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In an era of unprecedented technological progress, various advanced

tools have been invented and developed that are once deemed to be impossible.

These technologies helped people in making things easier in their homes and

work. It offered people better entertainment. It helped people to have better

communication with each other through the Internet and various social media


But because of these advancements, many people became more

distracted in their everyday lives. Learning in classrooms has been

unintentionally neglected by students for this reason. The lessons that are

being taught by teachers can now be easily found in the Internet. Students lose

their interests in listening to teachers during the discussions of their lessons.

Learners tend to spend most of their time facing the screens of their

computers, laptops, and mobile phones rather than studying for their quizzes

and examinations. This pushes educators to continuously seek innovative ways

for the students’ learning, the use of multimedia facilities.

Multimedia is the mixture of different media types like text, image,

sound, and video into a united multi-sensory interactive application or

presentation to convey a message or information to an audience. The most

common kinds of multimedia facilities are the computers, mobile phones,

speakers, and projectors.


The use of multimedia facilities in businesses has been relevant in

increasing the productivity and the retention rates of its workers. Research has

shown that people remember 20% of what they see, 40% of what they see and

hear, and about 75% of what they see and hear and do simultaneously

(Lindstrom, 1994). Multimedia is now spreading in the educational system as a

tool for successful teaching and learning. With multimedia, the communication

of information can be done in a more effective way and it can be an effective

instructional instrument for presenting data and information.

The use of multimedia facilities in teaching not only increases the

retention rate of students, it also reduces the learning time and increases the

mastery learning. Learners can enjoy interactive learning and multimedia

facilities can help improve the communication skills of the students. Although

there are many advantages of using multimedia facilities in teaching, too much

or inappropriate use of these media can weigh down the teaching and distract

the students from mastering the course material and information.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the effects of Multimedia Facilities of

Teachers to the Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students Tupi National

High School.

Specifically, this study sought answers to the following questions:


1. What are the effects of using multimedia facilities of teachers to the

grades 7 and 8 STE students of Tupi National High School?

2. Does the assistance of multimedia facilities of teachers improve the

understanding of students on their lessons in school?

3. Is it effective to use multimedia facilities in teaching in high school?


The following statements are based on the questions given by the

researchers in the previous section of the paper and came up with brilliant

guesses for the problems:

1. The researchers believe that multimedia facilities provide easiness in

education. Students can learn brand new information and they can

gain the knowledge and information that would be impossible to get in

traditional ways. As a result, it could be asserted that the use of

multimedia possesses the aim of helping students with different skills

and learning styles.

2. Yes, the assistance of multimedia facilities of teachers improve the

understanding of students on their lessons in school in a way that it

enhances the quality of teaching and provides more various

techniques in teaching. Through the use of multimedia facilities, the

teacher could give more opportunity to students to express their

opinions and enjoy during the discussions.


3. Yes, it is effective to use multimedia facilities in teaching in high

school to facilitate teaching and learning process, arouse learners’

interest, support and reinforce students learning, influence better

academic performance in learners, aid mastery learning among other


Conceptual Framework of the Study

Individual Answering Tally and

of Survey Analysis
Form of Results

Figure 9-1. The Conceptual Framework used in the study.

Significance of the Study

This study aims to examine the effects of the newly-developed

multimedia instructional materials of teachers to the academic performance of

the adolescent girls and boys of grades 7 and 8 Science, Technology, and

Engineering (STE) students of Tupi National High School for the reason that

they would be aware of the benefits multimedia facilities can provide. Using

technology in classroom can offer new, creative and engaging ways to teach.

Different types of learners can be reached through the use of technology. If

used effectively, technology can greatly enhance learning.

Scope and Limitation

The problem being tackle by the researchers is the use of multimedia

facilities of teachers in teaching the Grades 7 and 8 Science Curriculum

students of Tupi National High School. They want to find out the effects of

using these materials for teaching students in the school.

The data is collected on the month of March and in the year 2017 and in

this research; it has proven that indeed, using multimedia facilities for

teaching the students can affect their performances in school.

The research was conducted at TNHS with one curriculum which

consists of 2 classes, from grade 7-8 students as respondents. A total of 69

students were chosen to participate on the said study.

Definition of Terms


 The use of science in industry, engineering, etc., to invent useful things.

It is the manner of accomplishing a task especially using technical

processes, methods or knowledge.

 In this study, technology refers to digital technology such as computers,

video, scientific tools, graphing software, etc.


 Using or involving several forms of communication or expression.

 The researchers defined multimedia in this study as the combination of

various digital media types such as text, images, sound and video, into

an integrated multi-sensory interactive application or presentation to

convey a message or information to an audience.

Visual and Graphics Media

 Visual media is an intermediate through which people can get news

along with pictures in motion. It is a way to communicate by visual

means. It is a medium to spread ideas with the help of pictures.

 This is what the researchers are investigating if the visual and graphics

media used by their teachers affect the academic performances of

students in school.

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

This chapter presents the related literature and studies which have a

direct relevance and where this study is secured. The topics discussed are the

different current level of technology used by educators, how teachers use

visuals and graphics, and how multimedia facilities affect the academic

performances of students.

Current Level on Technology Used

Why is there a lack of studies on the use of video with direct instruction?

It could be that many instructors do not even use technology to begin with, so

not much research has been done on it. Some research has been done however

on the reasons for whether or a not teachers are using technology. In one

study, researchers examined how teachers’ beliefs influenced their use of

digital media in the classroom (Petko, 2012). The main purpose was to find out

what affected the frequency of use of computer based learning by teachers.

Researchers surveyed secondary teachers in Switzerland through an online

questionnaire. Teachers were asked questions about the school environment,

frequency of use of computer technology in class, and personal competency

with computers. The findings of this study were that teachers who felt

competent in computer technology, had easy access to computers, who felt

computers helped students learn, and who used the constructivist model of

teaching, were more likely to use interactive computer technology.


Resource availability, course content, and student characteristics are

important factors in how teachers select visual representations to use in class

(Cook, 2011). Research shows that the way visuals are represented can affect

student comprehension, and that visuals with verbal or written explanations

are best. Simple diagrams are better for understanding than realistic pictures,

and short explanations have found to be better than longer explanations. As far

as student characteristics, those “with less prior knowledge of content are

helped more by illustrations than students with more prior knowledge” (Cook,


Support of Visual Media Usage

Research involving visual media and education supports its use to

increase both learner attitude and achievement. Previous research most

relevant to this study supports video use as a teaching tool (Harwood and

McMahon, 1997). In a study by Harwood and McMahon, high school chemistry

students were shown a video series throughout the academic year in addition

to their regular instruction. Students in the treatment group not only showed

higher scores on standardized measures of achievement, but also rated higher

on a chemistry attitude instrument.

Technology is important to use in the classroom due to the need to

prepare learners for the adult world and the potential to enhance the learning

process. Visual media is a form of technology that could improve

comprehension of concepts in a science classroom. Many concepts are abstract


and may need additional visual representation for students to understand,

thus a video would aid in comprehension.

Currently, there is not extensive research that has been done specifically

on the use of video and instruction in secondary classrooms. Related research

on interactive computer games, computer-based learning, or interactive video

is more common. With the lack of extensive research done specifically on the

use of video with instruction, this study aims to discover whether or not there

is evidence for using video as a useful teaching tool.

Research supports video use to improve achievement and/or motivation in

elementary, secondary, and post-secondary classrooms, as well as in teacher

training. Finally, the literature review explores research on the best practices to

using videos in the classroom. (Edutopia Staff, 2008)

Multimedia Facilities

Ogunbote and Adesoye (2006) expressed that multimedia technology

adds new dimension to learning experiences because concepts were easier to

present and comprehend when the words are complemented with images and

animations. Stating further that it has been established that learners retain

more when a variety of senses are engaged in impacting knowledge; and the

intensity of the experience aids retention and recall by engaging social,

emotional and intellectual senses.


The evolution of multimedia has made it very possible for learners to

become more involved in their work. With multimedia technologies, they can

create multimedia applications as part of their project requirements. This

would make them active participant in their own learning process, instead of

just being passive learners of the educational content.

Reinsman (1994) expressed that multimedia involves processing, storage,

generation, manipulation and retention of multimedia system, and the

resources could include text files, pictures, video, audio, databases, archives,

library catalogs, course notes, relevant links to various websites and easy

access to search engines available on the Internet (Shuell and Ferber, 2001).

A study by Ubogu (2006) supports the view that multimedia resources

facilitate access to all human knowledge, anytime, and anywhere in a friendly,

multi-modal, efficient and effective way, by overcoming barriers of distance,

language and culture, and by using multiple Internet-connect devices.

Multimedia in Education has been extremely effective in teaching individuals a

wide range of subjects. Multimedia is changing the way we communicate with

each other. The way we send and receive messages is more effectively done and

better comprehended.

Chapter III


This chapter presents the research design, respondents, instruments

and procedures of the study.

Sampling Design

This study made use of survey and percentage to determine the effects of

using multimedia facilities.

Research Respondents

The study was conducted within the classes of Grades 7 and 8 Science,

Technology, and Engineering (STE) students.

Method of Collecting Data and Development of the Research Instrument

The researchers developed a 15-item questionnaire in order to investigate

the effectiveness of utilizing multimedia in terms of learning in science classes.

The questionnaire was distributed to 69 grades 7 and 8 students of Tupi

National High School. It comprised 3 different types of questions: yes or no, a

4-point Likert-type scale from Always (1) to Never (2) was adopted for

evaluation, and an essay type question. The survey questions limited to

obtaining the effects of multimedia facilities of teachers among the said

students. The respondents were advised to answer the questions honestly and

not to leave any item unanswered.

Method of Research


43 Yes No










Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q1 0

The survey was accomplished by the students by writing the letter of the

appropriate answer that suits their choices and answering the interview

questions. It is composed of possible causes of their poor study habit.

Chapter IV

Analysis, Presentation and Interpretation of Data

This chapter presents the analysis of data and the interpretation of the findings

of the data gathered. The results relate to the research questions that guided

this study. Data were analyzed to identify, describe and explore the

relationship between the effects of using multimedia facilities in teaching on

the academic performance of grades 7 and 8 STE students of Tupi National

High School. Data were obtained from self-administered questionnaires.

Figure 1.1: Findings in the Grade 7 STE class


As were illustrated in the figure above, 50%(20) of the total respondents from

Grade 7 STE said that they prefer using multimedia facilities as teaching

material in school instead of reading books.


Yes No











Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q1 0

Figure 1.2: Findings in the Grade 8 STE class

As were shown in the figure above, 94% (24) of the respondents from Grade 8

STE agreed that using multimedia tools as a teaching aid in school helps them

to understand the lessons more.

Chapter V

Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation


This study was conducted for the purpose of determining the effects of

using multimedia facilities in teaching grades 7 and 8 science curriculum

students of Tupi National High School. The study used the descriptive method

of Research and used questionnaires to acquire the data. The 43 students of

Grade 7 STE and the 26 students of Grade 8 STE are the respondents with a

total of 69 respondents. The study was conducted on March 2, 2017.

The study aims to provide answers to the following questions:

What are the effects of using multimedia facilities of teachers to the grades 7

and 8 STE students of Tupi National High School? Does the assistance of

multimedia facilities of teachers improve the understanding of students on

their lessons in school? Is it effective to use multimedia facilities in teaching in

high school?

Through the use of the survey instrument developed for this study, data

were collected which tackled the research problems posed in the first chapter

of this paper.


Using multimedia facilities as a teaching material may produce

significant improvement in the academic performance of grades 7 and 8 science

curriculum students of Tupi National High School. Using these technologies in

class as teaching aid, students can understand lessons more; it can create

learners’ interest, strengthen and support students’ learning, influence better


academic performance in learners, and aid mastery learning of students. If

students can pay attention and focus better in class, then using multimedia

facilities could be a positive and useful teaching strategy. When students pay

attention more, they can learn more.

Therefore, the assistance of multimedia facilities in teaching has a great

impact on the academic performances of the students of grades 7 and 8 STE

students of Tupi National High School.


Multimedia facilities motivate students’ interest to learn and have

positive effects on their academic performance. Based on the finding and

conclusion of the study, the following recommendations are hereby offered:

1. Presenting videos in class to provide students with access to the videos

to watch and study on their own could help them comprehend and tie

together information in a way that would be easier than when first

learning the information.

2. Government should distribute multimedia facilities to secondary schools.

3. Materials with today’s technology for various teachings should be chosen

and developed.

4. The technological basis of the schools should be improved and schools

should be designed in a way to present opportunities for multimedia use.


5. Aged educators should also be innovative and explore the use of modern

teaching approaches or Information and Communication Technology

(ICT) materials in teaching.


Edutopia Staff. (2008, March 16). Retrieved from

Petko, D. (2012). Teachers’ pedagogical beliefs and their use of digital media in

classrooms: Sharpening the focus of the ‘will, skill, tool’ model and integrating

teachers’ constructivist orientations. Computers & Education, 58(4), 1351-


Kellerman, A. (2004) Multimedia Technology Education

http/ education 111014.

Gangwer, T. (n.d.). Teacher training workshops, tools, and resources. Retrieved


BBC. (2013). Bbc- learning zone broadband class clips: Fungal growth using

time lapse photography. Retrieved from





Code Name: _____________________________ Section:__________

Direction: Encircle the letter of your answer. Do not leave any item unanswered.

1. Does your teacher/s use multimedia facilities? (Projector, laptop, speaker, etc.)

a. Yes b. No

 If yes, please specify: _______________

2. Are you more interested in learning when your teacher uses multimedia facilities

aside from books?

a. Yes b. No

3. Do you find it easier to learn when your teacher/s use multimedia facilities?

a. Yes b. No

4. Do you prefer using multimedia facilities instead of books?

a. Yes b. No

5. Can you catch up with the lessons by using multimedia facilities?

a. Yes b. No

6. Does multimedia facilities help you to suppress your temptation to use mobile


a. Yes b. No

7. Do you think your teacher only relies on these multimedia facilities instead of

teaching manually?

a. Yes b. No

8. Does it make you feel attentive whenever your teacher uses multimedia


a. Yes b. No

9. Are there some instances in which your teacher uses multimedia facilities for

entertainment instead of educational purposes?

a. Yes b. No

10.Do you think, using multimedia facilities as a teaching material improves your


a. Yes b. No

11.In what subject/s does your teacher use multimedia facilities?

a. Mathematics c. English

b. Science d. ICT

 If not mentioned, please specify: _______________

12.How often does your teacher use multimedia facilities?

a. Everyday c. 1-2 times a week

b. 3-4 times a week d. Never

13.How often do you understand the lesson when your teacher uses multimedia


a. Always c. Seldom

b. Sometimes d. Never

14. Do you prefer to learn from teachers using multimedia facilities instead of

teachers teaching manually?

a. Yes b. No

15.Do you think, by using multimedia facilities help students in their academic

performance? Explain why.




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