Ancient Manifestation Ritual

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“Every moment of your life is infinitely creative and the Universe is endlessly bountiful.

put forth a clear enough request, and everything your heart desires must come to you.”

- Shakti Gawain


Hello there.

My name is Sarah Prout and I want to invite you to forget everything you think you
know about manifesting and the Law of Attraction and to instead allow yourself to
occupy and feel your way into a beautiful new heart-space when it comes to setting
your intentions.

It’s time to wipe the slate clean and let go of any past frustrations, limiting beliefs or
ideas about manifesting that might not have worked for you very well in the past.

Everything and everyone in this entire Universe radiates a vibrational frequency that
determines what shows up in their life experience. Once you learn how to use these
innate powers for conscious creation of what you desire, life becomes so much sweeter.

Just remember that whatever you think and feel is what manifests.

And to truly get the things you want from life, you must tune into your heart-space so
you can manifest your desires from a place of authentic intention.

So get ready for an incredible journey ahead of us.

This is just the beginning.

As we travel together and as you take action on what you learn, I believe that you’re
going to discover a newfound sense of passion and purpose in life as you begin to
see how fun the manifesting process can really be.

So without further ado, let’s get started!


Sarah Prout


Copyright © 2015 Sarah Prout and Sean Patrick Simpson
P. S. The process I’m about to share with you is one I have used to manifest hundreds
of thousands of dollars, dream homes, a bestselling book contract, and so much
more. But the results aren’t limited to me. They are available to everyone. I want you
to go into this process with an open mind and excited for what’s possible. So before
continuing further, take a look at what some of my students have manifested through
this exact same process.


Copyright © 2015 Sarah Prout and Sean Patrick Simpson

“I’m loving the Ancient Manifesting Ritual! My first set was about working
with “legendary celebrities” and I got booked to do makeup for one
of the biggest rock star legends in the world! And also found out a few
celebrities and people I’d love to work with actually lived in my building.”

~ Phoebe Dawson (Celebrity makeup artist)

“So many AMAZING things have manifested in the last couple of months
both personally and professionally which leaves me feeling so blessed.
I have immense gratitude and respect for Sarah and all of the other
MANIFEST students. Thank you Sarah! Xx”

~ Renee Mayne (Entrepreneur)

“Loving the Ancient Manifesting Ritual – since completing a round for

more sales opportunities in my job, the before and after results have been
amazing. Now I just need to manifest a 100% close rate. If you haven’t
tried it yet, I would highly recommend it!!

~ Rachel Kerr


Copyright © 2015 Sarah Prout and Sean Patrick Simpson
“Manifested my first paid acting gig!! Just got a new opportunity in the
show I’m working on. So excited for this weekend. 3 weeks to memorize a
script and build a new character before we open!”

~ Anna Grindrod-Feeny

“Omg. Already enrolled in a on-line business training program and last

night WON a scholarship to another 90 day program valued at $1997! Oh,
also won the same scholarship for my dear friend. I just manifested almost
$4,000! Yessssss!”

~ Nancy O’Kane Cummings

“The Ancient Manifesting Ritual worked! I wanted to manifest that my

father’s house was sold, emptied, cleaned and delivered to the new
owners. And Monday it was delivered. Great!”

~ Peter Moller Anderson

The Power of the Ancient Manifesting Ritual

No matter what it is that you wish to create, attract or manifest into your life – I
believe that together, we can get your mind, body and soul in total and complete
alignment so you can start seeing evidence of your desires showing up in your reality
within the next three days.

The Ancient Ritual you’re about to discover is a massive part of the creation process.
It’s a ritual that has been used for thousands of years, from the ancient Egyptians to
the teachers of the New Thought Movement in the 1800s.

However, it’s been intentionally kept a secret and wasn’t even mentioned in the hit
Law of Attraction movie called ‘The Secret’.



Copyright © 2015 Sarah Prout and Sean Patrick Simpson
Because it’s so darn powerful and can only be used by those that have a
strengthened muscle of intention to create miracles in their lives.

Your heart must be open and you must be clear on what you desire.

The people that know how to really ‘work’ this ritual are the people that have clarity
on what they desire and are ready to manifest. They understand the basic workings
of vibration and how to fine-tune their own super-powers of creation.

If you’re not clear on what you want, then STOP and download the Dare
to Desire Guide for Discovering Exactly What You Want to Manifest. While
there are more advanced concepts for discovering what you want
from ‘all of life’ (which I cover in a great amount of detail in my course
MANIFEST), this guide is the quickest way to gain clarity on one specific
thing you want to manifest and/or in one specific category of your life.

The underlying mission with the Ancient Manifesting Ritual is to become best friends with
your sub-consciousness mind. You’re going to learn how to program and imprint energetic
patterns on a vibrational level that will have a ripple effect into your physical reality.

Think of the experience you’re about to have as though you are the leading
character in one of those ‘choose your own adventure’ books.

You see - to think and feel, is to create. It’s all about how aligned you feel with your
heart’s truest desires and how focused your vibration is.

You’re doing it all the time, mostly on autopilot. The electro-magnetic current
generated by your body, your thoughts and how you feel is creating a vibration,
which is a signal that triggers a response from the Universal ether.

Now I’m not going to dive in too deeply here into a lesson on metaphysics. All you
need to know right now is that you absolutely have the power to create your reality
and turn your goals, dreams, wishes and desires into physical experiences.

This Ancient Manifesting Ritual will play a pivotal role in this process of creation and
attraction for you by honing in on your own vibration and focusing it like a laser on
not only what you want, but also the correlating vibration of that desire.


Copyright © 2015 Sarah Prout and Sean Patrick Simpson
The Guru in the Lilac Turban

Before we finally begin, let me give you a little history on how I was introduced to this

This ritual is the exact same manifesting process that was explained to me by a
very close friend and teacher named Sri Bhai Sahib Ji. Sadly, he is no longer with us,
but during his 90 or so years on this planet he taught thousands upon thousands of
people meditation in order to remind everyone of their primary purpose here on the
Earthly plane – to truly connect to the Divine essence within.

This was his life’s purpose and number one love.

Bhai Sahib, beamed super-consciousness, with his lilac turban and long white beard.
His life story was utterly amazing, such as being a Prisoner of War for several months
in a Japanese camp and surviving only on salt naturally forming on the window sill
for food. He would tell stories of spontaneous discernment, energy management and
manifesting in order to avoid being killed.

I was fortunate enough to have Bhai Sahib stay in my home on several occasions
while he was touring the world teaching. Some of my most treasured memories are
of my discussions about spirituality and metaphysics. One of his favourite topics was
how to use the power of the brain and your feelings in conjunction with the Universe
to manifest your desires at a rapid rate.

At night, I would make us both tea and eagerly listen to his every word because he
sparkled with truth and divine wisdom.

Bhai Sahib’s experiences in the world had clearly fed his natural curiosity for the
marvels of the mind, spirituality and the souls connection to the Divine. His life was
dedicated to breaking down the walls of religion and seeing the golden thread that
binds all of us as human beings.

So where does the Ancient Manifesting Ritual come in to play?

It was simply his most powerful manifesting process that he only taught members of
his advanced meditation classes.

And now, you’re about to learn it!

If you follow the exact steps I’ve outlined, it will help you re-wire your thinking and you
will begin to see evidence of your desires manifesting into reality immediately.


Copyright © 2015 Sarah Prout and Sean Patrick Simpson
Ready to Receive

So, are you clear on what you want?


The final step before I share the ancient manifesting ritual and we finally get started is
that you must ask yourself three questions.

Now you have to answer truthfully, so be honest with yourself if you’re really
committed to manifesting your desires…

Number 1: Do you feel worthy enough to allow abundance, love, wellness and
magic to unfold in your life?

Number 2: Are you ready to receive and allow your desires to manifest into your reality?

Number 3: Can you ask your mind to believe and allow your heart to trust in the
outcome no matter what appears in your life?

If you answered yes to these three questions, then we are ready to move forward.


Copyright © 2015 Sarah Prout and Sean Patrick Simpson

This ritual is a 7-step process. Below, I’ll outline and describe each of the steps.
However, be sure to download and print the Ancient Manifesting Ritual Worksheet
before continuing further. That will be where you put into practice all of what you’re
about to learn.

•• DOWNLOADABLE – The Ancient Manifesting Ritual Worksheet: You’ll find this

sheet in the same place you downloaded the document you’re reading.
Note: if you invested in yourself and got my entire course called MANIFEST,
you will find lots of worksheets, guides and bonuses throughout – they will be
split up into the following categories: Core Content, Core Worksheets, Insight
Journals and Bonuses.

What you will need:

•• The “Ancient Manifesting Ritual Worksheet” or a notebook with a few dozen

lined sheets of paper.

•• A pen that is comfortable to write with and won’t run out of ink (not a pencil.
Your words need a solid commitment and cannot be erased).

•• About 20-40 minutes of uninterrupted time/meditative space.

•• Commitment to practicing this ritual for 5 consecutive days.

•• A place to sit comfortably.

•• A glass of water, tea or wine.

Step 1 – Decide What You Want

The very first step to the Ancient Manifesting Ritual is knowing what you want. And
specifically, choosing one thing to focus on.


Copyright © 2015 Sarah Prout and Sean Patrick Simpson
If you’re like most people, you probably have a lot of different things you want to
have in your life – ranging from actual ‘things’ to ‘experiences.’

Whatever they may be, I want you to think of that one thing that sticks out in your
mind right now. It might be something you crave or have an absolute passion for
accomplishing/attracting. It might even be a pain point in your life.

If for some reason you’re not sure how to choose what you want (perhaps there’s a
lot of things you really want), I want you to focus on the one thing that could make
everything else come into your life much easier.

Action: Fill out and complete Step 1 in the Ancient Manifesting Ritual Worksheet.

STEP 2 – Create an Affirmation of Gratitude

Create an affirmation of gratitude for something you want to manifest into your life.

For example: ‘I am filled with gratitude for the 7-figure book deal I signed today.
Thank you Universe! My creative mission is being fulfilled for the greater good.’

The secret here is to lift your vibration into a state of feeling grateful, even if you
haven’t manifested your particular desire yet.

The Universe responds to the vibration we’re offering, whether it is real (as in, already
manifested into reality) or not - so it’s really important to feel the bursting energy of
excitement here.

Really dive into the things that you want to create for yourself.

However, please do this in the present tense. For example:

‘Thank you Universe for my beautiful diamond earrings. When I wear them I feel
vibrant and sparkly.’

The metaphysical teacher and channel Abraham-Hicks once said that over 90%
of the manifesting process is completed on a vibrational level before we see any
physical evidence of it at all. Even though my logical brain is telling me there are no
diamond earrings just yet, the goal here is to spark the feeling, or the vibration, of
already having it.


Copyright © 2015 Sarah Prout and Sean Patrick Simpson
This means that our job is to align with the stuff we want to manifest (that has already
manifested in the ether) in order for it to be released from the vibrational holding

You might have heard some of these phrases before that refer to the creation

•• Ask and you shall receive


•• Fake it ‘til you make it!

•• Walk the talk

•• Leap of faith

•• Act as if…

These are all examples of the premise that we must act as if and FEEL like our desires
have ALREADY manifested now.

We know that the power of gratitude is awesome. When we find things to be grateful
for it intensifies our manifesting power.

“I am grateful for my health. I am grateful for my comfortable bed. I am grateful for

my beautiful children.”

On another level, what if we started practicing gratitude for the things we want to
manifest and we phrase them in a way as if they are already manifested in our lives?
I mean, the Universe can’t tell the difference because it’s responding in accordance
to the vibration we’re offering.

“I am grateful for my brand new silver Maserati”.

This is the FASTEST WAY TO GET INTO ALIGNMENT so that your desires can manifest into
your current reality.

Action: Fill out and complete Step 2 of the Ancient Manifesting Ritual worksheet, by
coming up with your 5 Affirmations of Gratitude.


Copyright © 2015 Sarah Prout and Sean Patrick Simpson
STEP 3 – Write Your Affirmation 55 Times in Pen

The time of day you write the affirmation 55 times in a row is totally up to you.
However, I might suggest if it fits in with your schedule, trying to do this at night just
before going to bed.

This will help it to sink into your subconscious mind and get absorbed faster than if
you did it at a time that you could get distracted by the other things you have to do
throughout your day.

Because you’re in a more surrendered and perhaps sleepy state, your brainwave
frequency is at a more effective level to be receptive to the subconscious imprinting

Alternatively, if you can’t do it at night, just be sure you’re able to calm yourself,
completely separate from the rest of your day, sit in meditation for a few minutes
before starting, and then begin in a present and centered state.

The benefits of writing your ‘Affirmation of Gratitude’ by hand are that you won’t be
tempted to be lazy or hit the cut and paste keys. You’re also a lot more connected
to the process if you can sit down and be alone with your pen, the words and the

This unlocks the magic in your heart.

There is immense power in putting pen to paper. It becomes a living document of

your intention to create.

Action: Fill out and complete “Step 3 – Begin Your Ritual” and “Day 1” in the Ancient
Manifesting Ritual worksheet.

Step 4 – Continue the Manifesting Ritual for 5 Consecutive Days

For this Ancient Manifesting Ritual to be effective you must commit to writing your
affirmation 55 times, all in one sitting, and 5 days in a row.

If you skip or miss a day you must start again from day 1.

The key is to compound the vibration. When you create a break in the chain, you
weaken the effects.


Copyright © 2015 Sarah Prout and Sean Patrick Simpson
Also note that you can’t complete this process unless you feel good about it.
Don’t do it if it feels like a chore, because that vibration and intention will be

If you find yourself struggling to ‘get into the mood’ to complete your ancient
manifesting ritual, then focus all of your attention on getting into a space of
happiness, fun and feeling good. Your emotional set-point for completing this process
needs to be done from one of optimism, enthusiasm and focused intention.

The whole idea here is to be disciplined, committed and open to allowing the magic
of intention to unfold for you in marvellous ways.

If you do miss a day and have to start over, try not to beat yourself up – instead use
it as an opportunity to learn from it. This whole process needs to be seen as a game
and used as an opportunity to strengthen your manifesting muscles.

Action: Continue your Ancient Manifesting Ritual everyday for the next 5 days.
Schedule a specific time in your calendar or smart phone if you feel that will help you
keep on track.

STEP 5 – Trust and Surrender To The Outcome

As you get into the flow of the ancient manifesting ritual, you might notice at times
resistance to the process. You may even start to doubt and question whether or not
this thing or experience will ever happen to you – whether or not you could ever
actually manifest what your heart desires.

This is also a very normal part of the process and one you must rise up to challenge.
Face those levels of resistance head on and see them for what they really are. Kindly
acknowledge the resistance or set-backs that come up as perfectly normal and
natural parts of the manifesting and growing process.

One common resistance I’ve seen from people (including myself in the past before I
really got it), is to the manifestation timeframe.

Many times, it can be unpredictable. You might focus on a desire you truly want to
manifest and want for it to be here now. But imagine for a moment that the Universe
is a loving and deeply caring parent or mentor who wants to help you get exactly
what you want. If the Universe sees that there are other things in your life that will hold
you back from truly experiencing and fully embracing that desire, then it’s going to
have your back. It’s going to take your intention seriously and think, “I love you so


Copyright © 2015 Sarah Prout and Sean Patrick Simpson
much that I am going to help prepare you for this desire so you can experience it
fully when it arrives.”

This can mean presenting you with challenges, or as I see them, opportunities to grow
and expand as a spiritual human being. One who embraces their higher self and
acknowledges that all experience in life is to both serve the greater good as well as
to help you evolve.

It’s not always easy. But it is necessary. Just as the struggle in lifting weights is
necessary for building strength, so are the challenges that arise in life necessary for
the growth and expansion of your soul.

The best thing to do is to let go of timeframes. Yes, you will start to see small (or
even big) pieces of evidence start to trickle into your physical reality as a result of
completing this ritual, but your main role here is to stand back and allow it to manifest.

Essentially, you need to get out of your own way.

Affirm that your desire has manifested already on the ethereal plain. Affirm that you
trust that the Universe will deliver your goods in Divine timing. And if it ever looks like
it’s never going to happen, please take heart in this quote by the beautiful Florence
Scovel Shinn:

“Every great work, every big accomplishment, has been brought into manifestation
through holding to the vision, and often just before the big achievement, comes
apparent failure and discouragement.” - Florence Scovel Shinn

Hold this quote dear to your heart in order to navigate your way through the times
when your logical brain is questioning the ‘ifs’ and ‘whens’ of the outcome. And finally,
keep pushing forward with your 5 consecutive days of the ritual no matter what.

When it’s over, make sure you trust that your desires are on their way.

Step 6 – Hide Your Completed Manifesting Ritual

Upon completing the Ancient Manifesting Ritual for five consecutive days, it is
important that you hide these words from yourself and don’t dwell on them.

You need to release it to the Universe with love and trust.

Signs will begin to show up, mostly when you’re distracted by other things and not
looking for them intentionally.


Copyright © 2015 Sarah Prout and Sean Patrick Simpson
Be aware that your brain is a very clever creature that will look for signs and fabricate
excuses everywhere. However, sometimes there are undeniable snippets of proof
that show up to show you that your goods are on their way.

Step 7 – Follow Your Intuition

What Happens After the Ritual Is Complete?

The biggest question I imagine will be burning on your mind after the ritual has taken
place is, what’s next?

Specifically, what do I do now that I have completed the ritual?

Well the first step really was an internal and energetic one – the act of trusting and
surrendering to the process.

That is a step that is not only critical during the Ancient Manifesting Ritual, but one
you must embrace afterwards as well.

You must trust and surrender that your desires can and will begin to manifest.

The real question that we need to address is, how exactly do things manifest?

How do you know when they’ve shown up?

And the answer really is that they manifest in an infinite number of ways.

There are times when the manifestations seem absolutely miraculous, while other
times they show up in small ways, bit by bit.

An example of a ‘miraculous’ manifestation is for instance when you’re focused on

attracting more abundance and wealth, and suddenly an unexpected $20,000 gets
deposited into your bank account.

I have seen, heard and experienced similar type of manifestations as this, though I
need to be clear, these do tend to be more on the rare side.

What’s more likely is that you’ll start to see signs of alignment. You’ll start to ‘receive’
answers as to your next steps towards the direction of your goals. Some of these
‘receiving’s’ may show up in the form of inspired ideas, others may show up as
an answer outside yourself – perhaps in your focus on wealth, you suddenly see a
billboard with a job or an opportunity of something you feel so completely aligned


Copyright © 2015 Sarah Prout and Sean Patrick Simpson
with, and know in your heart you have to pursue. It may or may not be obvious that it
could contribute to your intention of wealth, but this is the vital key element: you must
pay attention and listen.

In short, you must listen to your intuition.

Keep your eyes and ears open for inspired ideas, intuitive hits and gut feelings. Follow
those with PASSION and trust in the process.

Understand that the pathway to your desires is not always clear. In fact, many times
it’s not. Yet with each passing step, more of the pathway reveals itself. Step-by-step,
action by action, you’ll find yourself gently guided in the direction of your desires and
begin to see evidence that you’re on the right path.

A Few More Things to Keep in Mind

This or Something Better

As you continue about your days, weeks or months, I want you to be open to the
possibility that your desires could show up in a better and even grander way than
you ever imagined.

You can do this by affirming that ‘this or something better’ will show up for you.

Sometimes, and more often than not in life, when we think we want something, our
higher self shows up with what we really need. And as cheesy as it sounds, your soul is
never given more than you can handle at any given time.

The concept of, ‘This or something better’, when adopted into your life, becomes sort
of like a mantra. It becomes a phrase that is at the back of your mind whenever you
set an intention or experience a desire.

And why wouldn’t you want that mantra? It’s an amazing one that leaves you open
to so much possibility. It is a mantra that is truly embracing the concepts of trust and
surrender, and putting your faith in the Universe that it does have your back and will
deliver to you what is best for your soul’s evolution.

Trust in the power of all that is and know that your desires and intentions, ‘this or
something better’, will come true and manifest in the time it needs to. No sooner, no


Copyright © 2015 Sarah Prout and Sean Patrick Simpson
A Delay, Not A Denial – What if Your Desires Don’t Manifest?

Late 2013 and 2014 was my time to manifest a baby. About a week before my
wedding to Sean in Las Vegas (September 2013) I found out I was about 5 weeks
pregnant. A few days later I lost the baby.

I held the belief that it would be easy to get pregnant again. And sure enough it was,
however I should have worked on the belief to add that it was easy to carry the baby
to full term. Within weeks of losing that first baby, I fell pregnant again. However, that
pregnancy was lost as well at around 8 weeks when we were on our honeymoon in
the Dominican Republic.

During this time I met a man called Anil Gupta at an event called Awesomenessfest.

He reminded me that the miscarriages were a delay, not a denial.

Each ‘apparent failure’ bruised my faith in the manifesting process.

And over the course of 8 months I got pregnant 5 times. Each of which only lasted
up to around 8 or 9 weeks.

Each loss was a devastating experience, and I could have easily given up on my
dream to have a baby with my love, Sean.

Fortunately however, I eventually did go onto have a healthy pregnancy. In fact, as

I write this, I am looking at my beautiful baby girl, Lulu Dawn, who came to us in our
sixth pregnancy.

Thank you Anil for the reminder, this is just a delay, not a denial.

Can you think of any times in your life you set an intention, felt denied, but later found
it was only a delay?

How about now? Is there anything in life you’ve wanted to attract and hasn’t shown
up, that could just be slightly delayed?

Keep this concept close to your heart and remind yourself with it whenever feelings
of being denied of your desires creeps up.

The Law of Substitution

By allowing your heart to be open to the concepts of ‘this or something better’

as well as ‘this is just a delay, not a denial,’ you free up a lot of heavily caked-on


Copyright © 2015 Sarah Prout and Sean Patrick Simpson
resistance around your desires. It frees up the vibration and softens the edges of
intention in order to allow for a much greater flow.

Sometimes the things you ‘think’ are showing up as the ‘something better’ are vital
stepping-stones to get you to where you really need to be. JUST TRUST, that’s all you
can do.

The most important key point here is to not try and guess whether something has
been placed on your path as a stepping stone or a ‘better’ alternative to your
heart’s truest desire. It really doesn’t matter.

The only choice you have is to be grateful for whatever shows up (in whatever form)
and work with it. Feeling fine and grateful about something (no matter what) and
saying thank you will strengthen and expand your soul with lightening efficiency for it
to be in the required vibration for the greater good to be revealed to you.

What’s Next on Our Journey Together?

If you loved the Ancient Manifesting Ritual, then hopefully this is just the beginning of
our journey together.

I’d love to help you start manifesting more in all areas of your life. And we can start
doing that right away with my course MANIFEST.

Remember, the time to start manifesting your heart’s desires is now. If you’re truly
committed and ready to thrive, then let’s begin.

Discover How to Begin Attracting

All Your Goals, Dreams, Wishes and Desires

Ready for more? Get the complete MANIFEST course

for creating a life you love.

Click Here to Access the Complete Course

Flash Sale: For a limited time only


Copyright © 2015 Sarah Prout and Sean Patrick Simpson

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