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Technology Policy

To my lovely 4th graders, here is your

technology policy for the 2030 school year!
Policy: Please use the technology responsibly and follow the rules of appropriate
use. Leave cellphones in your backpack. If we are using the computer lab you will
sign in and sign out. If you have a question place the red solo cup given on top of
your monitor. Please place the red screen over your computer when we are having
a discussion or the device is not being used. If you have any questions, do not
hesitate to ask!

Appropriate Use Inappropriate Use

• Only pull out device when I say Social network
• Only have one tab open for the o Games
site we are using unless advised o Typing when you are
otherwise suppose to be listening
• For homework purpose ONLY o Texting

• Using headphones only if LEAVE CELLPHONES IN BACKPACK


● Consequences depending on the device
○ Cellphone
■ Put in bucket each time the student arrives to class and given
back at the end.
○ Laptop or Computer
■ Will not be able to use device in class and only paper. ( If this is
an assignment that requires internet, they will have to do it at

Photo/ Video Use

Photos and videos should be used for school purposes only. Do not take pictures of
videos for non school purposes during this time or you will adhere to the
consequences. I will explain what kind of pictures and videos to have if I ask for
them. If I do not ask, there is no need for pictures or videos.
● Only can take pictures/ videos of another person if they say it is ok. Please
have them sign the form below.
● If you are using websites ALWAYS CITE YOUR SOURCES. YES FOR
● Ask for their permission if you are putting a picture up of them on social
media. Please sign form below.

I ___________ adhere to ______ taking a video or picture of me or something I

have created.


I _________ am ok with this video or picture filmed by ________ being on the

internet. (social media etc.)


Signatures for students and parents

I ___________as the student's guardian understand what is being asked of the
student and accept the terms listed above. If I have permission to take a picture or
video of someone, I will have them sign the form above.

Guardian Signature _________

I ___________ adhere to following these rules and if I break these rules, I will
accept the consequence.


Thank you for reading and signing the following paper. I am

excited for the school year!

Ms. Emily Harper

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