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W Tfo ito .70-33004/99 REGD. NO. D. L.



17 he Gct%ette of 3nctict
1-1TTT 11-131717 3-37-11(Trg' (i)
PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (i)

lAiRichu 4 siahllria

925] nshent, Rt1kl4A 28, 2018/I* 7, 1940

No. 925] NEW DELHI, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28, 2018/PAUSHA 7, 1940

141 I tul , "9" q H-Priciii


i i4r, 28 1 +-1+a?., 2018


ITT.W.R. 124100.-41i-11 •Li5-TP:.a- k .74k1iiivq, 79. 47 ..rmalq


1-11T. H71. t 31-RPTA9T 4. 36 (4), f 17q97f(

.. , 2018 7,,171- 1
TTTP17 41- Tit 2-fr .D1'14 T4.14 37`4-11fi7 1 ,1 h l q I Witt 0"-11-441 4 WIT viri cl I 3 td
3TR-19-9-r a aia 4.1,441 1 .ced-11- Al; f4f4 ,-116 fr
3Tr1ft T 1 o•ITTi-R - Tr7 4;

747, 7T-1714g 17 ,s1,-11 .1, 2018 1- :1".d1,14- 1-,k.i•L;711;

4 :

str, '41 4F,L1 3ft.1-97

I if 41-fr TO- f a a vq-,• 411-d TP-fl" ill4I 41 . 1.1,1 ;4711'11 tfT..47,

4,1-d t Tp-r f4-

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31-9.: liqi<Rui ( r) fk741:1-, 1986 fd--zr4 5 JAR,-14-1 (3) 't ITN Tifta. 01747i)

3Tf 7{, 1986 (1986 1 29) tr 41.11,i 6 31)7 25 4; art[ 91174,11 51-4171- 77, 415 11 4

(#TW1T) 17-.WIT, 1986 4 31)7. #9frUff 011 RqH

414..1114. tiq "II (ItTP.31:7) fd-4:11:1, 1986 7 " 3117 <1 F 1 q+-I i.i 1 I
1. TifirRi Tr a AT 14l.- (1) fir r 9 T q 4..ul (Ti-TWJT) 91.`4T 4q111.19- flu, 2018 tl
(2) 4 q44 41 t 11..1 -4 4 317-PT9' ft 71-ft m c:i11

7627 G1/2018 (1)


2. (1{atur) R141, 1986 4 31--

171114 w.Tr. 42 MIT 17
Titfk9- )11-4R241 i:4 4--A1-49"
WA". •RIr 41111 frwrq41- 31-41-9- :-

At. maln 111c 4 T1r9T

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-;,-ii c+-i'1.3TM-- t-
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(i)t,T-q- ,i<ti—i 7-07k II; 74-fr ,34'-14.1 zrr srft7r3ir 4 t.I9- Rt•ohf+.-1,-1 ft
ra-FtIrr fr 77-4-11.1
7 3111 ti ..4-hiii 12 kt,.. a, ZIT 31'141 4 4-11,-1, tg vr
(ii) will - '-rl-r 17-4
.-1,i1 k: 941-1 ids 4 ,Vici4-1se dq,„TITT, 4T Oft WI- fr,
41 -ii 7 - 15:14 ,4151 ,41,..,.111

(iii)Twrt, $.1=NrtFi-P-
' . 7I- tritRwrirsfR- 6M- •-1. *rs -s.iii 4- 12 ifr. Ilii .1.4
Ai zruir4-9. -.Tr ft zrr Ttztqt ,1.4T-4 'i 4 .-kidii 7.-t4td4. T>cp..*
, itlfr 3r--0 Ili fr, * - irrEq-7 4 ,!-wsfi trf 1-)..,fi i
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(i) d ttrak 117. Tff All 1 A 4 ti -4, i•'-i47..m..ul 47 4 9174:1* T4 1k+.-4-Rui W”
trrA-9- 'et1t1
(ii) II4gr, 9-.E 7, 1-r irt-zri:r ..3t11-1 fir 31-Rft,-4-7, 2006 (2006 wr 27)
117-14.711 ,, 1-1411 T.,ir, -P-TT 74-911:1- 54-,i v41 9-4T Powit arm ir,,i d
km-441- 47 s..4-.1.0i R4-r1 .srfT7... 44-illq-4 TT qT99' 1-:,..iii :
iii-ij,s 4'4', -74", 71-4 alf4T ( -I 1 A - . pH, 1--1-
1•!..n Thr:477.-.)
pH 6.5 -8.5

Tff ii,-4fIs ePT (TSS) 100

si I -tit VA4),-1 .3irvf179- n ii i8 30
(BoD)(27°C 77 3 ft)
WAt. xiti I 1111.6 lir4T
(1) (2) (3) (4)
'-i--iii 1-9 C2 H5OH 1.0
417: 14,1 10
1-7 RNi-Turwftfp
. Tr 96 '60- 4100% -It-:79-rq- A- 90%
...v.rit 1 II
Itrft Err-T
ofr-ti Pb 0.1
A-Ti '-Iii (1-4.41dA.-e.) 0.1
['fl II—fig 3(i)] T-1 .11,
1144 : 3

g, 4 41 2.0
o-r Cu 2.0

qmi Ni 2.0

T IZn 5.0

3TRAIWT As— 0.2

1;1's1 I crd CO 0.2

T7' Fifi zi-r-V 7.0

IF .. lig II titirCI c114 be wff
.3.-.1 1 'RT X1411 +1I9 4.1.71 3rtft-E-6 -k
-7i 'pl.-4 fa„,,
,N.ur * RIT Tr* 774 .
4IR1, afrq: ...1F4 ,f,:s..101, ,A,..1
1 .),“.1.-„, ,
,,i-cort- - TT 1,,,i ,,.,1 w-o-K. qq*fii t, th-.
qi.,IPNci 4114gu51l- 3911T9-9- 1-4-,qi ,iiit,!,/ii :-
4-111-, A 1 ,0-1 3TRT 7 t (pH WU ,-11 i 44 i,-i 7:t
41”10,P4.11/sin 'ft.)
pH 6.5 - 8.5
,i#:4 8 3T41- 100
c . NIT Ift9. 10
ClIt14-11,1 31771 p. J179. *1144-111 4 5°C43TRT9-n1.

0) f4.41 tztw, * ItI Tit q-9., (.r*117-A-g- Tr 3IRTT .11141 250

qlt At. t Trw9-,
-T 11?-..:bliq AT / Tr tEq fl- si)--A-9)' * Trp.T fkR9-
: tr4 R,Tr Ai v.41 1 1
(ii) 14.,.-fi 7-41-f, 4'1- 1e.,F1 41-Trr t *7! citli q-9- A-,.-3-. ,41,-4 41:4 7-,17-
(T4 sr1.1.1 i) ft 0,11$..rti t Tr-MIT * 404...; ,1141 f4-1 ,1141 TIT '418'4
t'LM P4T1-9- TT TI7 1- 7-T 4 ,31141 ,1111.4+11 -17-..,-A $T 9T 10 rid
0?-11• 301-4. Al * aisrf -q9- *r 4-Fur 1-, 'fr tri
u. lizint, erazr1 k L, 11 - vi

(i) 1 ,k 314319 , ' qi- -1-i N-.1.0 (1 1:1'1 4-Tir4 siR49'

lizia,, 1000 ?.-9-/44 A- T-p- PI
q 011'4'1, * 5% A- 3A-T9t.' iNft; :31177

(ii) -P; -z,m- 14- 11444, 1000 T.7M-ri Ti” 3TR-0:- 9'r 1dmilli fr
7147 q-11,44-: * 3% A- 361T 9fi 0 4 I

%ti 4l qrR-9. qit :71-4 11.- wrfr trr-prr *1- ifti-R-ff -;f-r7r-Al 7-r trr-H-a-
4. : T411-4, +1,,--4 4-I I li c`ii # A* 31.-14*(1 7-q. A' wrfr 9-r-0-- Tr ..i .-,..ui
Ranfta- zfrTrr* 4 31111* ti, 7-171' Alm mil Po-iv,' iti 71 Sip i ii i
R,i orrfr m-q--41. fr aTN-7 41411 tj, R Pi fa-,e. TT Tfftr t, .91-4
3TfirTi Tr-rirr 3 -41
-pr -9- fl- trs31114 41411.4 UT WP -A *I
-in Trft- ,5-Aci 4 As *1-,i,.-ili AR,' piy;Ini.,) t 41 7777 311 -71-
4-:„,4,,I ,ili ..-ii-A 441‘'.-11-`4 #09)-9- 41441 * 114ARci ti ir 7

7 wfTft W1-7" si 4I 4..t1-, 71 79- (71- it As t 3-T4T 31797Z

<-1 *1 AS it ill 0.2 f4.11f./41. zf,:71NT; tl. 31111fr 9-1733Wr
[Tr. 15017/39/2011-4R s

- Tr i-W.1 (i) Tr.w. 8440), 7i-ill, 19 1986
,,777 Tr'zr 3117. *ii=4-1T 7-F 3T-R.4,.-0,11 ,!-i(2?-11 Wr.Tr,. 1025 (ar) it, 9 2018 t
Tft %1-1


New Delhi, the 28th December, 2018

G.S.R. 1241(E).—Whereas, a draft notification, for Man-Made Fibre was published in the Gazette of India,
Extraordinary, vide notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
vide number G.S.R. 36 (E), dated the 17th January, 2018, inviting objections and suggestions from all persons likely to be
affected thereby within a period of sixty days from the dated on which copies of the Gazette containing the said
notification were made available to the public;
And Whereas, copies of the Gazette were made available to the public dated 17th January, 2018;
And Whereas, all objections and suggestions received from all persons and stakeholders in response to the draft
notification have been duly considered by the Central Government;
Now Therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 6 and 25 of the Environment (Protection) Act,
1986 (29 of 1986) read with sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986, the Central Government
hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986,namely:-
1. Short title and commencement.-(l) These rules may be called the Environment (Protection) fourth Amendment
Rules, 2018.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
2. In the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986, in Schedule-1, for serial number 42 and the entries relating thereto,
the following serial number and entries shall be substituted, namely:-

S.No. Indus Parameter Standards

(1) (2) (3) (4)
"42 Paint A- Emission Standards
Concentration not to exceed
Particulate Matter (all process vents attached 50 mg/Nm3
to pre-mixers and mixers
DWI 3(i) ] '117ff : 3TPTITTTErT 5
(i) All dust generating equipment or processes shall be provided with dust extraction
(ii) The bag houses, etc. shall be connected to chimneys or stacks of at least twelve metres height
or at least two metres above the top most point of the building, shed or plant in the industry,
which so ever is higher.
(iii) The unit shall channelise shop floor or fugitive emissions through a stack of twelve metres
height or at least two metres above the top most point of the building or shed or plant in the
industry, which so ever is higher.

B. Effluent Standards
(i) Large scale water based plants shall meet zero liquid discharge from process section.
(ii) All Micro, Small and Medium units as per Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
Development Act, 2006 (27 of 2006) and Solvent based large scale paint units shall meet the
standards given as:
Parameter Concentration not to exceed, (in mg/1 except for
pH and Bioassay)
pH 6.5 — 8.5
Total Suspended solid (TSS) 100
Bio-Chemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (3 days
at 27°C)
S. Industry Parameter Standards
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Phenolics as C6H5OH 1.0
Oil and Grease 10
Bio-Assay Test 90% survival in 100% effluent in 96 hours
Heavy Metals*
Lead as Pb 0.1
Chromium (Hexavalent) 0.1
Total Chromium 2.0
Copper as Cu 2.0
Nickel as Ni 2.0
Zinc as Zn 5.0
Arsenic as As** 0.2
Cobalt as Co 0.2
Total Heavy metals 7.0
C- Service Wastewater
All efforts shall be made by the industry for 'zero discharge' of service wastewater, and in case,
the industry prefers to discharge service wastewater, the following norms shall be complied with:-

Concentration not to exceed, (in mg/1 except for

pH and temperature)

pH 6.5 — 8.5
Suspended Solids 100
Oil and Grease 10
Temperature Not more that 5°C higher than the intake water

D- Storm-Water
(i) Storm water for a plant, a unit (having plot size at least 250 square metres) shall not be
allowed to mix with scrubber water, effluent and/or floor washings.
(ii) Storm water within the battery limits of a unit shall be channelized through separate drain or
pipe passing through a High Density Poly ethylene (HDPE) lines pit having holding capacity
of 10 minutes (hourly average) of rainfall.
E- Guidelines for Solvent Losses
(i) the total losses of solvent should not be more than 5% of the solvent consumed, if solvent
consumption less than 1000 tons/Annum; and

(ii) the solvent loss should not be more than 3% of the solvent consumed, if solvent consumption
greater than 1000 tons/Annum.

* The units shall meet the prescribed limits of heavy metals in treated effluent, however, in cases
where heavy metal concentration in intake water is more than prescribed limits, State Pollution
Control Boards or Pollution Control Committees may specify higher limits of heavy metals
provided the maximum limits are restricted to the background limits of intake water.
** In case As is geogenic in ground water, the State Pollution Control Boards/Pollution Control
Committees may relax the limit with respect to it appropriately, provided the built of As in waste
water does not exceed 0.2 mg/1 over and above the As in raw water and limit with respect to total
heavy metals is maintained".

[F. No. Q-15017/39/2011-CPW]

DR. A. SENTHIL VEL, Scientist `G'

Note:- The principal rules were published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part 11, Section 3,Sub-section (i) vide
number S.O. 844 (E), dated the 19th November, 1986 and lastly amended vide notification number G.S.R.
1025(E), dated the 9th November, 2018.

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