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The problem of garbage really is a big problem that has a solution if all the people

do their part to solve. As a suggestion you have to recycle properly, we should take
out the garbage so that the collector car picks them up on the days the truck goes
by, reuses everything that can be recycled, we have to be aware of the importance
of taking care of our planet, we have to take care of and not pollute them, we have
to save water and save energy, dispose garbage responsibly. We have to love our
planet, respect it and take care of it.

el problema de las basuras realmente es un problema grande que tiene solucion

si todas las personas ponen de su parte para solucionar. como sugerencia hay
que reciclar de forma adecuada, deberiamos sacar las basuras para que el carro
recolector las recoja los dias en los que pasa el camion, reutilizar todo aquello que
se pueda reciclar tenemos que concientizarnos de la importancia de cuidar nuestro
planeta tnemos que cuidar los rios y no contaminarlos, tenemos que ahorrar agua
y ahorrar energia, disponer las basuras de forma responsable. tenemos que
querer nuestro planeta, respetarlo y cuidarlo.

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