IELTS Summary - Short

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IELTS Test Format

 40 min (30min listening/writing and 10 mins for transferring to answer sheet)
 Simultaneous process of listening and writing
 4 sections 10 question each (in order of difficulty)
 60 min
 3 Sections (in order of difficulty) with 1 long paragraph each section
 40 questions to answer
 Write answers straight in answer sheet
 60 min - 2 Tasks
 T1: Summarize at least 150 words (20 mins)
 T2: Essay at least 250 words (40 mins)
 11-14 min
 1 to 1 interaction which is recorded
 3 sections
o Brief Introduction
o Individual speaking
o Discussion (5-6 question related to section 2 topic)

Centre Contact Details

For any queries please use the contact details below:
British Council Karachi
British Deputy High Commission
Shahrah-e-Iran, Clifton

Opening Times
Monday: 9.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Tuesday: 9.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Wednesday: 9.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Thursday: 9.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Friday: 9.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m.
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

Telephone: 0800 22000

Facsimile: 021-111-425-425
IELTS Summary


 Topics and Ideas

 Word list
 Record and listen
o Fluency (length, um/ah, silence),
o Vocabulary (range, paraphrasing)
o Grammar (range of tenses, sentence structure)
o Pronunciation (word, sounds, intonation)
 Part-1
o focus on fluency
o Don’t hesitate and answer quickly.
o Don’t be too short and go absolutely straight away to the point (never go off the
topic). For example, when asked about Yes/No Questions, don’t simply answer
“Yes” or “No”, try to make your response longer by using a wide range of
language features
o Answers can be extended with stating preference, reason and example

 Part-2
o focus on ideas and vocabulary
o It should have a beginning, middle and end
o Point  Reason  Example  Point
 Part-3
o focus on answer structure
o comment on the question like “that’s an interesting question”
o pause between sentences not in the middle of sentence
o emphasize key words (noun, verb, adjective)
o Step 1: Answer the question directly
o Step 2: Explain your answer (give out the reasons for your answer)
o Step 3: Give an example
o Step 4(optional): Explain the opposite/alternative (what would happen if…)
 Section 1
o Think about situation during 30 second pause. Who, where, why, what?
o Read at least two question ahead.
o Questions will be in sequence. But could be paraphrased.
o Check instructions (number of words, word repetition), grammar and spellings
during 30 sec pause between sections.
o If you miss an answer move quickly to the next question. Do not try to think
about it. In the end try to guess the missed answer and write it. Do not leave it
o Write exact words, Do not paraphrase.
o Make notes on question paper (examiner won’t see it). Uni bksp.
o There could be gap between answers to don’t panic just underline keyword and
o Common Traps: Answer changed, similar words rather than paraphrase.
o Keep an eye on plurals.
o Focus on finding the answer only. Do not try to understand the conversation.
o On Answer Sheet, do not correct mistake by erasing. Just cut it with one line and
write the correct answer on side.
 Section 2
o Need factual answers within words limit.
o Use exact words that you have heard. Do not paraphrase.
o Answers will be in order.
 Section 3
o Two Question Types: Sentence Completion, Classification.
 Preposition
o At (Time, part of the day/week, place)
o In (Period of time, month, year, season, )
o On (Day, date)
o None (Person, )
 Multiple choice question
o Both question and answers will be paraphrase. Doesn’t have to be exact words.
o Answers do not follow order.
o Answer should be letter “a” “b” “g” instead of actual words.

 T1
o Logically summarize key features of given graph, chart, diagram or table in at
least 150 words and 20 mins.
o Ability to answer question, grammar, vocabulary, structure of answer, use of
connecting words. (However, for instance, to begin with)
o Structure of answer
 Intro (1 to 2 sentences, paraphrase title)
 Summarize important points (2 to 3 sentences, understand data well)
 Compare/contrast (4 to 5 sentences, find similarities and differences,
mention significant trends, give reference to graph data)
 Conclusion (1 sentence)
 T2
o Write response in essay style with at least 250 words and in 40 min
o Don’t just list the ideas by adding commas instead explain them with reasons
and examples.
o Structure of essay
 Intro (3-4 sentences, paraphrase statement
give basic facts of one side of topic  other side of the topic  state
whether you agree or disagree  your thesis statement or reason)
 Body
 1st para (explain 1st point  give example  conclude)
 2nd para (explain 2nd point  give example  conclude)
 3rd para (show opposite side  but conclude in your favor)
 Conclusion (3 sentences, give opinion supported with thesis in
paraphrased form)
 Marking Criteria
o Coherence
 Logical Sequence of Idea
 Structure way of writing through paragraphing
 Introduction
 Body Paragraph 1 (1 Idea)
 Body Paragraph 2 (1 Idea)
 Body Paragraph 3 (1 Idea if needed)
 Conclusion
o Cohesion
 Connecting the ideas and paragraphs.
 1 point should direct to other.
o Grammar
 Tenses, Voices , Modal Auxiliary Verbs, Comparatives, Punctuation
o Lexical Resources (Vocabulary)
 Use formal and uncommon words
 Demonstrate range of vocabulary, do not use same words

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