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Paul University Philippines

Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500
Senior High School Department-Set A

Basic Education Unit

PAASCU Level III Accredited
ISO Certified



Name: __________________________ Grade & Section: ____________________ Date: ______________ Score:


Good luck and God Bless!!!


Objectives: To assess students’ ability in retrieving, recognizing, and recalling previously learned information
from specific facts to complete theories.
Directions: Read and analyze each of the following items carefully. You are to select which of the following
options may correctly or best complete/answer the item. Write/shade the letter of the answer on the answer sheet

1. Among the concepts of Sociology, Anthropology and Political Science, which of the following is referred to as
the study of humankind at all times and all places?
a. Sociology b. Population c. Anthropology d. Social Organization

2. It is the agency to which the will of the state is formulated, expressed, and carried out.
a. Nation b. Nation-State c. Social Institution d. Government

3. It is defined as the art and science of governing city/state?

a. Governance b. Government c. Politics d. Political Science

4. Which among options generally defined as the developing concept of identity that evolves over the course of life?
a. Personal Identity b. Culture c. Norms d. Personal Experiences

5. What perspective is applied for careful analysis of social life that focuses on broad features of the society?
a. Structural Functionalism Perspective c. Symbolic Interactionist Perspective
b. Macro-Perspective d. Micro-Perspective

6. Who among the following authors studies the cause and effects of inequalities in the society and is interested in
the issues of social stratifications?
a. Karl Marx b. Jane Addams c. Max Weber d. Talcott Parsons

7. To which era/period do comprehensive settlements started?

a. Paleolithic Period b. Neolithic Period c. Metal Age d. Agricultural Society

8. Of the following topics, which is not a characteristic of Homo sapiens?

a. Food Gatherer b. Lived in Shelter c. Caveman Settlers d. Technology Advanced

9. The process by which people learn and adapt the ways and manners of other cultures.
a. Ethnocentrism b. Enculturation c. Socialization d. Acculturation

10. If you keep seeing your way of doing things as the right way and everybody else’s as the wrong, you tend to have
the attitude called ____________.
a. Xenocentrism b. Ethnocentrism c. Cultural Relativism d. Sinocentrism

11. Persistent nepotism in our society is generally explained as repayment to family members of a debt of gratitude
which to Filipino is termed:
a. Pakikisama b. Pakikiramdam c. Utang-na-Loob d. Team Spirit
First Quarter Exam in Understanding Culture, Society & Politics | 1
Objectives: To assess students’ ability in constructing meaning by explaining or interpreting ideas or concepts of
culture and social structure.
Directions: Read and analyze each of the following items carefully. You are to select which of the following
options may correctly or best complete/answer the item. Write/shade the letter of the answer on the answer sheet

12. Which of the following situations is closely related to politics?

a. Jose’s territory is at peace. c. Maria was elected as Barangay Captain.
b. Jojo’s people are working with unity. d. Noynoy and Ninoy agreed to rule in one place.

13. All of the following are assumptions of Conflict Theory, except:

a. Society is continually subjected to change.
b. A society rests on the consensus of its members.
c. A society experiences inconsistency and conflict are everywhere.
d. A society involves the constraints and coercion of some members of society.

14. Karl Marx divided the industrial society into bourgeoisie and proletariat. What was one of his major bases of
a. Racial and Ethnic origins c. Whether or not they have royal or noble blooded
b. Gender roles and inequalities d. Whether or not they own the means of production

15. When dysfunction takes place in society, what happens?

a. There will be an improvement in the quality of life.
b. Members of the community tend to cooperate because of general rules.
c. Members of the community disregard all the rules and create disruptions that will break all unity.
d. There will be misinterpretations of actions that will lead the community to misunderstand other’s behavior.

16. Which of the following CORRECTLY explains sociological imagination?

a. Social imagination is the ability of an individual to see things socially and how they interact and influence
each other.
b. The sociological imagination is the illusionary statements on the mind that caters absolutely reality about the
world around us.
c. It is a general way of action that supports individuals with what to do and act in a certain situation.
d. an individual tends to see things based from their interpretations.

17. Wealth, prestige, and power-much unequally distributed in third world countries like Philippines-are the bases of
divisions of social classes. This patterned inequality is called _______________.
a. Social movement b. Social struggle c. Social stratification d. Social problem

18. Which is NOT related to ethical conduct in sociological research?

a. Security of participants c. Limitation in research scope
b. Respect for confidentiality d. Voluntary participation by respondents

19. Scribes is to fortune tellers and constellation readers as Vaishya is to _____________________.

a. Advisers of the nobles c. Slaves of the king
b. Soldiers of the King-Priest d. Merchants and traders

20. Which of the following options best describe culture as shared and contested?
a. Greg, an Ibanag, who is dancing the Tadek of the Igorot people with his version of “bahag” and gongs.
b. Teacher Khen watching a documentary video about Malaueg tribes and culture.
c. Anna; who is narrating Ilokano folklores to her Itawes classmates.
d. Mirna teaching her classmates how to speak Japanese.

21. The ability of a child to realize that 1 liter of bottled water has the same quantity even if the water will be placed
on a plastic pitcher or a pale is called:
a. Conservation c. Seriation
b. Reversibility d. Accommodation

First Quarter Exam in Understanding Culture, Society & Politics | 2

Objectives: To assess students’ ability to apply the different concepts and ideas of Cultural Anthropology and
Sociology in a situational context.
Directions: Read and analyze each of the following items carefully. You are to select which of the following
options may correctly or best complete/answer the item. Write/shade the letter of the answer on the answer sheet

22. Among the goals of Anthropology, which demonstrates that we need to view culture as unique and varied?
a. Discover what all people have in common.
b. Look at one’s own culture more objectively as an outsider.
c. Produce new knowledge and new theories about humankind and behavior.
d. Discover what makes people different from one another to understand and preserve diversity.

23. Luna is a native Ilocano. She was born at Ilocos but now living in Manila because of their family business. To
which significance of culture do the situation is being referred to?
a. Culture makes it possible for a man to adapt and integrate into the environment.
b. Culture establishes patterns of acceptable social behavior.
c. Culture contributes to overall human satisfaction.
d. Culture produces man-made things.

24. Which of the following CORRECTLY explains politics?

I. Politics is a natural phenomenon that occurs in a particular society.
II. Politics involves the making of different decisions for a group of people.
III. Politics presumes an initial diversity of views, if not about goals then least about means.
IV. Politics generally refers to human activity with decision making, to a certain extent, with power and

a. I only b. I and II c. I, II, and III d. I, II, III and IV

25. If a society is united through of social consensus, this implies that:

a. All structures in society hold specific functions and roles.
b. Society is continually subjected to change.
c. A society is a relatively integrated whole.
d. Society tends to seek relative stability.

26. Who among authors would most help Teacher Eros understand the concepts of Pre-Modern and Modern society
in his lecture “Development of Sociology”?
a. August Comte b. Emille Durkheim c. Karl Marx d. Max Weber

27. Which of the following Teachers most likely applied Symbolic Interactionist Theory in teaching?
a. George who uses documentary videos about the oppressions of the Japanese in the Philippines as a realistic
tool in the discussion.
b. Linda who required her students to give their insights regarding the social issues in the community.
c. Khen who uses multiple intelligences activities to maintain social interaction in the class.
d. Mark who draws a picture of society to show the interconnectedness of elements.

28. Which of the following is most likely related to Subsistence Farming?

a. Gardening b. Kaingin System c. Fish Farming d. Rip-Rap Farming

29. Which of the following is the correct sequence in the stages of human evolution?
I. Australopithecus
II. Pithecanthropus Erectus
III. Neanderthal Man
IV. Ardipithecus
V. Homo habilis

a. I, III, II, V, IV b. IV, I, V, II, III c. IV, V, II, III, I d. III, II, V, I, IV

First Quarter Exam in Understanding Culture, Society & Politics | 3

30. In a Social Science class, Teacher Khen discusses the Stages of Human Evolution to HUMSS students. At the end
of the discussion, to check the retention of the class, he asked one of his students “Why did the early humans
prefer to live along the river shores rather than staying at the up-hills?”. Which among options can be the best
response of the student?
a. People need water for their daily living that’s why they tend to stay along the shores.
b. People usually take a bath in open water, that’s why they prefer staying at the river banks.
c. Early humans prefer to live near the shores of the river because it also serves as one of the sources of their
source of food supplies.
d. Early humans live near river banks because they usually used it as their channel of transportation to transfer
from one place to another.

31. Among all principles of Natural Selection, which is referred to as VARIATION?

a. Animals have young that can survive on the available resources.
b. Organisms produce progeny with different sets of traits that can be inherited.
c. Every species is made up of various individuals where some are better adapted to their environments.
d. Organisms that have traits most suitable to their environment will survive and transfer their variations to their

32. Aling Maring is a conservative person. She used to teach her grandchildren the folks of Filipinos before. One day,
one of her grandchildren wear a KPOP clothing and started to dance like the KPOP group. Aling Maring scolded
the kid and says that she is not manifesting the image Maria Clara. On the statement, is Aling Maring right in
what she has done to the kid?
a. Yes, because its manifest preservation of our culture as a Filipino.
b. No, because it sounds boring if we still embraced the old folks of our yesteryears.
c. Yes, Aling Maring is right because our elders have to educate our kids about the cultures of the Filipinos so
that they will continue the traditions and practices of the past from generation to generation.
d. No, always consider the fact that the generations of today are no longer focusing on the old folk of the
yesteryears, thus, culture is dynamic and globalization is everywhere where kids of today are fun of trends
and tend to blend also in the change.

33. Which of the following does NOT accurately describe the true nature of culture?
a. Culture tells us how we ought to act and believe.
b. Culture is transmitted through biological inheritance.
c. Culture is learned from interaction with other people.
d. Culture helps us solve problems and adapt to the environment.

34. Color, emblem, gestures, design, words are part of ______________ language that makes man different from
a. Symbolic b. Material c. Witten d. Non-material

35. If you take a position of Cultural Relativism, which one do you observe?
a. Imposing culture changes as an outsider.
b. Respect for all cultural differences.
c. Condoning instances mass suicide.
d. Show ethnocentrism.

36. Ana is a 13-year-old high school student who thinks that the death penalty should be implemented in her own
country as she believes that there are other ways to punish oppressors and teach them to be better citizens. She
should be under what stage of Piaget’s theory?
a. Sensorimotor b. Pre-operational c. Formal operational d. Concrete operational

37. “He who does not know how to look to the past will never reach his destination.” To which Filipino traits does
this point?
a. Pakikisama b. Mañana Habit c. Pakikipagkapwa-tao d. Utang-na-loob

38. Which of the following is/are considered factors of personality development?

First Quarter Exam in Understanding Culture, Society & Politics | 4

I. Birth Order II. Cultural Environment III. Unique Experiences IV. Heredity

a. I and II b. II, III and IV c. I, III, and IV d. I, II, III, and IV

39. This is known as a girl’s psychosexual competition with her mother for the possession of her father?
a. Electra Complex c. Penis Envy
b. Oedipus Complex d. Object Permanence


Objectives: To assess students’ ability in breaking learned information/concepts into parts to explore
understanding and relationships.
Directions: Read and analyze each of the following items carefully. You are to select which of the following
options may correctly or best complete/answer the item. Write/shade the letter of the answer on the answer sheet

ANALOGY (Items 40-43)

40. Macro-perspective is to broad features of the society as _______________ is to collection of people who interact
with each other.
a. Social Organization
b. Micro-perspective
c. Social Group
d. Population

41. History: Chronological record of important events; ______________________: record of human experiences
a. History
b. Psychology
c. Humanities
d. Social Change

42. ______________________: Positivism; Herbert Spencer: Social Darwinism

a. August Comte
b. Jane Addams
c. Max Weber
d. Karl Marx

43. ______________________: Symbolic Interactionist Theory; Karl Marx: Conflict Theory

a. Harriet Martineau
b. Herbert Blumer
c. Talcott Parsons
d. W.E.B Dubois

44. Which area of Sociology can be advanced so that it is not merely for speculative thinking of theories and
a. Humanities :: on social ills, e.g. drug use, crime, etc.
b. Population studies :: on planned parenthood
c. Sociological Theory :: for social knowledge
d. Applied sociology :: for social change

45. What would you accept as true from the varied propositions of Herbert Spencer?
a. Societies develop from simplicity to complexity.
b. Societies compete by way of survival of the fittest.
c. Planned change will disrupt the evolution of the society.
d. Social development should not be interfered by legislators.

46. In Piaget’s stages of Cognitive Development, what is the pre-school age in which a child’s intelligence is
intuitive, able to make mental representation, and close to the use of symbols?
a. Sensorimotor Stage
b. Pre-operational Stage
c. Formal Operational Stage
d. Concrete Operational Stage

First Quarter Exam in Understanding Culture, Society & Politics | 5

MATCHING TYPE (Items 47-56)
DIRECTIONS: Match the statements on column A with the correct terms on column B. Write only the letter of
answer on the answer sheet provided.

47. The categorization of the group of early humans and Q a. Euphemism
other human like creatures that can walk erect during b. Symbols
the prehistoric era.
49. It is a classification of society that depends mostly O c. School
on human capital labor works wherein intelligence is d. Real Culture
regarded as the most significant form of skill.
51. Shared rules of conduct that tell people what/how to L e. Super-ego
act in specific situation.
f. Bahala Na Attitude
53. Incest and Cannibalism. N g. Habit Training

h. Ego
56. Abstract human creations. P i. Technology
57. These are physical objections created by man which J j. Mores
determined to do specific function. k. Norms
59. Formal period of socialization. G l. Family
60. Operates on moral principles. E m. Taboo
n. Post-industrial society
62. Formal agency of socialization in the society. C o. Nonmaterial Culture
63. Stating of unpleasant truth. A p. Hominid


Objectives: To assess students’ ability to justify decisions or course of actions based on the concepts learned.
Directions: Write/Shade A- if the statement A is true
B- if statement B is true
C- if both statements A and B are true
D- if both statement A and B are false

57. A. Society is created by man’s continuing interaction.

B. The nation-state as the main site of sovereignty is the basic feature of modernity and a major constituent of
personal identity. C

58. A. The systematic study of groups and societies that people build is called Social Institution.
B. Social Psychology focuses on the study of human nature and its emphasis on social processes. B

59. A. The primary goal of politics is Citizenship Education.

B. A government is permanent and will continue to thrive through time. D

60. A. Functionalist view believes that society is relatively whole.

B. Jane Addams focuses on the issues of racial discriminations as her point of interest. A

61. A. Case study tend to rely on observational techniques.

B. Research ethics preserves the morality and integrity of every researchers. C

62. A. George Herbert Mead advocates the study of ideal society.

B. Harriet Martineau was the first to translate August Comte’s work “Positive Philosophy” from French to
English. B
First Quarter Exam in Understanding Culture, Society & Politics | 6
63. A. Homo erectus was the first Homo species to use fire.
B. Pastoral Society relied much on herding and the domestication of animals for food and clothing. C


DIRECTIONS: Read and analyze each of the following statements. Write TRUE if the statement presents a
factual idea and change the term being underlined with the correct word/s if the statement is otherwise false or
incorrect in an idea. Write your answer/s on the answer sheet provided.

___________64. Pastoral societies are organized along male-centered kinship groups. TRUE
___________65 Homo is the general term to categorize and classify a certain group of early humans. HOMINID
___________66. Culture can adapt, exist and survive even when the whole community is prone to changes. TRUE
___________67. The actual process of learning and internalizing rules and patterns of behavior that are affected by
culture is referred to as enculturation. SOCIALIZATION
___________68. The influencing factor in the Phallic Stage is toilet training. ANAL STAGE
___________69. Children with siblings have a different view of the world than children who have no brothers or sisters.
___________70. An aptitude is the capacity to learn a particular skill or acquire a specific body of knowledge. TRUE

“Be not wise in your own eyes.”

-Proverbs 3:7

Prepared by:


Subject Teacher(Social Science

Corrected by: Noted by: Approved by:


ATL, Language SHS Coordinator SET-A PRINCIPAL, Basic Education Unit

First Quarter Exam in Understanding Culture, Society & Politics | 7

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