BCL Choosing Adequate Sleep PDF

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Common Target Behaviors

One of eight common target behaviors is examined below. If you think you are at risk for one or
more of these behaviors, it is important to start a behavior change program.

Adequate Sleep
Everyone needs sleep, but are you getting as much as you need? Most college students are not get-
ting enough quality sleep, which makes their daytime activities, like schoolwork, class participation,
and extracurricular activities, suffer.

DIRECTIONS: Answer Yes or No to the following questions to determine if you are getting enough

Yes No 1. Do you avoid the use of caffeine, alcohol, or other substances after 8 p.m.?

Yes No 2. Do you give yourself at least one hour to “unwind” before going to bed?

Yes No 3. Do you have a comfortable bed and pillow?

Yes No 4. Is the temperature in your room about 68°F when you sleep?

Yes No 5. Do you have a regular sleep time and wake time?

Yes No 6. Do you get about 20 minutes of sunlight per day?

Yes No 7. Do you get at least 7–8 hours of sleep per night?

Yes No 8. Is the room darkened when you are sleeping?

Yes No 9. Do you usually wake up in the morning feeling refreshed?

Yes No 10. Do you sleep straight through the night without waking up multiple times?

If you answered No to any of these questions, you are probably not getting the best sleep and should
begin making changes to how you sleep. If you think your sleep is being compromised due to a
medical problem, be sure to visit your primary care physician

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