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ETR300R CPU Firmware Patch Guide ENTEC-PEES2016-09-001 Rev. 100 ENTEC ELECTRIC & ELECTRONIC CO., LTD. The proprietary right of this document is on ENTEC E & E’s and the copying and distribution of this document to a third party without the agreement of the proprietary is prohibited. Ag Written by: 4 oD Date: Sep. 5, 2016 Chan Hee Park — Assistant Research Engineer Checked by: ge 74 : 4 Date: Sep. 5, 2016 Jeong Seok Oh - Prinsipal Research Engineer GZ Approved by: 6k WZ Date: Sep. 5, 2016 Tea Pung An ~ Chief Directorof R&D ENTEC-PEES2016-09-001 http:/ CONTENTS 1. Purpose. 2. Preparation. = 3. Ethernet Port Activation. 4, Titpd32 execution and setting... 3 5, Telnet enter and CPU firmware Patch..... Raneenen” | Power Electric & Electronic System R&D 216 @ ENTEC ENTEC-PEES2016-09-001 http:/ ETR300R CPU Firmware Patch Guide 1. Purpose The purpose of this document is to explain the way of the ETR3OOR CPU Firmware patch. 2. Preparation Notebook or PC, Hyper Terminal (Teraterm, Putty), Trtpd32, Ethernet Cable(CAT.S) 3. Ethernet Port Activation Step 1. Connect with Notebook or PC and ETR300-R withEthernet cable Step 2. DNP1 Activation ~ Do Setting following the below procedures = [MAIN MENU] - [1.GLOBAL SETTING] -r [COMMUNICATION] -+ [PROTOCOL SETUP] —> [LDNP3 S1] -+ [Function : ENABLE] / [COM Port : PORT3} Step 3. Ethernet IP Check = [MAIN MENU] + [LGLOBAL SETTING] + [2,COMMUNICATION] + [2.PORT SETUP] — [.PORT3(ETHERNET)] — IP Addr Oct1~4 / Gateway oct1~4 / SubnetMask Oct1~4 ~ Default IP : 1921687212 ~ Default Gateway : 192.1687.1 ~ Default SubnetMask : 255.255.2550 4. Tftpd32 Execution and Setting 19 “Settings” after || Se semmuoemee Step 1. Do se implementing Tftpd32 Biewcee cacesme Fapeenenies - Browse : Select the folder that has CPU Firmware Eitsey Peat - “Use Titpd32 only on this interface” : Put IP address |) |= sme scrnersat of PC or Notebook that offers firmware file eae Power Electric & Electronic System R&D 316 ENTEC-PEES2016-09-001 http:/ Step 2. CPU Firmware Selection After doing click "Show Dit", do click “OK after selecting comapp file [ENUeare\Adminisvator/Desktop 192,1687.161 20160502 2040 201608-31 23874560 feomapo. desktop D-Sync2007 bik 2014-04-24 544 D-Syoc2007_b8_Ukink 2014-01-22 980 fentec_soada3 mps 2016.08-22 7765194 5. Telnet Enter and CPU firmware Patch Step 1. On Hyper Terminal, do enter with ETR300-R IP - am335x-evm login : root - Password : root address 5B Session View > Configure + Help = ermine Gennes er Connect gh Disconnect DMO res CRE 7 Ze Cee ecient Dee e ese) Creer Power Electric & Electronic System R&D 416 @® TE ENTEC-PEES2016-09-001 http:/ Step 2. After doing log-in, check DEBUG ih Disconnect Session Vew> Contgue + Help iT eC Gns Coons roar aes Ree Cero ee eats Zetec ee ee eeu) Beneor ieee) Oca Ce Reece anes Eom MCL OT peer Co masts ey Peete es eae ere ne one Soeeerarecteyy Brarrresciiees 3) Bucste at Cite a erste) ORs eCe nats Cie eerie) veto een cet} teeters Cnewag reese ee cerca eran fiers [task init variable} cl Te wera) Peco ee ca eo int sched get priority nax(int policy) 99) Reet mo aie Cie MICE CSE Ia) . NONE ON ae es Tera) rane roe ese tae Cees eau ce Feiical ir rtate to Micstsae ts even Ree Ua) OUR ee cece eer foeei Eee sees: fe Deca rede The eee ese era) ny uas eo nee ie (a eee enact PCRS eee owe eae ares Tela Coney eases reese Cees tT) Coenen ne} eI Co Tear Mears tSeU TCC mL eee} Pu[sanp_enet_reev_eunc fies Power Electric & Electronic System R&D 516 ENTE ENTEC-PEES2016-09-001 http:/ Step 3. Write tkill “DEBUG %” eet y reece) Tee) roott # killall conapp Step 5. tftp -g -r comapp 192.168.XXX.XXX = comapp : filename ~ 192.168.XXX.XXX : Notebook or PC IP Address(Host IP) Pry 35x-eun:~# EFtp -g =F Conapp Step 7. Power ON — After “OFF”, check Version - [MAIN MENU] -+ [4.MAINTENANCE] + [5.CCU INFO] + PUSH 2 times AWAKE. = CPU Version Check 6. Note In the case of that CPU Firmware is not patched through Tftp, please unlock Firewall and try to patch it once again. Power Electric & Electronic System R&D 616 @& ENTEC

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