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6s ‘The canter construction of prestressed concrete bridges ig. 2792, (0,and(@) Web aangemeatia lion ie Manger “Tis soltion, which implies webs of diferent height, to beaded asic kes the sign of jrestressng cables considerably more complex ‘When the eres section const of two box Deas bu separately hese are ‘usually connected by an upper sab, concreted one te box beams have been eo structed. This slab must be at last 00 mm vide 10 allow the taking up of dizences of vel betwen the two box eam as well as eventual ead of te transverse presressng cals. "Figure 280 shows the standard crows setion of bridge constructed by the canever method, wih the sual otto. 4S Webriicknes (0) ‘Webs must provide resistance to shearing forces and permit proper placing of he concrete as well fay ofr the anchorage of prestessing cables. They mus. therefore have the following characterises. 454 * [A thickness at supports ited by the searing contin: 5, 2% where ~ permissible heer stress in conerete. ig. 280 ‘Standard roe sein notation Deck design © “The we is wubjectd o shear steses due to shating fore ¥(,) and to the torsional moment, () hens va Fang 40 Fire moment and second moment of area of the a, ) % Damar of cable ducts ‘Are enclosed in the ection mean out. me) Ina deck with variable anesthe crcl sections With respect to shearing fore ste enerally situated at approximately onesith span. "The ue of presred eraps, which induce a vertical compresin inthe web, ‘permits an increase ofthe vale of the prise shear test, anda decrease Gf the ‘wel thickness 2. Prestessed sirups ae Tide of single wie, ‘monostands or of Ba postioned in sleeves and groued to prevent coneian Ge 280), Some nonotracds are soplicd ect fom the works in plac Sleeves and comed witha coroion prot grease. ig 281, Seesedsrps Fo The conte contruction of preresed comer blges ‘The mimap mde of bonded wis o sands sid with prefabricated web ae sore conomical dc tothe fact tat oo sere lsneted (eae Yaron of pth te beam a et in loca ote sein fre thanks to the elect of the verical component ofthe compression inthe Lome, flange (he s-caed Risa coneston, Wien von sb ea i usualy possi to maintain» saan wed thoes donee kage eae ‘em and this reat implies the formwork. “ ping cable rosin the elon he reporter te fore beans of he veel componst fhe esressig ce, Te MAT 452 A minimum hchness compat wth good concreting (fs. 282) ‘Te stiaps aly wih 10-0 Kum mee, at here an 3120 Conn shat (40 mm) mas on ot as fe ah aoe pntaton of neal rts Hcg fo a #399.20066,+4, + 600m) te 6 = hance ton te 250 ram with 12 8 cable” ¢10stiaps and 8 distribution steel 280mm wih 9127 13 cable ¢ 16 straps and 6 10 istibuion te, fuk tue Fe 282 Webmin titnne ‘eras Deat design n ‘The above condition i often inadequate wih webs of gre depth It i inde sential thatthe conerete fils she form adequately over the whole deph of he ‘web. Conereting ports St half way up the forms and towards the ini he box ‘pam make pacing easier. When the webs are sloping vibration can be improved ‘by guiding the iteral vibrators ine laced duct (Gayonsigess an empirical forma formes ith depth estan 6m A a> 450+ 6mm) Inthe way we have 240 mum for a depth of $m and cables 129 8.1the webs are Inciaed at a are angle tothe vertical is aviable to increas he values given inthe above formula ‘With depehs equal o 6 mo igh higher, t doesnot seem son to po ow 300 mm i the webs inclde 12713 cables Pont ds Bonhomme: webs of 00 rm for a depth of 7m), and below 240 mmifthee ar no eds in he webs. ‘Beyond 7m the Guyon formula ean be reace by: A a5 + 80+ tm ‘The webs of Gennevliers bride which ate sloping and penetrated by 12715 cles are 400 mm thick fora depth of9m. At Bendoe ridge the vertical webe ‘are 370m thick for a depth of 1043 m (he presensing cables do not go down It the webs, whieh are pressed by sloping prestressed strap). TF the webs are precast and conreted atthe hckness may be reduced, 25 swith the Brotoane brkge where the webs Which are preresed by Bonded Wires ave a minimum hickoes of 200 mm. ass ‘An aqua thickness allowing forthe anchorage cables, f hese ae stopped off ‘the surface ofthe segment inthe depth af he Webs: Approval ectes give for each pressing procedure, minimum values to be abserved, apart fom special arrangement (end pls, wre wrapping ee) ‘These values are equal to 250mm with 1268 cables and to 360mm with, 12713 cables (approximately 15D; D being the externa) ameter of the smchorae), 46 Span and thickest) ofthe upper fang In a comilever beige whose transverse erosssection usually consists of box 2 The cantilever consruction of presresied concrete bridges ‘beams the upper dango is Fixed to the webs Because ofthe presence ofthe lower ‘ange which esa ae od and thu tera restns he webs (i283). ‘Asaresu, the upper Mange whose dimensions are determina’ by its esiance {0 tansvere bending under Eve oa, may have gute lege spas (commen # 4.6m) without needing exesive thickness or excessive ansverserhnfrcement ‘is overt, npty that the strength of flanges i rom underestimated by present codes which ake o account ether of momen eistouion oro the formation ear ultimate Toad of soncrte arches braced by tranaerse cable, slow this has been proved by mumerous experiments, The transverse Nae ‘mus include substantial chars athe web jnction ig, 2.8), “Te chamfer | improve the fy ofthe flange wed connection and kes the angie divert rom a staight ine facitaing he use of anverse cables with a reclined oa sgh Sinusodal cute. Fig. 283 et of elower sa omfg the upper t Fig, 284 Behaviour of upper ange a uimat load Fe 233 Cham ote wpe ange Deck design a CChamfer 2 makes conecing caer and permits the accommodation of ‘ong resuesing cables ‘which aasre the sfeagh of the cantilever beame—it can ano accommodate eventual anchorage ofthe intepfaton cables ‘opped of inthe upper slab, ‘Chamfer | must be designed to encose she possible ines of pres produced ty veil loading stuatd in the centre art ofthe age Ihe mide tid of he span). The strength ofthe Mange i in practice, qual o that of lb of unform thickness equal to that ofthe chamfer. The ines of pressure are cose tothe ‘sigh net ing the point of application of the load 1 the loker pont of interecuon othe chamfer withthe web. If me cll te clear span betmeen the bs, the charfer length is approximately 5 TF) pee areiaeett corew ie eee com ceees Torna below whichis vali for French lading condos an ist accordance widest theory = (E ett) am “This formula gies thickness values which are too high when spans are longer han 45m, I inreses the deck dead welsh without wel parpoe. We peter doping the values shown a the able below, which ae sl higher han minimum permissble values fer 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 mm | 160 | 180 200 220 ‘Spans reter than 7m may be obtained by consrctng the upper Mange — either as voided sla, asin the ease of the acces vindct ofthe Tage ‘ids e286) — rasa ribbed slab, with Saint-André-de-Cubeas bridge (Bp. 269) 47° Span and hicksess() of the Mange ‘The thickness of he ower Mange is usualy determine by the cover eared for the presussiag cables laced thre: che mim thickess is approximately 256 (Gis the diameter of the dct of the cables) its 140 mm for 12@ 8 cables, and 180 um for 12713 cabs (ig. 287. When here ino cablein the ower Hangs. ‘ticks can be rodused to 120mm (example: Coble bridge fe, 2.88) 1

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