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There was a man who had two sons .Both sons would work in the field and

many servants worked in his field and in his house .One day the younger son

said to his father “I am getting bored of doing the same work here and I wish to

go to the city to start my own business . Please give me my share of your

property.” His father tried to make him understand but his son remained

adamant. With a heavy heart his father divided his property and gave the boy

his share.

With a purse full of money , he was left for the city .His father tried to give him

some advice but he ignored him.! Happy! ‘Free from a villager’s life ! I am the

master of my own future! With thoughts like this, the boy started for the city.

Alas in the big city he got into bad company of people and forgot his plan to

start a business .He spent his entire inheritance on drinking ,gambling and

visiting courtesans. When his unfaithful friends found out that he had no

money left ,they abandoned him. He was thrown out of their company. In those

days there came a famine everywhere and now the boy was despairing for food.
He requested a farmer to give to him a job and with great difficulty got a job

feeding the pigs. He was so hungry that he even the food that was for the pigs

looked good to him. Then one day he realized and said to himself “There is

food even for the servants in my father’s house but I am here, having the meals

that is fit only for pigs. I will go home and ask my father to give me a job as a

servant and then I can at least get food”. With such thoughts he started for his

home. Here his father had stopped looking for his son to return. His father

walked everyday on the terrace of his house and used to keep a watch on the

path that led to the city. He used to wonder when his son would return. When

the boy came near to his house, he recognized his father standing on the terrace

and felt very ashamed. In a moment his father’s eyes were on him and he

instantly recognized him. He ran to road to hug his son .His son fell to his knees

and said “I have sinned against you and God. I have no right to be called your

son because of my wrong doings. Give me a work as a servant in your home.

But his father would have none of it. He called all his servants and ordered

them to dress his son in good clothes, give him a gold ring and slippers to wear

and to announce to everyone that there is celebration in my house today . My

son was gone away but now has come back to me . He was lost but today I have

found him. He was happy beyond words and was proud that his son had


When his elder brother came to the house he saw that something was being

celebrated .He asked the servant standing beside him what the celebration was

about. After knowing the reason behind it, he became furious. He decided not to

enter the house. When his father came to know that his elder son was standing

outside the house, he went to meet him .Then his son said “I have followed

every thing you said to me to do for last so many years and never disobeyed

you. But you have not ever had any celebration for me and my friends and this

rascal has come back after spending all the money you had earned through hard

work on drinking , gambling and merry making and for him you throw a party?

You are not even concerned about me!”. His father tried to make him

understand “My son, you should not talk in this way. I am proud of you

.Whatever I have is for you .But this is my younger son who I had lost , but has

come back to me. Today I have found him once again .You should also feel
happy that the brother whom you call ‘rascal’ is feeling sorry for his wrong

doings and has come back to me. Then the father took him inside.

Is there not any moral in this story for all of us? In many different ways we

have also wandered away from our heavenly father. We have become self

centered and entangled in worldly pleasures, pride and selfishness. Our

heavenly Father is waiting for us everyday. He loves us so much that He sent

his son Jesus Christ on the earth to guide us. There are people among us who

feel proud of their good works but these people don’t understand that they too

are wandering away from God by being proud. God is a veritable mine of

forgiveness, love and kindness. We can achieve freedom and eternal life only

through God’s kindness. Christ said, I am knocking the door of your heart .If

anyone will accept me, I will always live with them.” You too can come closer

to God through following Lord Jesus. Pray this prayer from the bottom of your

heart “ O Lord Jesus ,I know that I have wandered away from my God. Bless

me with your love and guide me in the right direction . I accept you in my

heart .Forgive my sins and wrong deeds and always help me to love you and

others! O lord I pray in your name. Amen

Now Jesus will help you as your elder brother and you will start to feel

something new and different and wonderful in your life ……the love of your

Heavenly Father!

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