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My Philosophy of Technology Integration

©Julia Pisani

Educational philosopher John Dewey once said, “if we teach today as we taught
yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow.” What I believe that Dewey is was implying was
that as teachers, we need to constantly adapt to the ever-changing technological world that we
live in. This ensures that we are able to teach our students effectively, as well as prepare them for
the future.
With that being said, I think that it is important to make the distinction that technology
should not be a replacement for teaching. Rather, technology is a supplement to teaching. It is a
tool to enhance a lesson, extend learning, and create a shared space for knowledge. It should
allow students to engage in a lesson on a deeper, more meaningful level, while also giving them
a chance for exploration via a means that they are well acquainted with. Each school year, new
technology emerges that is just waiting to be discovered and investigated. Due to the
technological advances, educational resources are no longer limited to textbook and paper-and-
pencil worksheets. My resources expand immensely by incorporating technology into my
The opportunities for teachers to use technology in the classroom are endless. Technology can be
used as a visual support, an interactive and musical part of a lesson, a tool for assessment, or a
training strategy for children as they enter a technologically saturated world. Sources such as the
energy-filled movement break website GoNoodle, the classic presentation/writing/organization
applications Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint, as well as the advances sharing
capabilities of iCloud, and Google Drive harbor the potential to engage students and help them to
delve deep into their learning. In addition, classroom features such as Smartboards, document
cameras, and Google Chromebooks open doors for teachers to really integrate the many benefits
of technology into their classrooms. I believe it is still important for students to learn the skills
required to research using books, but technology is another resource for students to learn how to
effectively, efficiently, and safely do research be asking questions, investigating and validating
sources, and gathering information to quench and expand their curiosities.
For our young learners, some of which have been familiar with iPads and technology
since the ripe age of three years old, it is important that teachers guide them to educational
resources to further enhance the students’ learning while engaging the student with a popular
outlet: technology. Websites such as Reading A-Z (, Cool Math Games, Typing
Club and many more are kid-accessible, fun, and educational.
In a world that is becoming increasingly more technologically savvy, I believe that
teachers play an integral role in shedding light on technology as an educational resource,
teaching internet safety, and incorporating technology into the classroom as a way to engage and
expand content in and outside of the classroom.
*Due to the school closure from COVID-19 in the middle of my student teaching experience, I
had the opportunity to engage in distance learning. This allowed me to capitalize on many
technological resources in order to make the most of the experience for my students.

Examples of Technology Integration from Julia’s Student Teaching


-Document Camera
-Google Chromebooks
-Google Drive (Slides, Docs, Classroom, Forms)

-Reading A-Z:
-Mystery Science:
-ST Math:
-Imagine Learning:
-Kids National Geographic:
-Fact Monster:

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