Prepared by ZANURIN BIN MOHAMAD SAFAR, Guru Cemerlang Bahasa Inggeris, SMK Kulim, Kedah

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Prepared by ZANURIN BIN MOHAMAD SAFAR, Guru Cemerlang Bahasa Inggeris, SMK Kulim, Kedah


My name is Brahim. I am 17 years old. I am a form five student. I like to eat pizza,
burger, chicken chop and chicken rice. I like to drink apple juice. My hobbies are playing
football and reading novels. [40 words]

I have many friends. They are Boon, Vince, Ganesh and Hanif. I like them. My friends
also like me. We always study together. Boon is handsome. Vince is rich. He has a lot
of money. Ganesh and Hanif are very smart. [41 words]

My friends and I love internet. We like internet very much. I have a computer at home. I
have an old computer. I have a second hand computer. Boon and Ganesh do not have
a computer at home. [38 words]

Internet is very good. I get new friends from internet. I get new friends from London,
New York and Tokyo. My new friends are Rachel, David and Kawasaki. I like my new
friends. My new friends also like me. They also like Malaysia. [43 words]

I can see many pictures in the internet. I can see beautiful pictures. The pictures have
many colours. I always print the pictures. Some pictures are big. Some pictures are
small. I cut the beautiful pictures. I put the pictures in my album. [43 words]

Boon and Ganesh always come to my house. We surf the internet together. Boon and I
like to get information about science. We love science. We also love our science
teacher. Ganesh does not like science. Ganesh likes to get information about animals.
He loves animals. Ganesh likes to know about snakes, tigers and birds. [55 words]

Sometimes, we go to Vince’s house. Vince has a new computer. He has a very good
computer. We will surf the internet together. We love to surf the internet. [29 words]



My name is Meena. I am 16 years old. I am a form four students. I have a happy family.
My father is a teacher. He is a good teacher. My mother is a doctor. She is a very good
doctor. I love my father and my mother. [48 words]

I study at SMK Pillus. My school is a famous school. My school is very big. I like my
school. My school is also very beautiful. All students like SMK Pillus. I like my
classmates. I also like my teachers. I like Mr. Hassan, Mr. Ching, Ms. Jane and Mdm.
Bibi. [51 words]

Prepared by ZANURIN BIN MOHAMAD SAFAR, Guru Cemerlang Bahasa Inggeris, SMK Kulim, Kedah

Yesterday was an interesting day in school. It was Teacher’s Day. I love Teacher’s Day.
All teachers were very happy. All students were also very happy. Teacher’s Day was a
special day in my school. We had a special programme yesterday. [41 words]

Lim, Bala, Nasir and I played football with our class teacher. Our class teacher was a
handsome man. He was a very good teacher. Our class teacher was very happy. We
were also very happy. We played football at the school field. After playing football, we
played badminton. [48 words]

At 11.00 am, we went to the school hall. My school hall was big. The school hall was
also beautiful. All students were happy. It was a special day. Many teachers sang
songs. Our principal sang a rock song. He was very good. All students liked him. [47

Yesterday was a very interesting day to me. I love Teacher’s Day. [12 words]



My name is Siva. I am 15 years old. I like to eat. I like to eat pizza, fries, burger and
chicken nuggets. I also love to play games. I play on-line games. I play on-line games
after school. I do not like to play football but I like to play badminton. [52 words]

I study at SMK Jertih. I am in 3 Gagah. I love my class. My class is clean. All my friends
are very good. They are smart. They like to do homework. I also like to do homework.
My friends and I study hard for our tests and examinations. [49 words]

I am a smart student. I always get an A for all my subjects. I am very happy. My parents
are also very happy. I love three subjects. I love Mathematics, Science and English. I
like all my teachers. My teachers are very good. [44 words]

I pay attention in class. I do not talk in class. I keep quiet when a teacher is teaching in
class. I read many books. I read all books. I love to read Mathematics, Science and
English books. My father buys many books for me. [45 words]

I go home at 3.00 pm. I go home by bus. I do my homework at home. I like to do

homework. After doing homework, I relax by watching television. I like to watch
television. I love cartoons. I love Mickey Mouse. I also love Peter Pan. [47 words]

Prepared by ZANURIN BIN MOHAMAD SAFAR, Guru Cemerlang Bahasa Inggeris, SMK Kulim, Kedah

At 6.00 pm, I play football with my friends. I like football. I play football with Farid, Yusof,
Maniam and Boon. I am a good football player. Boon is also a good football player. At
night, I go for tuition. My tuition centre is very famous. I like Mr. Gan, the tuition teacher.
[53 words]

I sleep at 11.00 pm. Before I sleep, I read my novel. Sometimes, I listen to the radio. [18



My name is Fifi. I am a beautiful girl. Many people say I am very beautiful. I am 17 years
old. I am a form five student. I am in 5 Mesra class. Many boys in my school like me but
I do not like them. I like one boy in 5 Maju. He is not handsome but he is very rich. [62

I have a happy family. My father is Mahmud bin Majid. He is 48 years old. He is a

businessman. He has a restaurant and a car workshop. My mother is Naimah binti
Borhan. She is 44 years old. She is very beautiful. My mother is a teacher. [44 words]

I love my family. I love my father. I also love my mother. I love my brother and sisters.
My brother is a USM student. He is very kind. He is a clever student. My sisters are in
Form 1 and Form 3. They are also beautiful. They are smart students. [51 words]

I love to cook with my family. I love to cook chicken rice. All my family members love
chicken rice. I do not know how to cook chicken rice but my mother teaches me how to
do it. It is easy to cook chicken rice. My father loves my chicken rice [51 words].

My family also loves picnic. We like to have picnic at Pantai Ceria. Pantai Ceria is a
beautiful beach. We love sea. We love the blue sky. We love to play volleyball on the
beach. When we go for a picnic, my mother and I will cook some foods. We cook some
foods [49 words].

My family and I love to watch television together. We like to watch Malay drama. I love
Rosham Nor. My father likes Lisa Surihani. He said Lisa is very beautiful. My mother
does not like Lisa Surihani. My mother says she is more beautiful than Lisa Surihani.
[43 words]

My family likes to do many things together. I love my family very much. [14 words]


Prepared by ZANURIN BIN MOHAMAD SAFAR, Guru Cemerlang Bahasa Inggeris, SMK Kulim, Kedah


My name is Bieber bin Badol. I am 17 years old. I am a form five student. My friends call
me B.Bieber. I am a very famous student in my school. I am famous because of my
name. Many girls like me. Sofia, Maya, Shasha and Nisha like me a lot. [50 words]

I have many friends. Geeta, Aidil, Izzany, Azwan and Kee are my good friends. Geeta is
very pretty. Aidil and Izzany love football. They play football in the school team. Azwan
is a very hardworking and smart boy. Kee is the Head Prefect. [43 words]

Kee is a good leader. I respect Kee. Many students like Kee. All teachers also like Kee.
Teachers also respect Kee. Kee likes to help people. Kee helps all girls and all boys. If
students have problems, they go to Kee. [41 words]

Kee helps all students. Kee helps Malay, Chinese and Indian students. Kee helps form
one students. Kee also helps form 5 students. Kee gives them some money if he has
some extra pocket money. All students respect Kee. [38 words]

Last week, Kee helped Husin, Bablu and Hani. He gave them RM300.00. He helped
them to buy books. He bought Science, Mathematics and English books for them. Kee
bought twenty books. Husin, Bablu and Hani were very happy. [38 words]

To me, Kee is a very good leader. I respect Kee. I know many students also respect
Kee. [18 words]



My name is Joe. I am 15 years old. I study at SMK Jaya. My school is very big. It is also
very famous. My school is one of the best schools in my district. I am in Form 3. I am
very handsome. I am more handsome than Justin Bieber. Many girls like me but I only
like one girl. She is my class monitor, Selena binti Gommeng. [69 words]

I have a happy family. My father is a doctor. He is a good doctor. His name is Majid
Rock. He is also handsome. My mother is a teacher. She is a good English teacher. We
stay at Taman Kenangan. Our house is big. My house has five rooms. I have a big
room. I have two brothers and three sisters. One of my brothers is also a doctor. I am
the youngest in my family. [76 words]

Last week, my family and I went to a shopping complex. We went to Maju Shopping
Complex. It was a new shopping complex. The complex was very big. There were many
people. We went there on Monday. It was a public holiday. My mother and sisters loved

Prepared by ZANURIN BIN MOHAMAD SAFAR, Guru Cemerlang Bahasa Inggeris, SMK Kulim, Kedah

shopping very much. My mother bought new clothes for her. My sisters bought
magazines and novels. [63 words]

My father also liked shopping. He bought a new car shampoo. It was cheap. The car
shampoo was only RM6.99 per bottle. I did not know what to buy. I just walked around
the shopping complex. The new shopping complex was very beautiful. I liked the place
a lot. After one hour, I felt tired. My father asked me to sit down on a chair. I relaxed for
twenty minutes. [70 words]

Before we went home, my mother went to a boutique. She looked at all the clothes
there. She loved the beautiful clothes. My father was angry with my mother because
she could not stop shopping. My father did not have enough money. My mother asked
my father to use his credit card. However, my father did not want to use his credit card.
Finally, I told my mother that she must stop shopping. It was time to go home. [79

At 7.00 pm, we went home. I did not buy anything. However, I was very happy to go out
with my family. My mother said she would go shopping again alone. She wanted to
spend RM1000.00. She really loved shopping. [40 words]


My name is Jehan Kaayaa. I am a smart student at SMK Kadok. I am a Form Five

student. I always get a very good result in my examination. I always get all As for all my
subjects. I always score 100 marks for English and Mathematics. Many teachers like me
but I do not like my teachers. I do not like my English teacher. [65 words]

I have many friends. They are Boboi, Yaya, Gopal and Ying. We are very close. We like
to spend time together. We always study together. I like to study at Ying’s house. Her
house is big and clean. Sometimes, we study at Gopal’s house. His house is small and
dirty. I do not like to study at Gopal’s house. I also do not like my friends to come to my
house because my house is also small and dirty. [79 words]

Last week, Boboi, Yaya, Gopal, Ying and I joined our school language camp. The camp
was held at a two-star hotel in Ipoh. We did not have to pay anything. Everything was
sponsored. There were ten groups. I was in Group 10. The members in my group came
from different classes. But all of us were form 5 students. [59 words]

Prepared by ZANURIN BIN MOHAMAD SAFAR, Guru Cemerlang Bahasa Inggeris, SMK Kulim, Kedah

Seri, from Class 5 Permai, was our group leader. Seri was a very pretty girl. I liked her
so much. I knew the other boys also liked Seri. We named our group Seri Bombastic. In
the first activity, we created our group‘s logo, motto and song. When we presented our
song, everybody liked it. [54 words]

On the second day, we had many language games. We had spelling competition,
vocabulary game, drama and many other games. Our group won the drama
competition. We presented a very good drama. We presented a story about a princess
who fell in love with a fisherman. Seri played the role of a princess and of course I was
the poor but handsome fisherman. The activities went on until 10.00 p.m. We were very
tired but enjoyed ourselves a lot. [79 words]

On the third day we had a jungle trekking in a forest nearby the hotel. We had to climb
hills. We also had to answer many difficult questions. It was very challenging. Seri was
not feeling well. She could not walk fast. I had to walk slowly. I did not want Seri to be
alone. Finally, we reached our destination. Seri smiled at me. She gave me her photo
and thanked me. [72 words]

I was very happy. Seri was happy too. After the language camp, Seri and I got closer.
We planned to join the language camp again next year. [27 words]



I am the most handsome boy in class. I look like the hero of Hindi movies. I am very
happy with my good look. My friends call me Alif the Handsome Hero. I have a
girlfriend. She is very beautiful. She is beautiful like Miss World. No, I think she is more
beautiful than Miss World. I call her Peah the “Bomb!” [62 words]

I have a handsome father. My father looks like Shahrukh Khan. Shahrukh Khan is a
very famous Hindi superstar. My father is 49 years old. He is a businessman. He has six
restaurants. His restaurants are very famous. Many people like to eat at his restaurants.
[46 words]

Yesterday, I followed my handsome and caring father to visit my uncle at a hospital. We

left home at about 5.00 p.m. and reached the hospital at 6.15 p.m. The hospital was a
new hospital. It was opened two months ago. It was clean and big. There were many
people at the hospital. [53 words]

Prepared by ZANURIN BIN MOHAMAD SAFAR, Guru Cemerlang Bahasa Inggeris, SMK Kulim, Kedah

My uncle was also handsome. He was more handsome than my father but I was more
handsome than my uncle. In short, I was the most handsome man. I was happy to be
the most handsome man in the family. My uncle was a chronic diabetic. He was in the
hospital because his sugar level was very high. [58 words]

My uncle‘s ward was at the second floor. The lift was very big and fast. I saw a nurse in
the lift. The nurse was my mother‘s old friend. She talked to my father. She told us that
my uncle was doing alright. After talking to the nurse, my father and I went to Room
515. My uncle was very happy to see my father and me. [67 words]

There was a young doctor. The doctor said that my uncle was getting better and he
could go home soon. My father talked to my uncle for one hour. I felt bored so I went out
of the room. I went to level one. I saw a young nurse. She smiled at me. I smiled at her.
She looked like Seri, my girlfriend. [63 words]

Then, I went to the hospital café. The café was not big but clean. I saw the young nurse
again. She smiled at me again. The young nurse came to my table. I smiled at her. I did
not know what to say. I ate my fried rice quickly. After that I ate my burger. Later, I ate
another plate of fried rice. I did not say anything to the young nurse. [72 words]

Suddenly, the young nurse stood up and left me. She still smiled. I quickly went to
Room 515. My father was waiting for me. I said goodbye to my uncle. Then, my father
and I went home. I could not forget the young nurse. [44 words]



My name is Naomi. Now, I am a college student. When I was in school, I was an

average girl. I was not so smart but I was also not stupid. I always passed in all subjects
but I did not get A for all subjects. When I was in Form 3 I only scored 4As and 3 Bs in
my PMR examination. I was happy with my result. However, my parents were not happy
with my result. They told me to study hard. I told them I would not give up. [92 words]

When I was in Form 4 I befriended Liza, Muna and Kim. Liza was very hardworking.
Muna was a clever girl. Kim was as clever as Muna. I liked them very much because
they always helped me in my studies. We always studied together. When we were in
Form 5, we always studied together in the school library after school. Sometimes, I
would go to Kim’s house to study. After some time, my result improved. [75 words]
Prepared by ZANURIN BIN MOHAMAD SAFAR, Guru Cemerlang Bahasa Inggeris, SMK Kulim, Kedah

Last year, I got 5A+, 1A and 3 B+ in my SPM. I was very happy. My parents were happy
too. That night, my father took me and all my family members to my favourite
restaurant, Bamboo Restaurant. It was only five kilometres from my house. The
restaurant was opened three years ago. I liked the restaurant very much because it
offered Malay, Thai and western foods. [67 words]

When we arrived at the restaurant, I saw many people. My father took some time to
park his car. My family and I walked to a room which my father booked for us. The room
was quite big. When I opened the door, I saw my uncle, my grandmother and my
classmates. They smiled at me. They were happy. I was really surprised to see my
boyfriend with his parents too! [71 words]

I kissed my mother and I thanked her. I liked the party very much. At 8.45 pm, we were
ready for dinner. I sat beside Aaron, my boyfriend. He smiled at me. I smiled at him. We
looked at each other for some time. My father ordered my most favourite food – chicken
chop with black pepper sauce. We also had chicken soup, pizza and fried rice. I loved
all the foods very much. To me, the restaurant had the best chicken chop in town. [84

My friends also liked the foods at the restaurant. After dinner, y cousins sang a Justin
Bieber‘s song for me. We had so much fun at the restaurant. It was really a memorable
night. [34 words]

TOTAL [423 words]


I am Mamat Kelaboo. I am 24 years old. I am from Kuala Nerang, Kedah. Some people
say I look like Saheizy Sam. Maybe they are right. Some other people say I look like
Zizan Raja Lawak. I do not know who are right. I do not want to be Saheizy Sam or
Zizan Raja Lawak. I only want to be myself. I only want to be Mamat Kelaboo. [69

I came to Kuala Lumpur last year. I started working as a dispatch boy at an international
company ten months ago. I have some new friends in Kuala Lumpur. My friends are
Babu, Kishen, Babe and Vee. Babu is my housemate. We stay at a flat in Cheras. He is
a very kind man. He always helps me. Babe and Vee are my friends at the office. [67

Prepared by ZANURIN BIN MOHAMAD SAFAR, Guru Cemerlang Bahasa Inggeris, SMK Kulim, Kedah

Babe is very beautiful. Babe is more beautiful than Vee. Babe is a caring woman. Babe
always helps me with my work. I always have lunch with Babe. I think Babe likes me. I
have a problem. I know Babe likes me but I do not like Babe. I do not know how to tell
her that I like Vee. [60 words]

Vee is special. Yes, Vee is not a very beautiful girl but I like her very much. I like to see
her smile. Her smile is very sweet. Vee is very caring. Vee always calls me every night.
Vee always makes sure I eat and rest well. When I have headache, Vee will give me
Panadol. Sometimes, Vee cries when she knows I have headache. [64 words]

Vee is someone that I like. I think I want to marry her. I know she also wants to marry
me. I think I am in love. I am sure I am in love because I will miss Vee when I do not see
her for one day. I know we are more than friends because I will miss her voice if she
does not call me. [67 words]

I know it is not easy to marry Vee, someone that I like and love very much. I know I
have to work hard. I know I will need a lot of money to marry her. However, I promise to
work hard and save as much money as I can. Then, Vee will be mine. [55 words]


Prepared by ZANURIN BIN MOHAMAD SAFAR, Guru Cemerlang Bahasa Inggeris, SMK Kulim, Kedah


SAMPLE 1: Books
P1 Myself + details
P2 My family + details
P3 Last week, my family and I went to a book shop/ Book Fair. My family really
loved reading books………….+ details
P4 We enjoyed ourselves at the book shop/ book fair…………+ details
P5 My father and I bought a lot of books………+ details
P6 I wish we could always go to the bookshop/ attend a book fair.

SAMPLE 2: My ideal birthday party

P1 Myself
P2 My friends
P3 Last week was my birthday. It was my ideal birthday party……
P4 Many people came to my party……….
P5 Everybody enjoyed the party….
P6 I wish I will always have an ideal birthday party.

SAMPLE 3: My favourite month of the year

P1 Myself
P2 My family
P3 My favourite month of the year is December. I love December because of the
school holiday………
P4 I also love December because my family always travels overseas…….
P5 December is also my favourite month because of the three birthdays……..
P6 I wish every month is December because it is my favourite month of the year.

SAMPLE : (SPM 1997 ) Imagine you are moving to a new house. Describe the last day in your old house.
P1 Myself
P2 My family
P3 Yesterday was the last day in my old house…..
P4 I did many things at my old house……
P5 I looked at my old albums. Old memories came to me………..
P6 I wish I did not have to move. I wish I could stay at my old house.

SAMPLE : (SPM 1997) Describe a scene at a crowded bus or railway station.

P1 Myself
P2 My family….My brother studies at UPMB College in Kuala Lumpur.

Prepared by ZANURIN BIN MOHAMAD SAFAR, Guru Cemerlang Bahasa Inggeris, SMK Kulim, Kedah
P3 Yesterday, I went to a bus station. The bus station was crowded………
P4 I saw different kinds of people at the bus station…..
P5 I met my old friend at the bus station……
P6 I wish I do not have to send my brother to the bus station again. I do not like the
crowded bus station.

SAMPLE : (SPM 1998 ) Describe a day at school when you were unhappy
P1 Myself + details
P2 My school + details
P3 Yesterday, I was unhappy in school. I was late because I woke up late….+
P4 I forgot to bring my pocket money….+ details
P5 I was sad because my best friend was sick…..+ details
P6 I wish everything will change. I hope everybody will get better so that I do not
have to experience a sad day anymore.

Practice: Make a simple outline for your essay based on each of the questions given.

PRACTICE 1 : Power

PRACTICE 2 : Describe a day when a famous personality visited your school.


PRACTICE 3 : Secrets

Prepared by ZANURIN BIN MOHAMAD SAFAR, Guru Cemerlang Bahasa Inggeris, SMK Kulim, Kedah

PRACTICE 4 : The most beautiful day in my life


PRACTICE 5 : Describe someone who has guided you to be a better person.


PRACTICE 6 : Ways to make school life more interesting


PRACTICE 7 : How you prepare yourself for examination

Prepared by ZANURIN BIN MOHAMAD SAFAR, Guru Cemerlang Bahasa Inggeris, SMK Kulim, Kedah

PRACTICE 8: Describe the last school day when you were in primary school

PRACTICE 9: Describe your experiences taking part in a charity project.


PRACTICE 10: Describe your school during recess.


Prepared by ZANURIN BIN MOHAMAD SAFAR, Guru Cemerlang Bahasa Inggeris, SMK Kulim, Kedah


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