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ID : 20191-263587




Why peace in Afghanistan is important for Pakistan?

Aghanistan is the neighbouring country of Pakistan. They share a large

boundry line about 2,430 kilometer which is known as Durand line. Pakistan faces many threats
from internal as well as extenal sources. Pakistan wants a friendly relation with all its
neighbouring countries with whom they share a boundry as well as with other countries of ther

Historically, the Pak-Afghan relations have often seen fluctuations,

especially in the last three decades. After Afghan war the law and order situation in the country
was not stable as well as the lack of political stability because most of the areas of Aghanistan
are controlling by the Afghan Taliban.After the Afghan war the relation between two countries
become more worse because the government of the Afghanistan believe that the militant group
(which is Afghanm Taliban ) with whom the Afghan army is fighting are facilitate by the military
establishment of pakistan and the other reason was that the government of Afganistan wants
to grant transit access to indian goods destind for Afghan markets. These two main reasons is
the hurdle between the relation of these two countries.

If we talk about the importance of Aghanistan peace for Pakistan, so

there are many reasons. Pakistan faces alot of terrorism in wiich Pakistan loose his more than
hundred-thousand civilians and soldiers and also down fall of economy.There is a alot tension
on eastern and western borders . Most of the terrorist groups which operates in Aghanistan
and make terrorist attacks in Pakistan. These groups are funded by the enemies of Pakistan. The
boarder between two countries is not fully covered with boundries so that the terrorsit easily
enter into Pakistan and perform terrrorist attack. There is also a smuggling of different things
like drugs, tyres, automobile parts etc. , through hilly areas which also damage the economy of
Pakistan. The peace in Aghanistan is very fruitful for Pakistan because of the peace there will be
a stable law and order situation in Pakistan and both the countries will taking steps to control
the smugggling of things. There is also in delaying of project which is a gasoline pipe known as
TAPI which will be coming through Turkmenistan via Afghanistan to Pakistan.This project will
give benefit not only to Pakistan but also to Aghanistan, Turkmenistan and India as well. But
due to not stable condition in Afghanistan affects the project.

Afghanistan is an important neighbouring country for Pakistan.

Therefore, on economic, law and order situation peace in Afganistan is important for Pakistan's
stability and prosperity.

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