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Can Ice Treat Pimples?

Medically reviewed by Debra Rose Wilson, PhD, MSN, RN, IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT
on May 1, 2018 — Written by Kristeen Cherney

Pimples can be challenging to get rid of, and they’re even more tempting to
pop. You already know that popping is a complete no-no. Still, you may also
be turned off by conventional treatment methods that might be harsh on your

Natural skin care remedies are growing in popularity, including those used in
the alternative treatment of acne. Ice is one such touted treatment. There are
potential benefits to ice on pimples, but the question is whether this method is
effective enough to fully clear up your breakout for good.

How it works
The idea of using home remedies for acne treatment is to help get rid of
pimples without leftover side effects from chemicals. While salicylic acid and
benzoyl peroxide are widely available on the market, overusing such products
can make your acne worse. In fact, the American Academy of Dermatology
(AAD) recommends staying away from alcohol-based products altogether.
These include astringents, toners, exfoliants, and more.
Icing pimples can work by reducing swelling in inflammatory forms of acne.
These include:

 cysts
 nodules
 pustules
 papules

Ice is unlikely to work for noninflammatory types — these are also known
as blackheads. By reducing the inflammation of your pimples, you’re directly
reducing the size. In theory, gradually reducing the size of your pimple with ice
can eventually make it go away entirely.

When used on inflammatory acne, ice also has the potential to decrease
redness, thereby making your pimples less noticeable. It can also treat
pain that occurs with cystic and nodular acne. This is due to the short-term
numbing effect ice creates.

Despite such benefits, there’s no research available to indicate that ice alone
is an effective treatment for pimples. Ice may be considered as a part of a
smart skin care routine that includes:

 regular cleanses
 a moisturizer designed for your skin type
 noncomedogenic makeup

How to use it
Icing your pimples seems like a straightforward process, but there are some
specifics to keep in mind before applying it to your skin. First, you’ll want to
make sure you cleanse your skin, just as you would do before applying any
other type of treatment.

Before placing the ice against your skin, wrap it in a thin cloth or thick paper
towel. You can also use a cool compress instead, if you don’t want to mess
with the aftermath of melted ice.

Apply the ice to your pimples in one-minute increments only. You can try this
for one minute after your morning and evening face cleanses. If your pimple is
extremely inflamed, you can follow up with multiple increments — just make
sure you leave about five minutes in between each minute. This helps to
prevent skin damage.

Sometimes ice can also work well to treat pimples when used in conjunction
with warm treatments, such as compresses or steamed towels. By using
warm treatments first, you can help remove any debris that’s trapped in your
pores. After applying warmth for 5 to 10 minutes, you can then follow up with
ice for one minute to decrease inflammation and swelling. You can repeat this
process daily as needed until the pimple clears up.

However, you should never follow up ice treatments with hot compresses, as
this can damage your skin.

What to know before you try this

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Icing your pimples over time can encourage debris to rise to the surface of
your skin. As tempting as it might be, you should never pop the gunk out of
your pores. Picking at your pimples at any stage can make them spread.
What’s worse, the popping and prodding process can also lead to scarring.

It’s easy to get caught up in working at a pimple with ice and forget the
potential dangers of applying frozen materials to your skin. To prevent
frostbite, it’s important to only apply ice in short intervals. While frostbite is
more commonly associated with being outside in extreme temperatures for
too long, it can also occur when using cold packs, ice, or other frozen items
against your skin for long periods of time.

Stop using ice immediately and call your doctor if you notice:

 extensive redness
 blistering
 long-term numbness
 changes in your skin color

When to see a dermatologist

Ice has the potential to treat pimples without the side effects that are
sometimes seen in conventional acne treatments. Still, there’s no proof that
ice is more effective. Many natural remedies can also take longer to work, so
it’s important to be patient as your pimple gradually disappears. Avoid picking
or scratching the area, as this will make any redness and inflammation worse.
In the meantime, consider mineral makeup to conceal the area, as desired.

If your pimples fail to resolve with ice or other treatments within a few weeks,
it may be time to see your doctor. A dermatologist can help you drain the
pimple without side effects. Talk to your doctor about your preference for
natural remedies — they can recommend specific products and lifestyle habits
that may help prevent future breakouts. As a rule of thumb,
the AAD recommends giving any new treatment measure at least four to six
weeks to work before following up with your dermatologist.


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