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uk | Socialist Party CWU Bulletin | Keep the Post Public lobby



WU activists from across
Britain will today descend
on parliament to lobby
their MP’s and demand to
Keep the Post Public. In amongst
the barrage of attacks that working
people are facing at the hands of
this government of the millionaires
is, again, a plan to try and sell off
Royal Mail. The CWU has seen off
attacks like this before; We can
not allow this to happen now and
Socialist Party members in the
CWU are determined to help build
the biggest campaign against
privatisation and link this up with
the anti-cuts movement that is
developing across the country. work for the same wage with less why privatisation is necessary and
staff. that is the £1.2 billion loan New
The ConDem argument for selling
Labour made to the company for
Royal Mail is that the company Second, the pension deficit which
modernisation. Repayment began
needs ‘an injection of capital’ to successive governments allowed
this year. Greene has stated that
allow further modernisation and to to build up through ‘pensions
she is seeking to suspend the
reduce the pension deficit of £8.4 holidays’ and siphoning off profits,
repayments; otherwise, according
billion (down from £10.3 billion last has reduced over the last 12
to her, Royal Mail will become
year). This argument falls down on months by £1.9 billion and under
insolvent by Christmas.
both counts and is shown up to be a plan agreed between Royal Mail
the ideological claptrap it really is. and the fund’s trustees, the deficit Greene has been in the job since
will be eliminated over 38 years as June, having previously been in
First, workers in Royal Mail created
a result of increased funding by the charge of Canada Post, where she
profits of £321 million in 2009 and
business. was extremely unpopular with the
£408 million in 2010 during the
workforce. Profits increased in her
worst recession in living memory There is a third reason now being
time there but so did injuries at
and in the face of (supposedly) spouted by Royal Mail’s chief
work, grievances and strikes.
falling mail volumes, doing more executive, Moya Greene, as to continued over...

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EMAIL, OR TEXT YOUR NAME AND POSTCODE TO 07984 027754 | Socialist Party CWU Bulletin | Keep the Post Public lobby

he Montreal Gazette (27/5/10) us to help in linking up the struggles Royal Mail has existed for 350
was under no illusions as to that all workers and young people years but if the ConDem’s get their
why she was head-hunted by are facing. way, it could be lost forever within
Royal Mail: “Moya Greene is going As a union we need to raise the 350 days.
to the UK to execute something the
Canadian government doesn’t yet
consciousness of workers and the • Stop the Privatisation
public, link the fight to the anti-
have the political appetite for here - cuts campaigns and to organise
of Royal Mail!
privatising the mail service.” and cooperate with other unions • No to cuts, closures and
Whatever happens to Royal Mail planning action, like the NUT, UCU, job losses.
in the future will depend on what RMT, PCS and others. • Build a mass campaign to
action we take now. The CWU needs
to make it clear to workers and
When the details of the Postal Bill stop the sell-off.
are announced by the ConDem
the public exactly what privatising Cutters, we must be prepared to • Prepare now for
the postal service would mean take strike action - starting with a industrial action to keep
- job cuts, wage cuts, increased
workload, reduced or withdrawn
one day national strike of all postal private hands off our post
workers as a warning shot across
services and public subsidies for the bow of the government. Where
private companies. possible, we shoud coordinate this
That means a sustained campaign with other unions taking action.
with the necessary national To prepare for this, in the short time
resources put into it; it also means we have before the bill is published,
CWU activists enthusiastically a consultative ballot on industrial
taking part in the anti-cuts campaign action in the face of privatisation
groups that are developing in would give the CWU leadership
communities across the country. the opportunity to discuss with our
This will both give us a platform to members across the country and
build support for our fight and allow shore up support for this struggle.


11:30am – 4:00pm
South Camden Community School
(By Euston Station)
Charrington Street, London NW1 1RG
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