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Volume I Issue 2 November 2019

NCD Alliance Kenya (NCDAK)

The Anvil
Inside NCDAK: Systems Strengthening

n a bid to strengthen organizational capac- Management
About the Anvil
ity and provide quality service delivery to
its members and persons living with NCDs,
Dear esteemed members NCDAK secretariat through support of the Good
and friends of NCDAK, Global NCD Alliance initiated development of Growth Governance

The Anvil is a monthly bulle-

tin to provide feedback to
financial policy, human resources management
members and other stake- procedures, monitoring and evaluation sys-
holders we engage with. In tems, branding and marking plan, communica-
the bulletin, NCDAK also Quality Assurance

provides space for its mem-

tion strategy, and advocacy strategy. The draft (M&E)

ber organizations, partners policies and procedures have been shared

and individuals who have with board for further review and inputs.
events to share and learn.
Once completed, these policies will not only Organizational Systems Strengthening schema.
Based on this, we call upon Source: Adapted from KnowlegeBrief
you to support NCDAK in enhance internal operations but will also help
meeting this cause by provid- NCDAK, its members and person living with “Systems strengthening is key for organisational
ing small write-ups (2-3
NCDs to play a more strategic role in work- development and better health outcomes for persons
paragraphs) of your activities
and action photos for featur- ing with the Government of Kenya and other living with NCDs.” Gideon Ayodo, Program Manager,
ing. We thank you all and stakeholders to deliver effective NCD health
look forward to continued interventions both at the National and
support and cooperation.
County levels.

Inside this issue:

The NCD Navigator 1

The NCD Navigator Tool

Supreme Court dismisses 2
lawsuit by BAT he NCD ICC has prioritized mapping of veloped an NCD stakeholders' navigator tool
Cancer Advocacy and 2
NCD stakeholder initiatives across the that will be used to electronically map out and
Communication Plan country in a bid to facilitate better coordina- annually update NCD prevention and control
NCDAK Media Engage- 3 tion, identify gaps as the country rolls out activities in the country. The registration por-
ment Training
Universal Health Coverage and reviews its tal is accessible at: https://
Training of the NCD 4
NCD Strategic Plan. Towards this, the Minis-
try of Health in collaboration with NCD Alli-
ance of Kenya, PATH and other partners de-
The Anvil

Millions go down the drain as MES machines unused

Taxpayers are losing mil- A majority of the 123 hospitals earmarked as beneficiaries
lions of shillings on leasing of the Managed Equipment Services (MES) project are not
medical equipment for spe- using the equipment. The devolved units each paid Sh95.7
cialised healthcare that are million for the kits in the 2015/16, 2016/17 and 2017/18
still unpacked and lying idle financial years. The Saturday Nation of November 30, 2019
while the contractors con- reported that the machines remain idle due to lack of elec-
tinue to laugh all the way to tricity, specialists like anaesthetists, water and connection
the bank. While the project to sewer lines. A report tabled before a Senate ad hoc
is in its fourth of a seven- committee looking into the MES project shows that digital
year contract, the benefits X-ray machines, which were installed in 15 counties, lack
Meru Teaching and Referral Hospital on April, 6 2017 receives an
electric delivery bed as part of a consignment under the Medical to the health sector are yet adequate electricity supply and so they are unused.
to be felt in many counties.

Supreme Court Ruling and presser on Tobacco Act

“The regulations conform

O n Tuesday 26 No-
vember 2019,
Kenya’s Supreme Court
the general public and
stakeholders working on
NCD prevention and con-
Cancer Organisations
(KENCO) held a press
briefing to disseminate
to the constitution and its dismissed a court case trol interventions. the ruling to the public
goal of protecting the lives
filed by British American and applaud the court.
Tobacco (BAT) challeng- After the court ruling,
of Kenyans.” Supreme
ing regulations that re- Kenya Tobacco Control The organizations called
Court Judge
quired the tobacco indus- Alliance (KETCA), Interna- upon the ministry of
try compensate people tional Institute for Legisla- health to implement the
affected by tobacco use. tive Affairs (IILA), NCDAK 2% solatium fund for
This is a major win for and Kenya Network of compensation.

Feedback on Cancer Advocacy and

Communication Plan

T he Advocacy, Com-
munication and So-
cial Mobilisation (ACSM)
ber at National Cancer
Control Program offices.
The meeting discussed
status of the National
Cancer Communication
Plan. Each subcommittee
technical working group feedbacks from sub- are responsible for the
(TWG) held its meeting committees as well as implementation of the
in the month of Novem- the interrogating the National Cancer Control

Page 2
Volume I Issue 2

Cancer Advocacy and Communication Plan

Strategy pillars. During including World Health
this meeting, the discus- Organizations (WHO)
sion focused mainly on and Jomo Kenyatta Uni-
cancer prevention, early versity of Agriculture and
detection and treatment Technology (JKUAT)
programs undertaken by were also briefed on the
various stakeholders five pillars of the strategy
across the country as for their effective in-
Cancer awareness and screening at a past event. Source: UICC
means of achieving the volvement.
strategy intents. In addi-
tion, the new members

NCD Alliance of Kenya Media Engagement Training

A two-day Media
engagement train-
ing was conducted for
Global and facilitated by
Mr. Michael Kessler, a
media consultant. The
spaces for championing
issues affecting persons
living with NCDs in
the selected PLWNCDs training increased partici- Kenya.
media champions, pant’s knowledge and
NCDAK staff, and two skills on effective media NCD Alliance of Kenya Media Engage-
ment Training
board members. engagement. The trained
participants will become
This training was sup-
NCD media advocates
ported by NCD Alliance
that will identify media

Training of the NCD advocates

T hrough the project

Our Views Our
Voices supported by
Kirinyaga, Nyeri, Embu
and Murang’a Counties.
The training was con-
have experience with
NCDs. The training
brought together per-
NCD Global Alliance, ducted by Ms. Foulata sons living with various
NCDAK built the capac- Kwena and Mr. Patrick NCDs and caregivers.
ity of twenty five (25) Borruet who are Train-
The training increased A map of participants NCDs
NCD advocates from ers of Trainers who

Page 3
NCD Alliance Kenya (NCDAK)

Kicking toxic agri-chemicals out of the way

KMA Apartments, Block C Unit 5.2
Mara/Chyulu Road, Upperhill
The NCDAK, Kenya Organic Agriculture Network (KOAN), Route to
P. O. Box 5337 - 00100 || Nairobi,
Food Initiative (RTFI), Biosafety and Biodiversity Association of Kenya
Phone: +254 757 950387
(BIBA Kenya), and the Resources Oriented Development Initiative (RODI
Twitter: @NCDAK
Kenya) held a one day sensitization meeting with the Parliamentary Health
Facebook: Committee on November 11, 2019, at Hilton Garden. The group had peti-
NCDAK2013/ tioned the parliament to summon the Kenya Products Control Board
Website: (PCPB) demanding withdrawal from the Kenyan markets chemicals that
have been proved to have harmful health and environmental effects due to
potential chronic health effects, environmental persistence, high toxicity
towards fish or bees. The main objective is to get these toxic agro-
chemicals out of our food system.
Enough NCDs! Leave no one behind

Have your End Year highlights and New Year big events featured here
Contact +254 757 950387

About the Anvil

Training of the NCD advocates
participants’ knowledge about ronment that promote meaningful in-
NCDs and will strengthen their volvement, investment and truly ‘put
The anvil is a very strong ancient
meaningful involvement in the pre- people first’. tool upon which another object is
vention and control advocacy initia- struck (or "worked"). They were
at one time very commonplace
tives. and have acquired symbolic
meaning beyond their use as utili-
This will create county based advocacy
tarian objects. The Anvil bulletin
network of PLWNCDs, ‘nothing about us, will therefore symbolize a bold
without us’ with adequate capacity to in- surface upon which ideas will be
fluence policymakers, civil society, shaped and shared.
healthcare providers, and relevant pri-
vate sector to create an enabling envi-
Training practical sessions

Find us, Talk to us, get involved

|| KMA Apartments, Block C Unit 5.2 || Mara/Chyulu Road || Upperhill, P. O. Box 5337 00100 || Nairobi, Kenya ||

|| Phone: +254 757 950387 || Email: || Twitter: @NCDAK || Facebook:

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