CSBA 1010 Assignment 04

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Leadership & Participation

The interactive nature of this course requires active participation in group discussions and activities (in-class
and online). Learning is a cooperative activity. The sharing of thoughts, ideas and experiences enhances
everyone’s comprehension of the course material. Group leadership and participation include being prepared
for the topic(s) being discussed and coming prepared to engage your peers in a debate, offering your
perspective on topics and questions discussed, and presenting questions for discussion and consideration.

The Leadership & Participation submission is due at the end of Session 12.

• Type: Individual
• Weight: 5%
• Due Date: Session 12

Assign a Leadership & Participation course grade to yourself out of 100. Provide a rationale for your self-
assessed grade request. Consider all the activities you actively and enthusiastically participated in, including:

• Being prepared for the topic(s) being discussed and coming prepared to engage your peers in a
• Offering your perspective on topics and questions discussed.
• Presenting questions for discussion and consideration.
• Completing and submitting all work and assignments in a timely, and correct manner.

You may find it helpful to create a rubric as a guide to self-assess yourself.

Your instructor may have questions about your self-assessment mark and rationale. Be prepared to respond to
those questions in a timely manner.

• Length and space: A minimum of one page and a maximum of two pages in length, double-spaced.
• Font type: Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman
• Font size: 12 points
• Citation guide: APA Style

Submit your assignment using one or a combination of the following file type:

• Portable Document Format (PDF) (Recommended)

• Microsoft Word (DOC or DOCX)
• Microsoft Excel (XLS or XLSX)
• Rich Text Format (RTF)
• Text Format (TXT)

Assignment 4: Leadership & Participation Self-Evaluation

CSBA 1010 Business Fundamentals 1 of 2
Save your assignment using the following format:

• LastName_StudentNumber_A4_CSBA1010W20_Section

For example:

• May_1234567_A4_CSBA1010W20_s1.docx
• Kaur_9876543_A4_CSBA1010W20_s2.pdf

Academic Integrity Checklist

Your submission MUST include a completed and signed copy of the SPARK Academic Integrity Checklist. It
can be included as a second file.

Save your Academic Integrity Checklist using the following format:

• LastName_StudentNumber_A4_AIC_ CSBA1010W20_Section
• LastName_StudentNumber_A4_AIC_ CSBA1010W20_Section

For example:

• May_1234567_A4_AIC_CSBA1010W20_s1.docx
• Kaur_9876543_A4_AIC_CSBA1010W20_s2.pdf

Submission Late Policy

Late submissions will be penalized 5% per day (including weekends and holidays) up to five (5) days past the
due date. After five days assignments will not be accepted, and a grade of zero (0) will be assigned for the
course work item unless otherwise specified by the Instructor. Requests for extensions must be submitted to
the Instructor before the assignment due date. Extensions are permitted for exceptional circumstances only;
supporting documentation may be requested.

Assignment 4: Leadership & Participation Self-Evaluation

CSBA 1010 Business Fundamentals 2 of 2

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