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​ First language Acquisition Language Learning

First Language acquisition is the natural Second language learning takes place
process in which children where the target language is the
subconsciously possess and develop language spoken in the language
the linguistic knowledge of the setting community that differs from the mother
they live in. tongue "first language"

is achieved in an environment where

the acquired language is the language is more of a conscious one
spoken by the parents and / or the
learners develop this knowledge by
utilising conscious and cognitive efforts
The acquirer is constantly exposed to
this language
Second language learners have lesser
contact with the language, and maybe
Differences and age: Children who are as few as hours per week in the case of
acquiring their first language are still foreign language learners
developing their speech organs.

learners' competence is also affected by

age-related physical conditions that
hinder their learning

In general the previous explanations are valid. The second language acquisition
would be the acquisition of the language that follows the maternal language ( 1st
language),regardless from the place of birth or the current residence.
If you are a Chinese born in England, English would be your second language
acquired. If you are British born in India, learning Hindu would be your acquisition of
a second language. Your second language is that one where you use more cognitive
skills like reasoning ,perception to learn it than your 1st mother tongue,that you start
to learn very early. At that stage your acquisition is more dependent on intuition and
implicit subconscious acquirement. At a later stage at school you will be developing
more and more cognitive skills in improving both your 1st and 2nd language,but your
maternal language will usually be better because of the initial acquisition at a very
early stage.
This is one of the possible definitions of the 2nd language acquisition. Accordingly a
second language is also a foreign language, but marked by an early childhood
learning process due to residence in the country speaking the language for example.
Every foreign language is not a second language though. The foreign language
could be defined as the language one didn't learn at home at early stages, where its
acquisition depends more on developing cognitive skills than merely on early
childhood intuitive acquisition such as taking language courses, learning a new
language as an adult etc. I hope this definition helps you distinguish between the 2

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