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Page 85.

B. (1) had + past participle (2) had been + verb -ing

1. had been working 2. Had finished 3. Had appeared 4. Had run 5. Had started 6. Had designed 7. She had been
considering 8. Had taken off


Exercise 1.
1.come 2.was crossing; slipped; fell 3.broke; I was eating 4. Stopped; was telling 5.died; was asking 7.was eating;
couldn’t 9.burst; heard 10. Come; was working.

Exercise 2.
1.told; had left 2. thanked; had done 3. Said; am; hurt 4. Had gone; sat; rest 5.had been working; got 6.Did you post;
had written 7.hadn’t been seeing; met 8.had been living; decided 9. Arrived; had learnt 10. Was; forgot;
remembered; had learnt.

Exercise 3.
1.woken up 2.didn’t study 3.was raining 4.I arrived 5.had already begun 6.sat down 7.couldn’t 8.had ever given us
9.Sat 10.was writing 11.looked 12.was standing 13.wasn’t looking 14.threw 15.had already finished 16.passed
17.called holding 19. both failed 20.had written.

Page 93.
To answer on question: ,, What are some ways we can try to reduce social inequality?” I would like to describe some
of social inequality which exist in Poland. One of them is unequal access to a good quality health care. It is associated
with wealth of citizen. In my country public health care is very common and people pay dues for it. However, health
service is unpaid very well what lead to many problems for instance deficiency of specialists, which go for work in
richer countries or set up own facility instead of work in public. Next problem is very long time of waiting for health
services. In my opinion to reduce social inequality in this case is privatization health care, which is better quality and
money from dues we could spend for cure, when we will need help. Secondly, we can count on charity organizations.
Next problem is access to education. It is again associated with wealth of people and organisation. Schools in small
cities are worse co-financed, teachers regardless of degree of commitment are paid depending on the seniority.
Classes are overflowing and teachers cannot focus on each student, what lead to inequality treatment of students.
As far as I am concerned that introduction an educational voucher is one of the best option. Parents on the basics of
opinion and rank could choose school and pay extra if they want improve quality or demand something more.
To sum up, apart from rare cases of very serious problems, when someone need help, most of social inequality
depends on us. We should be responsible for our choice

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