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Past tenses - revision

1. Use Past Simple or Past Continuous.

1. My friend __________(come) to see me yesterday.
2. As he __________ (cross) the road, he _______(slip) and ( _____fall)
3. My tooth_________(break) when __________(eat) a hazel-nut.
4 He __________(stop) when the policeman _________ (tell) him to.
5.As he____________ (die), he __________(ask) for a priest.
6.I ___________(talk) about him when he suddenly _________(come) in.
7. As he_________________ (eat), he __________ (can not) answer clearly.
9 She_____________ (burst) into tears when she ____________ (hear) the tragic news.
10.He _______________(come) in while I__________ (work).

2. Use Simple Past or Past Perfect ( Simple or Continuos)

1. She _________ (tell) me his name after he____________ (leave).
2. He _____________(thank)me for what I_____________ (do).
3. I ________ (say) I __________ (be) sorry that I________ (hurt) him.
4. After they _______________(go) I __________(sit) down and ______(rest).
5. He ____________ (work) in the company for 10 year before he ________ (get) promoted.
6. __________you (post) the letter after you ____________ (write) it?
7. My friend ________ (not see) me for many years when I ________(meet) him last week.
8. They ___________ ( live) in Wrocław for 20 years when they _______(decide to
move to the country.
9. Before he __________ (arrive) in England, he __________(learn) English at school.)
10.He ________ (be ) afraid he _______(forget ) everything , but after a few weeks he
_____________ (remember) all he______________ (learn).

3. Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets: past simple, past
continuous, or past perfect.

I _________ (1.wake up) on the morning of the maths exam with a horrible feeling in my
stomach. I knew that I _________(2.not study) enough the night before and that I was going to
fail. When I left home it _________ (3.rain) and there was a lot of traffic. I ________ (4.arrive)
five minutes late and the exam ________ (5.already / begin). I __________ (6. sit down)
quickly and looked at the questions. I _________(7.not can) answer any of them! It was the
most difficult exam the teacher __________(8.ever / give) us. I ________ (9. sit) next to one
of my friends called Sophie and I could see that she ________(10.write) very quickly. She
was great at maths. Suddenly I had an idea. I____(11.look) at the teacher, Mr Everitt. He
________ (12.stand) by the window and he _________ ( 13.not look) at us. I wrote a
message on a piece of paper and ________ (14.throw) it to Sophie. It said 'I need help.'
Sophie __________ (15.already / finish) the exam. She copied the answers on a piece of
paper and quickly __________ (16 pass) t to me. The following day Mr Everitt___________
(17,call) us both to his room. We saw that he _______(18. hold) my exam paper, and
Sophie's, too. He told us that we __________(19.both / fail) the exam. We
____________(20.write) exactly the same answers for every question, including several wrong

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