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Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 31 (8) (2017) 4003~4009
DOI 10.1007/s12206-017-0747-3

Experimental and theoretical study of Parabolic trough collector (PTC) with

a flat glass cover in the region of algerian sahara (Ouargla)†
Mohammed Elbar Soudani*, Kamal Eddine Aiadi, Djamel Bechki and Smail Chihi
Laboratoire de Développement des Energies Nouvelles et Renouvelables dans les Zones Arides et Sahariennes,
Faculté des Mathématiques et des Sciences de la Matière, Université Kasdi Merbah Ouargla, Ouargla 30000, Algérie

(Manuscript Received November 6, 2016; Revised March 25, 2017; Accepted April 15, 2017)



In the present work, an experimental study has been performed at Ouargla in the south of Algeria to determinate the outlet water tem-
perature and thermal efficiency for a different values of mass flow of water. For this cause we have designed a model of PTC with a flat
glass cover with dimensions (1.8 m x 1.6 m) then we registered the theoretical results according to a mathematical model, whereas the
existence of the flat glass cover improves the thermal efficiency up to 9 %, after confirming the validity of the model we rely on it by
registering the outer temperature of water based on values of mass flow and dimensions of PTC, to product a hot water suitable for any
application needed for domestic and industrial purposes.
Keywords: Solar energy; Thermal efficiency; Flat glass cover; Parabolic trough collector; Hot water

mestic applications. Solar energy can be stored under ground

1. Introduction
and then used to raise soil temperature and to heat biogas reac-
With the depletion of fossil fuels and greenhouse effect, so- tor. In heating process using biogas system, the greenhouse
lar energy, among other renewable energy is increasingly used temperature was able to keep at about 23 °C (temperature
because of its distinct advantages, including clean, sustainabil- needed for the growth of plants) [6]. Solar-aided latent heat
ity, inexhaustibility, etc [1]. store is used for space heating by heat pump, so that the tank
The solar energy incident on the surface of the earth is storage is being charged by hot water energy coming from
about 10000 times of the world energy demand. Solar energy, solar collectors to heat space. However during the night and
which can be harvested in the southern Mediterranean coun- on cloudy days, the water is circulated between the tank and
tries areas, is very sufficient to supply the energy needs of the space, energy discharging [7]. Also for space heating, the
these countries and all industrialized countries of Northern solar-assisted ground source heat pump system is used, it be-
Europe. In a study carried by Greenpeace [2], the geographic gins with the absorption of heat from the ground heat source.
location of Algeria represents the best climatic conditions such This is typically an array of pipes buried underground hori-
as the abundant sunshine throughout the year, low humidity zontally, vertically in a bore-hole [8].
and precipitation, and plenty of unused flat land close to road Among all Concentrating solar power (CSP) technologies
networks and transmission grids [3]. available up to now, the Parabolic trough collectors (PTC) is
The mean solar intensity on horizontal surface in the south the most promising and mature solution for power generation
of Algeria (Sahara) is 2260 kWh/(year/m2) with about 3400 [9], the global contribution of PTC technology in the overall
sunshine hours per year [4], the Ouargla region has the follow- producing capacity of CSP plants is 73.58 % [10]. In spite of
ing favorable advantages for solar energy: high ambient tem- its optical, thermal and geometrical losses, where Record Re-
perature average, high solar radiation intensity, long duration port green peace international "Solar Thermal Electricity.
of daily sunshine and large number of clear and semi clear Global Outlook 2016" that the capacity of Concentrating solar
days throughout the year [5]. power (CSP) plants in operation today ranges between several
A solar energy system uses the sun’s energy collected and MW and 400 MW, it can be up to approximately 20 GW by
transfers the heat to be used in agricultural, industrial and do- 2020 and 800 GW by 2050, this will prevent the emission of
Corresponding author. Tel.: +21 3666610838, Fax.: +21 332273544
32 million tonnes of CO2 annually in 2020 and rises to 1.2
E-mail address: billion tonnes in 2050 [11].

Recommended by Associate Editor Youngsuk Nam The optical, thermal and geometry losses associated with
© KSME & Springer 2017
4004 M. E. Soudani et al. / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 31 (8) (2017) 4003~4009

PTC lead to decrease its efficiency. In their PTC experiment, then determine the suitable dimensions of PTC, to product a
Singh et al. [12] results indicated that equilibrium must be hot water for any application for domestic and industrial pur-
achieved between the increasing thermal losses with the in- poses.
creasing aperture area, in one hand, and the increasing optical
losses with the decreasing aperture area, in another hand.
2. Theoretical study
Hence, it would be important to optimize the long-term per-
formance of the PTC. To reduce its thermal losses, the ab- A typical PTC consists of a parabolic trough reflector,
sorber tube is placed inside a glass envelope. In their studies which reflects the incident radiation from the sun onto the
Sagade et al. [13] observed that, with glass-envelope, outlet Heat collection element (HCE). The HCE consists of a steel
water temperature and temperature gradient increase by 29 % absorption pipe enveloped inside a glass tube located at the
and 68 %, respectively. Whereas Brooks et al. [14] studied the focus of a parabola. The circulating Heat transfer fluid (HTF)
influence of evacuated glass envelope and reported, that the which is passed through the HCE is heated up by the radiant
PTC with and without evacuated glass shield receiver and its energy absorbed. The collected heat is used to produce heated
efficiency was determined as 55.2 % and 53.8 %, respectively. fluid as in Fig. 1.
The evacuated receiver is expensive to install and difficult to The thermal efficiency is the ratio of the useful energy ab-
maintain; evacuated receiver constitutes as much as 20 % of sorbed by the fluid normalized by the solar energy intercepted
the total cost of a PTC system [15]. Singh et al. [16] designed by the solar collector aperture area as given by [24] :
and fabricated a PTC, without glass cover, with 1.44 m2 col-
lector area and found that the efficiencies were as follows:
18.23 % for aluminum tube receiver and 20.25 % for copper ηth = (1)
tube receiver. The radiative heat loss can be reduced effec- I.A ap
tively by applying selective surface coating on the heating A ap = ( W - D r.Ext ) .L . (2)
surface of the absorber [17], we have chosen in this study
chrome coating, having a higher absorption compared to
chrome-nickel [18]. To enhance the PTC performance Pan- ηth : The thermal efficiency can be given by:
chal and Bhosale [19] used two types of reflectors, mirror and
Aluminum foil. It was observed that the maximum tempera-
m.f .C p .( Tf .o - Tf .i )
ture and the PTC efficiency, using the mirror, are 14.22 % and ηth = (3)
18.98 %, respectively, more than those of the Aluminum foil. I.A ap
As any solar collector using the direct solar radiation needs a Q u = m.f .C p.f ( Tf .o - Tf .i ) . (4)
sun tracking system to improve its efficiency [20].
The performance of this type of solar collector can be im-
proved greatly by using one of the solar tracking techniques to The modeling approach of the PTC is based on the energy
concentrate the direct solar beam onto the focal axis. The equilibrium around the heat receiving element of collector.
tracking technique basically depends on the tracking axis of a The energy balance in the absorbing surface of linear tubular
solar beam reflector, a comparison of different tracking modes receiver of PTC, which comprises of the direct normal insola-
has been thoroughly investigated in the Ref. [4], where previ- tion, the optical losses from reflector as well as from the en-
ous studies have shown that to reduce the cost of the system, ergy receiving element, the heat losses from the receiver tube
the polar East-West or horizontal East-West tracking systems and the gains in the Heat transfer fluid (HTF), can be ex-
with one axis tracking are more suitable [21]. pressed as:
In actual applications, PTC systems usually adopt single
axis tracking, thus, the incident sun rays are generally oblique,
and it’s inevitable for the PTC to have cosine effect [22],
whereas the two axes tracking mode cannot be chosen because
of its cost even though its high efficiency compared to one
axis tracking efficiency.
In this experimental study, the PTC has no evacuated glass
envelope and one tracking axis. To avoid many factors such as
dirt and dust on the mirrors during experiments which lead to
high variability in the collector efficiency [23], and to increase
the thermal insulation of the absorber tube and protect the
optical properties of the reflector, an external flat glass cover
has been put on the aperture reflector. Experimental results of
various physical quantities have been recorded and compared
with theoretical results of the model studied simulation. And Fig. 1. Configuration of the PTC with a glass cover.
M. E. Soudani et al. / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 31 (8) (2017) 4003~4009 4005

I.ηop .W.L = Q u + U l .A r ( Tr - Ta ) (5) 1.8 m of length, and height 0.8 m, and aperture width 1.6 m,
ηop = ρ M .τ c .τ e .α r .γ.cosθ . (6) which gives a geometrical concentration ratio of 42.14. The
reflector was made of stainless steel mirror with thickness of
0.6 mm, the absorber tube is placed in the focal line, whereas
γ : Instantaneous intercept factor (fraction of rays incident the focal length is 20 cm, in Fig. 1. It is made of copper of 2.5
upon the aperture that reach the receiver for a specific value of cm inner diameter and 2.8 cm outer diameter, and it is en-
the incident angle θ ). closed by glass tube of inner and outer diameter of 5.1 cm and
We calculate the thermal efficiency of the parabolic trough 5.3 cm, respectively. An external flat glass cover for the PTC,
collector according to the intensity of solar radiation in Ouar- of 2.5 mm thickness, increases the thermal isolation of the
gla region and in a typical day 21st July. In order to simplify absorber tube and protects the optical properties of the reflec-
the model, the following assumptions are considered: tor, in Fig. 2.
·One dimensional flow. According to the Theoretical study, the thermal and optical
·The collector system is in equilibrium. performances of collector are influenced by the tube’s material,
·Absence of phase change for the water. the protection glass tube, and the existence of an external flat
·The optic properties are constant. glass cover, the distance between glass tube and absorber tube,
·The sun-tracking error is neglected. and the coating of the tube.
·The radiation between the reflector plate, on one hand, The Parabolic trough collector (PTC) was fabricated in the
and the glass envelopes and the external flat glass cover, LENREZA laboratory (Laboratory of Development of New
on the other, is neglected. and Renewable Energy in Arid and Saharan zones), Univer-
·The temperature gradients through the thickness of the sity of Ouargla, Algeria (Fig. 2), and orientated on tilted track-
walls of the glass envelope and absorber tube are ne- ing axis towards the south, at the local latitude angle
glected. (31.95' N), in order to receive maximum solar radiation, thus
·Only the direct radiation (solar beam radiation) is con- all experiments were carried outdoor during July and started at
sidered, while the diffuse radiation is neglected. 8.00 a.m, and terminated at 6.00 p.m. local time. During op-
erations, solar radiation intensities, temperatures of water in-
Through the energy balance equations, we have calculate side and outside of the (PTC), the water flow rate, the ambient
the intensity of solar radiation flow and temperature of the temperature were measured; the values of the different raw
ambient air, every 30 minutes, from sunrise to sunset, basing data were recorded at regular 30 min time throughout the du-
on the temperature of the water entering, the program calcu- ration of the runs. The instruments used in measurements are :
lates the temperature of the water out then the thermal effi- 1. Solar radiation: pyranometer
ciency every 30 minutes for different water flows. Optical 2. Temperature measurements: Set of thermocouple with
proprieties and thermal are given in Table 1. digital displays.
3. Mass flow rate: Flow meter.
3. The experimental study
4. Results and discussion
The most important application of PTC is the Direct steam
generation technology (DSG) ; PTC plants are a promising Our interval time (8 : 00 - 18 : 00) was chosen according to
option to reduce the cost by using water as a Heat transfer our measured intensity of direct solar radiation in the region of
fluid (HTF) [25, 26]. Ouargla on 21 July, Fig. 3 This intensity can reach 950 W/m2.
In this study a parabolic reflector has been designed with

Table 1. Optical and thermal properties of the PTC.

Reflector reflectance 0.935

Absorptance of selective coating 0.92
Emissivity of selective coating 0.14
Transmittance of glass envelope and glass cover 0.935
Emissivity of glass envelope and glass cover 0.85
Absorptance of glass envelope and glass cover 0.05
Intercept factor 0.92
Specific heat of water (J/Kg.K) 4182
Specific heat of air (J/Kg.K) 1009
Specific heat of copper (J/Kg.K) 381
Specific heat of glass (J/Kg.K) 835 Fig. 2. Photographic view of the PTC with a flat glass cover.
4006 M. E. Soudani et al. / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 31 (8) (2017) 4003~4009

21 July Experimental
0.80 Theoretical
1000 0.75
900 0.65
Direct solar irradiation (w/m2)


Thermal efficiency
700 0.50
600 0.40
500 0.30
300 0.15
200 0.05
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 8 10 12 14 16 18
Time (h) Time (h)

Fig. 3. Flow the solar radiation in Ouargla on 21 July, 2014. Fig. 5. Thermal efficiency for water flow «0.009 kg/s».

With a glass cover
Without a glass cover 0.80 Theoretical
0.70 0.78

Thermal efficiency
Thermal efficiency

0.45 0.74
0.20 0.70
8 10 12 14 16 18 0.008 0.010 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018 0.020 0.022 0.024
Time (h) Mass flow rate (kg/s)

Fig. 4. Experimental thermal efficiency during the day for water flow Fig. 6. Thermal efficiency versus water flow.
«0.009 kg /s».

The effectiveness of the glass cover is shown experimen- tube diameter ) then no more thermal efficiency increase was
tally in Fig. 4 in which the efficiency can reach 77 % at the observed.
period (11 h – 15 h); with a difference of 9 % more than the A regular family consummation of heating water is 25 % of
efficiency without cover. total energy use. For instant hot water generation, people use
The cover increases thermal insulation of the absorber tube, fossil fuels in suburbans and they use cooking gas and elec-
thereby reduces the heat convection loss, but at the sunrise and tricity in urban areas. Solar water heating systems are cheap
sunset the heat convection loss is lowest, that is why the PTC and available solution to heat water without difficulties. For
with cover and PTC without cover have the same efficiency. non-concentrating systems, the daily maximum water tem-
Fig. 5 shows the closeness of the theoretical and experimen- perature varies from 35.5 °C to 64.4 °C and the daily maxi-
tal results of thermal efficiency where the difference is less mum collection efficiency ranges from 50.86 % to 57.13 %
than 6 %, whereas the results are conformed at the meridian. [27]. Concentrating solar collectors of low concentration ratio
The validation of the present model was done by comparing can supply hot water or process heat, in many industrial, do-
the results of thermal efficiency of simulation with those of mestic and rural applications. Many experimental studies are
the experimental thermal efficiency. So this model is suitable done in this field; some of them are listed in Table 2.
for the calculation of the thermal performance, or the outlet Our theoretical study explains the effect of PTC dimensions,
water temperature under different operating conditions. with flat glass cover, and the mass flow of water to produce a
The variation of thermal efficiency against water mass flow hot water.
rate is shown in Fig. 6. It increases till it reaches about (77 %) Figs. 7 and 8 show changes in the outlet water temperature
in the experimental study at mass flow rate of 0.017 kg/s. That during the day. Consideration of the figure explains that the
is, the increase of mass flow rate will decrease the absorber increase in mass flow rate leads to a lower outlet temperature.
tube temperature so that the heat losses decrease. The thermal Furthermore; as well as the figure shows that the minimum
efficiency reaches a maximum at a critical mass flow out temperature is reached at 8 : 00 and then rises until mire-
0.017 kg/s (this critical mass flow changes with the absorber dian. Then it begins to descend down up from 16 : 00 to
M. E. Soudani et al. / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 31 (8) (2017) 4003~4009 4007

Table 2. Studies results of heating water using PTC. Table 3. The production of hot water with temperature of 90 °C, for
some theoretical cases are shown.
Dimension of Mass flow rate Temperature of
References Efficiency
PTC kg.s-1 water The mass flow Quantity of hot water
Dimensions of (PTC)
1.25 m x Kg/s (L/day)
Ref. [28] 0.0117 - 0.0167 36.5 °C 66.3 - 68.8 %
0.8 m 1.6 m*1.8 m 0.0074 133.2
Ref. [29] 1.49 m 0.00111 104 °C 53.4 % 1.6 m*3 m 0.0123 221.4
Ref. [30] 1.2 m x 1.5 m 0.0017 65 °C 32 % 1.6 m*6 m 0.0250 450.0
1.82 m x 1.6 m*10 m 0.0411 739.8
Ref. [31] 0.00111 50 °C 49 %
1.03 m 1.6 m*15 m 0.0633 1139.4
Ref. [32] 6 m x 2.3 m 0.55 165 °C 55 %
Ref. [33] 7.8 m x 5 m 0.345 47.24 °C 70.93 %

Fig. 9. The outlet temperature of water during the day for water flow
«0.1 kg/s».
Fig. 7. The outlet water temperature during the day for length 10 m.

Fig. 10. The outlet temperature of water with the length PTC.
Fig. 8. The outlet water temperature during the day for length 3 m.

mestic and industrial purposes, we have to choose the appro-

18 : 00. priate mass flow and the appropriate PTC dimensions, during
Fig. 9 shows the variation of the outlet water temperature as the sunniest period. Quantities of hot water obtained for some
a function of the PTC length during the day at mass flow rate theoretical cases are shown in Table 3.
of 0.1 kg/s. It shows that the outlet water temperature varies
directly with the PTC length.
5. Conclusions
Fig. 10 shows change of the outlet water temperature during
the period of stability (10 : 30 - 16 : 00) with the length of In this paper, after a experimental and theoretical study of
PTC for the mass flow rate values (0.03, 0.05, 0.10, 0.20, the PTC, the following conclusions are drawn :
0.25) kg/s. The existence of the flat glass cover leads to improve the
To produce a hot water with 90 °C of temperature, for do- thermal efficiency up to 9 % during the period of the meridian
4008 M. E. Soudani et al. / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 31 (8) (2017) 4003~4009

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