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Juan Camilo Nieto

Remember the titans.

A film full of a plot that gives a great reflection on life, where it shows the difference between the
societies of the United States of the seventies, when the inclusion of the color race to many
activities generates problems in the city, mainly between adults and the course of the tape is seen
as these problems are solved thanks to the victories of a football team.
Starring Denzel Washington and other celebrity faces, this film shows the difference of a racist
society, and as the fusion of schools of different races can at first generate a race battle in high
school and then unite an entire society, and nothing less than with sport and with a sport of great
importance to that country than American football.
The union of the schools generates that the football team should also merge and by these new
rules it was decided that a color coach (Denzel) be the head coach by removing one of the most
important coaches by jeopardising his place in the coaches' hall of fame; but the new coach
decides that this coach will support him on his way to victory, After all the first coach has a very
important mission if he wants his family to be in good condition and if he wants to continue in
his position and is not to lose any game in the whole championship.
Many challenges lie ahead for the coaches such as getting the team to work together as the
differences between them are so great that they decide to make a camp. In this they realize they
have more in common than they thought, at first they believe that the differences of race make
them very different but do not realize that the biggest problem is the resentment that their parents
and all the citizenship among them and that by their teachings is that they are so, showing that
apart from race differences there are also differences in sexuality as the appearance of one of the
team who decides to show his homosexual side without any fear, and this did not generate
changes. This camp brought them together not just as a team but as people, but by returning
citizens and others still degrade people of color, and over time it will look like this starts to change
as the team’s victory generates a very important bond not only in the team but in society as such.
The coaches have daughters who by society they also have a kind of racism at some point in
history and not only because of color but also because of the femininity of one or the other;
because either one of the girls is very feminine or the other is not at all feminine to them it makes
a little strange the attitude, but that changes with the time.
As the team joins the city, too, and it’s because the union of the coaches is making history for a
very important team, but an accident of nothing more or less the star of the team causes the spirits
to go down a bit generating a dispute between coaches, but in the end thanks to the values of these
two great people their union is stronger and they manage to win the championship. And as at the
end of the film says you don’t have to be black and white on your own, they in that city achieved
the best union in the world by making the titans a legend and uniting friends for life.
This film leaves a great reflection on how at the beginning of the 1970s black men suffered
discrimination and how no matter what time there are places where this kind of racism still exists,
but they still don’t realize that we are all people who feel the same and that the difference of race,
sex, religion should not generate disputes between people that what one least thinks can bring
about change and that as if the schools had not merged would be the actuality of society..

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