The Construction of The Quality Peculiar To One

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The construction of the

quality peculiar to one's

Personal identity, understood as individuality is a dynamic process, since
throughout life the elements that configure it can be modified.

For the process of individuation to be truly humanizing and emancipatory, an

educational project is necessary in which the subject is involved in the social
and cultural construction of his moral personality.

In modernity, having a personal

identity means having the ability to
decide, to choose, thanks to a
(supposedly) free will. Each person
is only relatively autonomous, since
it depends for their development of
their social and cultural
environment, so personal liberation
is only achieved authentically by
modifying what determines it: the
set of institutions that the human
being has created and can
constrain or favor your freedom.

The activity of the human being not

only depends on instinctive
behaviors, but also on his ability to
expand the symbolic register of possibilities of action, which entails opening
the behavior to the innovative and unpublished.
Thus, the "institutionality" of the elements that shape our personal identity
can be an impediment to differentiate and elaborate our perceptual field.
Political and social statism has its analogy in the norms and codes that we
can build on a personal level and that also lead us to difficulties, distortions
and dogmatisms.

In the process of building personal identity, moral autonomy and

maximization of the emancipation opportunities of the subject are sought.
The objective is, at a pedagogical level, not only the development of skills
and the execution of tasks, but also the ability to face and understand the
problematic situations that the subject will encounter again and again.

Them regulation of the human conducts constitute a complex set of rules,

which they span from the ones that are indispensable for the everyday get-
together to the highest moral orders; That's why one has insisted in which
that dichotomy between doings and values, between being and should have

In conclusion he exists properly fastened, quality peculiar to one's self,

without the other, which contribute from decisive way your own
configuration. Of his acquaintances with the community, the person takes
make-ups and styles of making, develops some capacities and inhibits other
ones, in short, he creates his identity.

Also, he defines our capacity of acting as humans, which sometimes

manifests itself like uncertainty or it is even noxious, since in no not much
occasions elections come true in inevitable contexts.



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