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Company Case 4

Campbell Soup Company: Watching What You Eat

Questions for Discussion
1. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the Campbell Soup Company’s marketing information

The primary strength of Campbell Soup Company’s marketing information system is the
transformation of conventional research of marketing. The management of the company initiated to identify the
client’s emotions which are related to their product. The management of the company also evaluated the effect of
a label with the average time spent by the client to do shopping and looking for their soup can.
This transformation in their marketing information system enables the management to increase their salesby two
percent. However, there is no weakness associated with the transformation of IS.

2. What objectives does Campbell have for the marketing research efforts described in this case?

At the beginning, they really just threw a bunch of soups together which overwhelmed to the
consumer. They considered soup a "cash cow" so they were taken by surprised when sales
dropped. They prompt and preserve emotion with soup. They wanted to understand their
emotions and subconscious.

3. Compare the effectiveness of Campbell’s biometric research with its deep dive research.

They outfitted shoppers with special vests that measured skin-moisture levels, heart rates, depth
and pace of breathing, and postures. Sensors tracked eye movements and pupil width.
Campbell’s researchers and marketers dive in and spend time with consumers on their own turf.
“We’re in their homes” researchers can unlock deep consumer insights of which customers
themselves are often not aware.

4. Describe how traditional marketing research could be integrated with Campbell’s research
efforts from this case.

Campbell combines multiple research methods. Neuroscience and deep dive research, the
company still employs traditional methods of surveys and interviews. The triangulation of data
across methods allows for greater accuracy as well as the ability to cover larger consumer

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