
I re!ationships." lt Golson 1971 Archaeology issue dedicated to landscape archae-
zoid of meaningful ology, in which Stjernquist (1978: 261) conc1udes
• in lreland, Reeves-Smyth and Hamond 1983 that a "c1early noticeable trend is the concentra-
ement, just as it is
salience" (see also • in the United Kingdom, Higgs 1975; Pryor t~' n on ecological archaeology studying man's
latter notions later 1980 [ 'c] role in and adaptation to his [sic] environment
• in the United States, Butzer 1982 o r time;" lrwin (1978: 306) writes of "technol-
rstems rather than ogy, economy and environment," and Foard 0978:
• in central America, Hirth et a!. 1989
emselves, archaeo- 372)' conc1udes with a call for a "total archaeol-
itates thus quickly • in Africa, Greenwood and Todd 1976; ogy" that is concerned with understanding human
ocation of human Stewart 1989 behavior in the environment, necessitating a mul-
.s is perhaps best • in )apan, Hiroko 1986 tidisciplinary approach to settlement-subsistence
» very influential • in New Zealand, Shawcross 1967a systems. ln essence, like Michael Reed's 0990: xii)
rrs" who generally in Tbe Landscape of Britain, the general under-
• in Holland, Bakels 1978 standing during those early years of landscape
residential moves
(Binford 1980: 10) archaeology was that "the theme of the landscape
n the process:jield , A contemporary interest on taphonomic studies by historian is the evolution of that external world in
and "logístícally" United States and South African practitioners in par- which men and women have carried on the every-
Lg back resources ticular benefited huge!y from a new focus on middle day business of their lives from the remotest peri-
ounter" basis (and range research (e.g., Behrensmeyer and Hill 1980; ods of prehistory down to the present" and the
es along the way: Binford 1981; BrainT98l.).~ajor deve!opments in settlement-subsistence history of human societies
ourcíng locations). the ecological sciences bega~be systematical- in those environmental contexts.
re essentially eco- Iy applied to archaeological problems, such as in It is during this period of focus on past human-
ice-) driven mobil- New Zealand, when Wilfred Shawcross combined environmental relations that field surveying strat-
ish among various information on the local environmental productiv- egies began to change from site-based to "off-site"
iatives in specific ity of shellfish species with archaeological deposi- (or "non-site" or "site!ess") surveys (e.g., Dunnell
better mode! evo- tion rates of those same species to determine the and Dancey 1983; Foley 1981), with a greater
~ng environmental likely duration of occupation at specific campsites emphasis on probability sampling (of both "site"
s of adaptation are (Shawcross 1967a) and the carrying capacity of spe- and "off-site" surveys) (e.g., Cowgill1975), because
strategíes that they cific locations (Shawcross 1967b). These and other it was quickly realized that what were often effec-
iship to the energy re!ated methods were innovative, but they tended tive!y continuous (but varied) artifact distributions
hy structure of the to be c1ose!y tied to an ongoing preoccupation across the landscape had to be accurate!y charac-
:k energy" (Binford with settlement-subsistence systems and ecological terized and cross-referenced with environmental
changing environ- modeling, which were themse!ves c1ose!y assoei- variables. ln the United States, these develop-
formulation have ated with deve!opments both in methods of data ments took place synergistically with the devel-
Jement-subsistence retrieval (for example, concerned with character- opment of the "regional" approach that he!ped
izing artifact distributions; see be!ow) and "natural" define the New Archaeology. By recording infor-
vever, archaeologi- environmental details, such as faunal and vegeta- mation on artifact distributions and environmen-
ooked like a minor tion distributions (usually seen as actual exploited tal patterns at unprecedented levels of detail, new
med more at char- rather than just potential exploitable resources for advances were made in landscape archaeology.
g of archaeological local populations) across landscapes. This rethinking of surveying methodology took
y potentially insig- Settlement patterns in their environmental set- hold both in the United Kingdom and the United
j to what could be tings were thus an important focus at the time, States, in many ways world leaders in landscape
ift (see be!ow). along with spatial patterning of environmental archaeology at that time, although such deve!op-
also saw the rapid variables. Together, detailed data on environrnen- ments also took place in many other countries
idisciplinary meth- tal and cultural distributions were targeted, so as (in particular South Africa, Australia, and New
rchaeological and to better characterize the economic nature and rea- Zealand). But in the United Kingdom, the search
nore detailed char- soning behind settlement-subsistence systems and for functional and adaptive processes in land-
inrnental re!ations patterns. This was much the underlying logic of scape archaeology never really took hold in the
ogy. Deve!opments both the adaptive thinking ofthe New Archaeology same way as it did in the United States.? Rather,
u in many English- in the United States (and in the United Kingdom partly through developments in methods aimed
~ United States, the large!y expressed by exponents of systems theory, at exploring settlement and artifact patterning,
a, as is evident by in particular David Clarke [1968]) and of the British there carne a realization that archaeologists were
32 Part I: Historical Perspectives Chapter 1: Landscape Are

not simply dealing with humans adapting to envi- Sourcing Studies more influential1y
ronmental circumstances, but rather with people ries of Mt. William
interacting among themselves as much as they Sourcing studies around the world quickly devel- Baronga, Geelong..
were interacting with their physical environments oped from the 1960s onward, although earlier and western Victorí
(e.g., see Renfrew's [1983] critical first Plenary moves had been made, such as in the petrology of and Harrison 1981;
Address to the Society for American Archaeology). stone axes (e.g., Keiller et aI. 1941) and in trace- In these latter inv
In this respect a key publication was Ian Hodder's element analyses of faience beads from Bronze that although grou
1978 edited volume, The Spatial Organisation of Age Britain (e.g., Hawkes and Hawkes 1947) and traded to distant Ia
Culture, which explicitly addressed the relation- obsidian from the Near East in the late 1940s and away, examples fro
ship between spatial distributions of material 1950s (e.g., see Cann et aI. 1969). In his influen- preferentially trade,
culture and human identities. It has been argued tial paper, "Trade as action at a distance," Colin west, practicalIy hal
that British archaeology (as opposed to that of the Renfrew (975) argued that social change often further identified ar
United States) has always had a deeper conviction occurred simultaneously over wide geographical curve-especially Íl
that artifact assemblages reflect the existence of expanses, necessitating a focus not just on indi- axes in the Wimmer
coherent and bounded social entities in the past vidual places but on relationships between places Victoria-and there
(Binford and Sabloff 1982: 141). It was continu- in systems of peer polity interactions. This recogni- rial deterrents to p;
ing unease over precisely what spatial patterning tion gave new impetus for a socially oriented eco- those frontiers. Her
meant that led Hodder and others to the insight nomic archaeology, in particular an emphasis on ed by regional ethru
that the adoption of specific artifact types might trade. In the British context, this set of concerns presence of two rr
represent a deliberate strategy of social inclusion was given further momentum by the introduction social groups, the K
and exclusion, rather than simply reflecting a of ideas drawn from neo-Marxist anthropology, eastern Victoria, res
pregiven identity. By the mid-1980s, Hodder had which emphasized the importance of long-dístance be significantly infe
become one of the most important and innovative exchange relations in creating and reproducing ethnographic know
exponents of a new kind of social archaeology patterns of alliance and positions of authority (e.g., social groups were
that soon carne to inform landscape archaeology Bradley 1982, 1984; Bradley and Edmonds 1993). geographical space I
itself. The critique here was pervasive across the Here the objects themselves were acknowledged social systems of ai
discipline, contributing significantly to the cre- as being the means by which social relationships for another influent
ation of a new community of culture that carne were articulated, rather than necessarily being of archaeology of socic
to stay (although it influenced different nation- purely pragmatic value. and Wallace [2006]
al archaeological agendas in different ways and Similar developments were also taking place cance of this work.) .
to various degrees): the archaeological record in the Pacific on the opposite side of the globe, figuration had not hi
now signaled not so much adaptiue (biologi- where Shutler and Marck (975) and Bellwood archaeological attent
cal) bumans as interacting (social) people who (978), following earlier observations (see Avias approaches had rnuc
engaged with their surroundings in various ways. 1950; Giffor~ and Shutler 1956; Golson 1961), (and others') contei
These included symbolic practices that required carne to link~he distribution of Lapita cerarn- wtth the additional
social and philosophical rather than environrnen- ics across vast seascapes into a single and uni- early 20th-century et
tal understandings to decipher. This key period fied historical sphere of interaction with people
heralded the beginning of contemporary notions who spoke Austronesian languages. In this way, Cultural Resource
of landscape archaeology. This broad shift toward these researchers populated the archaeological
social dimensions of landscapes expands the record with language-speaking people rather than The late 1960s into
earlier emphasis on more behavioral modes of just material objects such as ceramic sherds (see formations to cultur
interaction. Spriggs 1997: 67-107 for a review). This region working face of pul
of Austronesia subsequently became a focus for time of increasing po
lithic and ceramic sourcing studies, in particular ness of the progressi
Changing Directions: From ) by archaeologists in New Zealand (e.g., Green as heritage places, ir
1987; Summerhayes 2000). Of concern here were new legal rnechanís,
Environmental to Social Landscapes
not so much environrnentally adaptive histories as protected (e.g., see C
The move toward a more socially oriented land- social processes of colonization across vast and with a major influx
scape archaeology carne from many fronts, and previously unoccupied seascapes. In Australia tural heritage studies
it carne together as part of a broadly changing also, similar concerns for the sociality of inter- explicit assessment o
culture of understanding. Four major influences regional interaction were being voiced by Isabel landscapes as cultun
on archaeological practices were O) sourcing McBryde (initially with Ray Binns, then with Alan Schiffer and Gumme
studies; (2) the rising importance of cultural heri- Watchman), who undertook a series of sourcing contemporary assessi
tage management and public archaeology; (3) a studies of ground stone hatchets, at first among heritage managemen
developing interest in "sryle;" and (4) Indigenous the stone quarries of northern New South Wales protection of archae
critiques. (Binns and McBryde 1972) and subsequently and by new and explicit ,
Chapter 1: Landscape Archaeology: Introduction 33
Historical Perspectives

more influentially among the greenstone quar- heritage places as locations of social significance.
ries of Mt. William, Mt. Camel, and Berrambool, Hence recognition of the educational, cultural,
Baronga, Geelong, jallukar, and Howqua in central historical and aesthetic values of archaeological
:ld quickly devel-
and western Victoria (e.g., McBryde 1978; McBryde sites and landscapes effectively rendered them
although earlier
and Harrison 1981; McBryde and Watchman 1976). significant public places that went beyond their
1 the petrology of
In these latter investigations, McBryde showed environmental and academic significance (e.g.,
141)and in trace-
that although ground-edged hatchet heads were King et aI. 1977). These new social dimensions
ads from Bronze
traded to distant lands more than 600 kilometers of significance, as expressions of public recogni-
lawkes 1947) and
away, examples from the Mt. William quarryWere tion, meant that the significance of archaeologic-
he late 1940s and
preferentially traded toward the north and south- ai sites and archaeological landscapes could no
). In his influen-
west, practically halting 150 kilometers away. She longe r be reduced to environmental, ecological, or
1 distance," Colin
further identified anomalies in the distance-decay economic agendas (e.g., Lipe 1984; Moratto and
:ial change often
curve-especially in an absence of Mt. W'HIiam Kelly 1978).
fide geographical
axes in the Wimmera-Mallee region and in eastem A striking example of the way that cultural
not just on indi-
Victoria-and thereby posited strong socioterrito- resource management issues have shifted the focus
)S between places
rial deterrents to past exchange relation3-beyond toward a social landscape is provided by the case
íons. This recogni-
those frontiers. Her interpretations were support- of Stonehenge in southern Britain. Here, the paral-
ially oriented eco-
ed by regional ethnohistoric records indicating the lel debates over the upgrading of visitor facilities
r an emphasis on
presence of two major and largely antagonistic and the visitor "experience" in general, the rerout-
is set of concems ,
social groups, the Kulin and Kumai of central and ing of the A303 main road from its present position
y the introduction
eastem Victoria, respectively. Her study carne to beside the monument, and access to the prehistoric
tist anthropology,
be significantly informed by linguistic and other monument (particularly at the solstices) by diverse
:e of long-distance
ethnographic knowledge, which indicated that groups, incJuding Druids, New Age "Travelers,"
and reproducing
social groups were aligned not only in abstract and Pagans, ali explicitly implicate the landscape.
; of authority (e.g.,
geographical space but also in territorial space and The landscape is recognized as the aesthetic set-
d Edmonds 1993).
social systems of alliance. (See Lourandos [1977] ting of Stonehenge and its attendant monuments,
ere acknowledged
for another influential Australian example of the as the topographical context in which the visitor
ocial relationships
archaeology of socioterritorial space, see Tamisari experience is embedded, and as the polítical ter-
-cessarily being of
and Wallace [2006] for discussion of the signifi- rain over which struggles between interests (past
cance of this work.) This form of geographical con- and present) have been played out and within
also taking place
figuration had not hitherto received a great deal of which identities are negotiated (see Bender 1998;
side of the globe,
archaeological attention in Australia, although such Chippindale et aI. 1990; Darvill 2006; Worthington
75) and Bellwood
approaches had much in common with Renfrew's 2004). In the case of Stonehenge, it is now very
vations (see Avias
(and others') contemporary concerns elsewhere, difficult to imagine the monument in a landscape
;6; Golson 1961),
with the additional insights offered by 19th- and that is either purely "ecological" in character, or
of Lapita ceram-
early 20th-century ethnohistorical texts. socially uncontested. These new directions are
a single and uni-
well illustrated by the United Nations Educational,
ction with people
Cultural Resource Management Scientific and Cultural Organization's (UNESCO)
ages, In this way,
criteria for the incJusion of places in the World
.he archaeological
The late 1960s into the 1970s saw major trans- Heritage list, which incJude "archaeological sites
people rather than
formations to cultural heritage management, the that are of outstanding universal value from the
eramic sherds (see
working face of public archaeology. This was a historical, aesthetic, ethnological, or anthropologi-
view), This region
time of increasing popular and professional aware- cal points of view" (
ecame a focus for
ness of the progressive dwindling of cultural sites líst.htrn=parazô). These criteria were adopted by
idies, in particular
as heritage places, incJuding the establishment of UNESCO at its 17th session, held in Paris in 1972,
aland (e.g., Green
new legal mechanisms by which sites could be precisely during the period when a more social-
concem here were
protected (e.g., see Colley 2002; King 1998). Along Iy informed landscape archaeology was gaining
daptive histories as
with a major influx in the scale and rate of cul- momentum.
m across vast and
tural heritage studies carne an increasing need for Another, slightly distinct aspect of cultural
ipes. In Australia
explicit assessment of the significance of sites and resource management that has also fueled the
sociality of inter-
landscapes as cultural resource catchments. (See growing concem with social landscapes has been
g voiced by Isabel
Schiffer and Gummerman [1977] for an excellent the changing character of "salvage" or "rescue"
ins, then with Alan
contemporary assessment of the state of cultural archaeology in the industrialized nations. Since the
series of sourcing
heritage management.) The need for increased 1960s, the construction of new homes, industrial
ets, at first among
protection of archaeological sites was prefaced facilities, and infrastructure (particularly telecom-
New South Wales
by new and explicit criteria for the assessment of munications) has continued apace in many areas.
I subsequently and
34 Part I Historical Perspectives Chapter 1: Landscape

This has coincided with a growing conviction on the archaeology of the 1980s and 1990s. In par- • Yellen (l9~
the part of national and regional governments that ticular, the concept was implicated in the rise of the Kalaha
the archaeological heritage should be preserved, or a socially informed landscape archaeology both David and
at least recorded, Whether funded by government in the United Kingdom and in the United States,
or by the developers themselves (as in the case of where economic and adaptive frameworks had
-new concems
Britain, following the adoption of Planning Policy established a strong gripo In "style," the move was
symbolic behavi
Guidance 16: Archaeology and Planning in 1990), toward an understanding of the past that focused
archaeology as 1
the colossal scale of development has increasing- more on social relationships within and between
Iy ethnographíca
Iy been matched by the scale of archaeological communities of people through the way they dec-
geography of sty
interventions in advance. To give some examples: orated items of material culture, a move that was
communities of I
the Aldenhovener Platte Project in the Rhineland ais o happening in sourcing studies. This was not
between an envii
0965-1981) was occasioned by large-scale open- so much an environmentally as a socially informed
with artifact and
cast extraction of brown coal (Lüning 1982); the disciplinary interest, although geographic distance
scapes and a s
Hardinxveld sites in the Rhine/Meuse delta of and the presence of geographical barriers limiting
interested in the
Holland were excavated in advance of the expan- the spread of ideas also came into play.
conventions amo
sion of the port of Rotterdam and its attendant rai! In stylistic studies it quickly became apparent
ticular rock art) (
link (Louwe Kooimans 2001); the urban expansion that geographical barriers are as much social as
applications, cf. :
of Malmõ in southern Sweden has resulted in a they are environmental, as McBryde (978) was
series of very large-scale open-area excavations, simi!arly finding in her sourcing studies. Through
/ndigenous CI
ineluding four vast Neolithic palisaded enelosures ethnoarchaeological and ethnohistorical research
(Brink and Hydén 2006); the new terminal for across many parts of the globe-for example: Each of these
London's Heathrow Airport required similarly large helped to reform
investigations (Andrews et aI. 2000), as did the • among the Ilchamus, Tugen, and Pokot of ingly toward the
bypass road around Dorchester in Dorset (Smith et the Lake Baringo district of western Kenya, nificant influencc
aI. 1997) and gravei extraction at Barrow Hills in lan Hodder (e.g., 1982) mark: the realiz,
Oxfordshire, England (Barelay and Halpin 1999). of landscape are
• among the San of the Kalahari desert in
Each of these projects has resulted in the recovery accurately reflect
Namibia, Polly Wiessner (e.g., 1983, 1984)
of highly important archaeological evidence, but of their landscap
in each case the sheer size of the undertaking has • among Yugoslavian ethnic groups, Martin
in certain ways.
demanded that the investigation must be conceived Wobst (977)
from an increa:
at the landscape (as opposed to "site") scale. • subsequently in central and northern texts by archaeol
Although in some cases it has been possible to Australia, Claire Smith (e.g., 1992) development of
address these landscapes in purely environmental subdiscipline of i
terms, for the most part the nature of these proj- -a new form of landscape archaeology was being ments with the I
ects has required a consideration of social net- fashioned, one that talked of symbolic rather than lands and histori
works that extend beyond residential locations, of environmental configurations (for a review see increasing díssai
and the dispersal of social practices across the Conkey 1990). logical concerns
landscape. Moreover, salvage projects conducted While archaeologists with interests other than from Indigenous
at the multisite levei have inevitably often tended lifeways. These e
symbolic archaeology were also increasingly
to be multiperiod as well, frequently prompting involved in ethnoarchaeological research-for nected with a ret
a consideration of landscape development over example: tions of processi
time. It may be, then, that the issue of social land- for universal Ia,
scapes is one area in which the "two cultures" of all temporal aru
\. Gould [1968, 1971] among the Ngatatjara of
the discipline, commercial field archaeology and archaeologists h.
\ Western Australia
academic field archaeology, can find a degree of of multiple pers
common ground. • Hayden [1979] among the Pintupi of central
stralia at the 1982 Aust
(AAA) annual ce
Landscapes with Sty/e • Binford and O'Connell (984) among the senta tive Ros La
Alyawarra, also in central Australia audience how t
A third approach toward the social began to had had enougl
• Binford [e.g., 1978] among the Nunamiut of
take effect through concerns for the symbolic. tions of Indigenc
Although the notion of "style" (especially when (and through thi
it is opposed to that of "function") has been the • Jacobs [1979] among Fars province villagers
archaeological p
subject of searching critiques in recent years (e.g., of Iran
playground" bec
Boast 1997), it is undeniable that it was the focus • White (e.g., 1967) among the Duna of New to make archaea
of some of the most important developments in Guinea of then-predomir
Historical Perspectives Chapter 1: Landscape Archaeology: Introduction 35
id 1990s. In par- • Yellen (977) among Dobe !Kung San of to change the discipline toward a more socially
ted in the rise of the Kalahari desert, to name but a few, see aware enterprise. This episode was a turning point
archaeology both David and Kramer (2001) for a review in Australian archaeological practice, with the sub-
.he United States, sequent adoption by the AAA of acode of ethics
frameworks had -new concerns with information exchange via that gave prominence to Indigenous rights and to
le," the move was symbolic behavior began to refashion landscape the recognition of requisite ethical standards in the
past that focused archaeology as social archaeology. A new, large- archaeological research of Indigenous history and
thin and between Iy ethnographically informed focus on the social Indigenous lands (see Colley [2002]; McNiven and
the way they dec- geography of stylistic behavior among interacting Russell [2005] for discussions on the decoloniza-
, a move that was communities of people effectively bridged the gap tion of archaeological practice in Australía).
:lies. This was not between an environmental archaeology concerned Around the globe, the growing number of
Lsocially informed with artifact and site distributions in physical land- Indigenous archaeologists considerably influ-
~ographic distance scapes and a social and symbolic archaeology enced such developments; although initial!y few,
ai barriers limiting interested in the geographical spread of stylistic Indigenous archaeological voices were increasingly
LtOplay. conventions among archaeological objects (in par- heard in academic writings, at conferences and in
became apparent ticular rock art) (e.g., Gamble 1982; for subsequent the field (Watkins 2000). Together, these four sets of
as much social as applications, cf. Bradley 1997). disciplinary developments-increasing concern with
Bryde (978) was social landscapes as informed by sourcing studies,
g studies. Through Indigenous Critiques cultural heritage management, symbolic archaeo-
historical research logy, and Indigenous constructions of place-
-for example: Each of these new and influential directions signaled an increasingly antbropological archaeology
helped to reformat landscape archaeology increas- (and not coincidently, thejournal of Anthropological
en, and Pokot of ingly toward the social. But a fourth and most síg- Archaeology was founded during this period, in
of western Kenya, nificant influence aIso made its very considerable 1982). Colin Renfrer 0982: 6) has coined that period
mark: the realization that environmental notions prior to the ernergence of this more socially oriented,
of landscape archaeology did not by themselves anthropologically informed archaeology as the "Iong
lahari desert in
accurately reflect Indigenous peoples' own notions sleep of archaeological theory."
(e.g., 1983, 1984)
of their landscapes or the reasons why they lived In many Indigenous languages there is no word
ic groups, Martin in certain ways. Such a realization carne about for landscape-as-environment. But there is a word
from an increasing reading of anthropological for country, referring to the places of human exis-
md northern texts by archaeologists around the globe (and the tence in ali their existential and phenornenologi-
.g., 1992) development of ethnoarchaeology as a distinct cal (experiential) dimensions (e.g., see Bradley:
subdiscipline of its own), increasing direct engage- Teeman, both this volume). These notions of
haeology was being ments with the Indigenous peoples whose horne- country include not just the trees and the rocks
ymbolic rather than lands and histories were often being studied and of the physical land but also the spirits of the
ts (for a review see increasing dissatisfaction with abstract archaeo- land and the waters and the skies that others may
logical concerns that often seemed far removed not know. And because the ancestral spirits from
interests other than from Indigenous notions of their own histories and whence present people carne reside in place, coun-
also increasingly lifeways. These changes were to some extent con- try itself identifies history as it historicizes identity.
gical research-for nected with a retreat from the more extreme posi- Landscape as country concerns people's relation-
tions of processual archaeology, and its demand ships with places, a landscape richly inscribed with
for universal laws of human behavior, valid in history, agency, territorial rights, ancestral laws,
ali temporal and spatial contexts. Increasingly, and behavioral protocols. From the 1980s onward,
ng the Ngatatjara of
archaeologists have come to recognize the value Indigenous critiques increasingly began to se ri-
of multiple perspectives and perceptions. Thus, ously influence the general study of archaeological
ie Pintupi of central at the 1982 Australian Archaeological Association landscapes in Indigenous peoples' own terms (e.g.,
(AAA) annual conference, the Indigenous repre- Langford 1983; Ross et al. 1996; Watkins 2000; see
)984) among the sentative Ros Langford (983) impressed on the Lane, this volume; McNiven, this volume).
ai Australia audience how the local Aboriginal community As a result of these critiques, the landscape
had had enough of archaeological characteriza- increasingly began to be seen as engaged socially
mg the unamiut of
tions of Indigenous lands and Indigenous history and culturally as much as it is engaged environ-
(and through this, the Indigenous present) as an mentally, and it is this engagement that defines
rs province villagers archaeological playground. "Our heritage, your the lie of the land, what a landscape looks like.
playground" became a rallying point from which Landscapes are topographies of the social and the
19 the Duna of New to make archaeologists aware of the inadequacy cultural as much as they are physical contours.
of then-predominant archaeological practices and To understand a landscape one has to outline its
36 Part I: Historical Perspectives

means of engagement, the way it is understood, and archaeology have long been widely used by pro-
Table 1.2 Number
codified, and lived in social practice; and each of fessional practitioners. The question thus remains double quotation rn,
these, along with the landscape itself, have history. as to why we did not find a common conjunction
Engagement gives and is defined by the way we of the two words until the closing years of the 20th
give cultural meaning to the location of our exis- century. Indeed, this question is brought into sharp Tenn
tence-so that even the trees and the rocks mean focus when one realizes that, in computer searches
different things to different people. undertaken on Google and ninemsn between 18 and historical archaeolc
The anthropologist Marcia Langton (2002) notes 25 july 2006, "Iandscape archaeology" rates sixth classical archaeoloj
that in Western systems of knowledge, we look at after "historical archaeology," "classical archaeology,"
the stars in the sky and understand that millions "industrial archaeology," "prehistoric archaeology," industrial archaeolc
of light years away gigantic balls of fire emanate and "environrnental archaeology" in a long list of prehistoric archaeo
their light across the vast expanses of the universe. archaeologies (see Table 1.2). It is apparent that the
The night sky glows with innumerable lights that four most commonIy used forms each pertains to an environrnental arch
we understand through and that confirms to us a established subdiscipline of archaeology in its own landscape archaeo
sense of, astronomical time. She points out that right. Based on these counts, it would appear that
among Australian Aboriginal peoples a similar "Iandscape archaeology" is even more popular than marine archaeolog)
process of landscape recognition takes place: the "social archaeology," "rnarine archaeology," "proces- ethnoarchaeology /
land, as are the waters and the skies, is populated sual archaeology," "gender archaeology," "behav- ethno-archaeology
by the ancestors who are ever-present and by vari- ioral/behavioral archaeology," and many others. The
ous Dreaming spirit beings who created the law of question remains: what has made "Iandscape archae- social archaeology
the land, the social codes of conduct, and who gen- ology" so attractive to archaeologists since the last new archaeology
erally imbue the world with its defining features. decade of the 20th century, while despite the wide-
This is a temporal landscape that combines the past spread use of the individual tenns "landscape" and community archaeo
and the future through the timeless truth of a codi- "archaeology," little reference was previously made
cognitive archaeolo
fied law of conduct sanctified in an ever-present to "landscape archaeology" as a unified concept,
Dreaming. Here, too, as in the Western night sky, We argue that the answer lies in three related processual archaeol
the landscape emanates a sense of time, a sense of factors: first, the recent emergence of "Iandscape"
settIement archaeol
cosmological order. In the words ofVeronica Strang as something other, and more, than "environment";
(1997), we can thus speak of landscape as "un- second, an understanding that being-in-the-world theoretical archaeol
common ground" -one land but multiple visions of is entangled in social process and is not entirely
gender archaeology
that land, multiple understandings, multiple land- reducible to notions of environmental adaptation;
scapes. Such an approach allows for an archaeology and third, along with these changes in perception indigenous archaeo
not only of monuments but also of so-called natu- of social landscapes, the recent development of a
colonial archaeolog
ral places (e.g., Bradley 2000), because they, too, culture of understanding that sees people and cul-
are culturally inscribed in social consciousness and ture at the core of worldly engagements. postprocessual/
therefore possess archaeologícal signatures defined In this context, landscape archaeology today ; post-processual ard
by social attitude. This move)toward a more socially is much different from what it was in the 1970s
Darwinian archaeok
informed, and in this a mo/e ethically responsible, and 1980s. By the first decade of the 21st cen-
landscape ar~aeology recognizes that the world tury, many archaeologists around the world have behavioural/behavic
has many voices. But this recognition has come at a turned their attention to spiritual dimensions of archaeology
price: some would.say-that archaeology's innocence Indigenous landscapes:
has come of age, but others would say that its guilt ecological archaeolc
has been found out, highlighting the discipline's • "ritual engines" (Gibbs and Veth 2002) in symbolic archaeolo~
inherently ethical entanglements. Aboriginal Australia
postcolonial/post -cc
• "spiritscapes" (David et aI. 2005; McNiven
Landscape ArchaeologyToday 2003) and "ritual orchestration" (McNiven
and Feldman 2003) in northern Australia total archaeology
In such a historical context that began largely with and Torres Strait
an environmental archaeology (but see also Darvill postmodern/ post -rm
• "sacred geographies" in Papua New Guinea archaeology
[this volume] for a longer-term history of landscape
(Ballard 1994)
archaeology), it comes as no surprise to find little use
of the term landscape archaeology in any of the major • "kastom" and the "spirit world" in Vanuatu
archaeology journals until the mid-1980s (Table 1.1), (Wilson et aI. 2000)
anywhere in the world. Yet a general paucity of ref- • "cosmovisions" in central America (Broda
erence to "landscape archaeology" in academic texts 1987); cosmologies in southern India
until the 1980s is onIy part of the story, both landscape (Boivin 2004)

I: Historical Perspectives

wídely used by pro- Table 1.2 Number of hits made using two different search engines in July 2006 (ali searches were made in
stion thus remains double quotation marks).
unrnon conjunction
19 years of the 20th
brought into sharp Term Google ninemsn
computer searches
historical archaeology c.609,000 44,511
isn between 18 and
eology" rates sixth classical archaeology c.400,000 46,998
industrial archaeology c.386,000 48,813
noríc archaeology,'
r' in a long list of prehistoric archaeology c.183,000 28,829
is apparent that the
environmental archaeology c.133,000 18,977
each pertains to an
iaeology in its own landscape archaeology c.125,OOO 25,172
would appear that
more popular than marine archaeology c. 114,000 18,057
.haeology,' "proces- ethnoarchaeology/ c.105,610 15,820
haeology,' "behav- , ethno-archaeology
td many others. The
~"landscape archae- social archaeology c.72,800 7,399
ogísts since the last new archaeology c.65,700 13,410
le despite the wide-
rns "landscape" and community archaeology c.47,900 6,952
as previously made cognitive archaeopgy- c.27,600 3,810
unified concept,
ies in three related processual archaeology c.23,400 3,469
.nce of "landscape" settlement archaeology c.22,500 2,648
han "environment";
being-in-the-world theoretical archaeology c.20,900 6,669
and is not entirely gender archaeology c.13,900 3,307
unental adaptation;
inges in perception indigenous archaeology c.12,100 1,805
t development of a colonial archaeology c.l0,2DO 1,186
ees people and cul-
agements. postprocessual/ c.l0,944 1,057
archaeology today post-processual archaeology
.t was in the 1970s
Darwinian archaeology c.5,260 219
le of the 21st cen-
ind the world have behavioural/behavioral c.l,095 400
itual dimensions of archaeology
ecological archaeology c.752 244
nd Veth 2002) in symbolic archaeology c.458 122

postcolonial/ post -colonial c.190 92

11. 2005; McNiven
:ration" (McNiven
orthern Australia total archaeology c.157 85
postmodern/ post -modern c.139 127
Papua New Guinea archaeology

world" in Vanuatu

.1 America (Broda
iuthern India
38 Part I: Historical Perspectives Chapter 1: Landscape I

• shamanism in South Africa (e.g., Lewis- concern social identity, as much as they concern the by definition,th
Williams and Dowson 1990) and parts of economic and environmental aspects of life. If, as physicaland na
the United States (e.g., Whitley 1992) Lefebvre (1991: 8) has it, "spatial practice consists restria!environr
• "sympathetic control" in southern Africa in a projection onto a (spatia!) field of ali aspects, with "seascape"
elements and moments of social practice," then the settingswhe
(Thackeray 2005)
landscape archaeology, in its concern with past Adding"cultura
• generally "ceremonial landscapes" (Ashmore sizes the role of
human engagements with place, concerns the past
this volume), "religious experience" (e.g., tualized these SI
spatiality of ali aspects, elements, and moments of
Dornan 2004), and liminal spaces (cf. modifiedthem i
social practice.
Turner 1995) in various parts of the world
Landscape archaeology is an archaeology of
how people visualized the world and how they This, then, is v
What we now have today is an archaeology of engaged with one another across space, how they liest expressions ,
landscapes that is as much about the ontologí- chose to manipulate their surroundings or how that largely begar
cal and cosmological dimensions of places as it they were subliminally affected to do things by and ecological COI
is about their physical characteristics. Landscape way of their locational circumstances. It concerns to usefully inforrr
archaeology has come to refer to the places that the intentional and the unintentional, the physical ogy"; for recent vt
are meaningful to people, and in so doing, to the and the spiritual, human agency and the sublimí- and Hill 1998): lar
archaeology of that meaningfulness. na!. Landscapes concern how people scheduled today more about
their daily routines-seasons affect the rhythms of experientially eng
What Is Landscape? work and play, and social time is implicated in gy of the causes a.
the daily rhythms of work and play, Tim Ingold's tal conditions on
Disciplinary subdivisions are pointers to how we (1993) "taskscapes." Landscapes implicate social an absolute notio
normalize the world; they direct our attention order and gender, because who lives where, lar senses of place
and enable us to approach the world through who goes or works where, and the significance this is the binding
very particular frames of reference and under- of places are each mediated by social structure, studies: a concem
standing. "Landscape archaeology" does just this worldviews, and the meaningfulness of place. tice, in any or ali
in ways peculiar to the post-1970s era, continu- Landscapes are ecological, ali peoples construct-
ing today to inspire our archaeological endeavors ing frames of knowledge by which to know the Notes
and archaeological imagination in novel ways. world in which they líve. Landscapes are institu-
And this is what "Iandscape archaeology" gives tional as space is strucnu-ed-aníLbehavior normal- 1. A digital searc
us: a conceptual framework that enables us to ized through codified social practice. Landscape of ali papers f
address human pasts in ali their contexts and that concerns moral codes, who can go where, under nals American
goes beyond a purely environmental archaeol- which conditions, and is played out in ongoing Archaeology, "
ogy. In this sense, and along with other develop- reassessment of social rights and social wrongs. joumal of j
ments, it enables us to go forward from our own Landscapes are always territorial spaces in that Archaeology ,
disciplinary pasts. they are controlled and contested in social and the joumals r
This, then, is the crux of landscape archaeol- political practice. Landscapes are ontological in Archaeometry,
ogy: it concerns not only the physical environment that they are always known through historically of tbe School ,
onto which people live out their lives but also the emergent worldviews. And landscapes are always Cambridge AI
meaningful location in which lives are lived. This engaged as the location of social and personal fournal of A
includes the trees and the rocks and the stars, not experience, as the place of being-in-the-world. Archaeology,
as abstract objects but as meaningful things that are There is, as Henri Lefebvre (1991) has pointed out, Archaeology, fi
located ontologically and experientially in people's a truth of space rather than true space, and that joumal of Hu
lives and social practices (praxis). People lie at the truth is generated in social process, in the constant Archaeology, }
core of a landscape archaeology and, befitting the assessment and renegotiation of emplacement. fournal of tbe
general purpose of ali archaeologies (in contrast to "Social processes are also processes of interaction (incorporating
ethology, geology, botany, zoology, and the like), with the environment as a whole, which provides Nyame Akum
it is those past human dimensions that a landscape the medium through which values are created and Proceedings q
archaeology targets. expressed," writes Veronica Strang (1997: 176); the popular fi
Broadly speaking, landscape archaeology is "the landscape is a crucial part of this medium, Archaeology, '
thus concerned with the things that locate human and the development of an effective relationship failed to reco
existence. A landscape archaeology is an archaeo- with the natural environment depends on the loca- use of "landsc
logy of place, not just as defined in a set of physical tion of certain values in the land." archaeologísus
nodes in space (cf. Binford 1982) but in ali its lived Landscape archaeology concerns each of these words, or texu
dimensions: experiential, social, ontological, epís- dimensions of social emplacement. We concur searches were
temological, emotional, as place and emplacement with Torrence (2002: 766), who notes that were then indi:

I: Historical Perspectives Chapter 1 Landscape Archaeology: Introduction 39

as they concern the by definition, the term "landscape"takes in ali to ensure that in-text citations were not lírnited to
.pects of life. If, as physical and natural components of the ter- reference entries, acknowledgments, and the like
ai practice consists restrial environrnent.... it should be combined (with the exception of the Americanjournal of
field of all aspects, with "seascape" ... to encompass adequately Archaeology, where footnotes were not searched
:ial practice," then the settings where human behaviour took place. for the exc1usion of bibliographic listings). The
concern with past Adding"cultural"to land- and seascapes empha- latter entry types were exc1uded from the counts
, concerns the past sizes the role of the individuaIswho concep- presented in Table 1.1. Book reviews were also
tualized these spaces and activelycreated and
ts, and moments of exc1uded.
modified them in culturallyspecificways.
2. This is probably well iIIustrated by David
an archaeology of Clarke's (1968) Analytical Archaeology, a
irld and how they This, then, is what has changed from those ear- work that is often compared to American-
ss space, how they liest expressions of the archaeology of landscapes style New Archaeology but that in fact
roundings or how that largely began with economic, environmental, focused more on the logic and methodol-
id to do things by and ecological concerns (dimensions that continue ogy of archaeological research as a means
.tances. It concerns to useful1y inform aspects of "landscape archaeol- of exploring past cultural patterning rather
tional, the physical ogy"; for recent volumes, see Dincauze 2000; Rapp than as a means of elucidating universallaws
cy and the sublimi- and HiII 1998): landscape archaeology has become of cultural processo
people scheduled I today more about the archaeology of social1y and
ffect the rhythms of experiential1y engaged place as it is an archaeolo- References
ne is implicated in gy of the causes and consequences of environmen-
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