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Retail Management of Islamic Banks

Development of Islamic banks for almost 20 (twenty) years its presence in

Indonesia shows better performance, better than institutional and performance side
finance includes an increase in number Islamic bank customers. However, industrial
development challenges Islamic banking is increasing including operations and
models Islamic banks that can be developed forward. For that, it takes a model the
ideal Islamic bank business model, workable , and prudent that can serve more
people, answer the expectations of various parties, accordingly with the character of
the Islamic banking business Indonesia, future oriented and comply with
international standards.

Islamic bank business model this will be a benchmark for regulators for
development Islamic banking industry going forward, become a reference for
industry players others (rating agencies, takaful, and etc.) in activities and dealing
with Islamic banking. Besides loading the bank's business framework Sharia, this
business model also includes linkage efforts and synergy between banks sharia with
financial institutions nonbanks consider sharia, economic and social aspects and
Indonesian culture. Operationally, a business model Islamic banks cover business
aspects and non-business (such as sharia / social aspects) from various economic and
social activities the community. Examples of business aspects are Islamic bank
operations profitable (profitable) for stakeholders and national economy in general, it
makes it easy community business activities and encourage industrial growth Islamic
banking and the economy national. While the example aspect Sharia is the suitability
of a business model Indonesian Islamic banks with maqasid al syariah which
contains elements justice, benefit and balance use reach more Indonesian people
prosper materially and spiritually.

In addition, the bank's business model Sharia is expected to also give

overview of operational business processes Islamic banking is the real prosector and
resistant to crisis for benefit community or termed as mainstream Indonesian Islamic
banking. Of course, the model is in line with vision and mission of developing
Islamic banks set in the Blueprint Sharia Banking Development Indonesia, becomes
part of Architecture Indonesian Banking (API) and also part of the large architecture
framework Indonesian Islamic Financial System (ACTION). That is, besides
operating with Islamic business contracts, Indonesian Islamic banking industry as
well growing conducive, healthy, efficient and competitive with the precautionary
principle which is in accordance with business characteristics Indonesian people and
in accordance with standards set at the level international.

Study of Islamic bank business models this is arranged to achieve the purpose
the purpose above with the final goal build the Islamic banking industry Indonesia's
future is appropriate with the character of the nation and conditions Indonesian
economy but modern and internationally recognized and respected . Given the
prospect of banking Indonesian sharia in the future and a number big challenges faced
by industry, this study is expected to be become instructions and operating standards
for the Islamic banking industry Indonesia. The generated business model will be able
to bring the industry Indonesian Islamic banking to the era competition at the regional
and world level but still provides benefits for community and characterized by

Talk about business, lately this is rampant whose name is emerging Retail
business or in English called retail is one way Product marketing includes all
activities that involve sales goods directly to consumers end for personal use and not

According to the dictionary, the definition of retail is sale of goods or services

to the community. From that understanding it seems that retail is not just activities to
sell real goods to consumer. However, the activity gives service, can also be referred
to as part of retail activities.
This understanding is expected to be able change people's perception about
understanding the word retail. That understanding The retail shows that everything
activities related to trade in goods and services, is part of retail activities.

Retail is also a device from business activities that do adding value to the
product product and sales service to consumers for use or consumption individual or

Retail also involves involving services, such as delivery services to houses.

Not all retail done inside the shop. Retail example which is done outside the store,
among others sales of recording albums on the internet, direct cosmetic cosmetics
sales by AVON, as well as the use of media others such as catalogs or lists shopping.

Retail Management is a profession which is relatively less desirable in

Indonesia. One who becomes the reason is because of the image of the job that is not
good. Work in stores often considered to be more physically involved, and his lack of
intellect. However, with so many companies foreigners who invest their capital here,
retail management starts get attention from applicants work. Various new forms of
format retail, management methods increasingly modern makes this profession
demanding professional people. Professional in purchasing goods, set the shop
layout, run sales promotion programs, establish partnerships with suppliers and etc.

The larger the store network owned, usually more position levels and
requirements must have. Towards reaching peak, usually employees who are comes
from S1 underwent a program management trainee, where it will be rolling, in
various positions. Starting from merchandise (merchandise), until with sales. The
longer, responsibilities are enlarged, for example from handle one store to several
areas. The place of work is retail outlets modern, like department stores, food service,
(restaurants, cafes), supermarkets, hypermarket. Usual position offered is (after
management trainees) assistant buyers, assistants manager, assistant promotion.
Work in this business, though have a departmental specialty, the longer he
goes togeneral manager. That is, someone must have several skills at once, for
example, a store manager who must take care of many things at once.

Retail or retail mushrooming already become a normal thing because this

country is a developing country which has a large population most of whom buy
goods inside retail form. Examples of retail in Indonesia very much for example
Alfamart and Indo March.

People can make retail themselves by depositing capital with a certain amount
to company with a big name for contribute to their retail business, excellence we join
or invest by providing capital in large retail companies is us no longer confused with
business plans in the future because we will be guided by company, we also don't
need to bother hassle in branding because of the product with a big company brand
already famous, we just run it well and profitably obtained. however so there is also
the lack of such things capital is too big, entrepreneurial creativity we are reduced
because we are only guided the manager above and others.

Retail banking or Retail Bank is a bank that focuses to provide services

especially to individual customers and the business sector small and medium. Retail
banking usually the service is provided by commercial banking . Retail banking focus
mainly on customer market .

1. Customer Segment
Customer segments from retail banks are individual customers and entities
small and medium business. There are several the literature mentions the focus of
retail banks more to small business / industry entities and individual customers.
The small businesses served by retail banks is sales annual amount of USD 1
million up to USD 20 million. Whereas business the medium scale is the volume
sales of between USD 100 million up to USD 20 million. In Indonesia, retail is
often associated with Micro, Small and Medium (UMKM). Department
Cooperatives and SMEs classify each group based the criteria for assets and
turnover in Law Number 20 Year 2008 concerning Micro, Small and Business
Intermediate (UMKM).
Besides being based on the law that, from corner view its development,
Small Business and Medium can be grouped in some criteria for Small Business
and Medium, namely:
a. Livelihood Activities , are Small and Medium Enterprises used as employment
opportunities to make a living, more commonly known as the sector informal.
Examples are traders Street vendor.
b. Micro Enterprise , is a Business Small and Medium who have properties
craftsmen but not yet possessed entrepreneurship.
c. Small Dynamic Enterprise , is a Small and Medium Enterprise that have had
soul entrepreneurship and being able to accept subcontracting and export jobs.
d. Fast Moving Enterprise , is a Small and Medium Enterprises that have an
entrepreneurial spirit and will transform into Big Business (UB).

2. Value Proposition
Products offered by retail banks are mass-market banking (mass product)
that provides various kind of product and services such as personal banking
services such as savings, deposits, credit consumers such as KPR, KKB,
multipurpose, credit card and others. Mass market making production costs
cheaper so the costs charged to customers are also cheaper ( Economic Scale ).
Retail bank is intended for one- stop shop for various services as much finance as
can be done by retail banks.
Some retail banks provide also investment services such as wealth
management, broker age accounts, private banking and retirement planning .
Some of these additional services are usually carried out by third parties through
outsourced which is usually caused by regulatory reason .
3. Channel
Means that many done by retail banks for reach the customer is Automatic
teller machines (ATMs), Virtual retail banking is known as online banking,
branches / branches (still a channel retail bank lock) and telephone call centers.

4. Customer Relationship
Because of the main segment of retail banks are individual customers and
entities small and medium business, which channel commonly used is Business to
Customer (B2C). Gift program too is a popular channel used by retail banks.
5. Revenue Streams
Main source of income and the biggest of retail banks is interest rate
margin because of the majority its activities is give loans and provides a variety
financing for individual customers and small business and medium.
6. KeyResources
The main resource for retail banks are human resources, especially human
resources have high mobility for reach small business entities and the middle is
generally in areas that are far from urban. Variation and product innovation also
an important force for retail banks because of needs individual customers are
generally more and more detail than customers. Addition to both of these things,
information technology also plays an important role as the bank's main resources
and strength retail. Small retail bank size (have branches less than 100) and
medium (number of branches 101-500) demanding retail banks to strengthen
online banking in need modern and safe technology. This matter important as a
differentiator retail banking competition and safeguarding profitable retail

7. Key Activity
Retail bank activity is perform traditional bank functions namely
collecting and channeling funds from and for individual customers, small and
medium business entities. For individual customers, retail banks provide
financing for individual consumption credit cards, KPR, KKB, savings education
and others. For business small and medium, retail banks provide amenities as
business development and development new business, payroll system ( payroll )
and others.

8. Key Partner
The retail bank's main work partner is company merchant (supermarkets
and big malls) related use of credit cards by customers individually. IT companies
and companies others are also partners bankretail.

9. Cost Structure
The biggest cost in retail banks is like the thing is banks and business
entities the other is HR costs, fees installment, development and IT care.
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NIM : 3351182004



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