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Indication of blood transfusion with component used: ASIF HOSSAIN [IM-09-008]

Component Indications
Whole blood 1. Severe blood loss or haemorrhage
2. Major operative procedure
3. Following burns (>25%)
4. In severe anemic patient
5. During pre-operative preparation
Fresh blood 1. DIC
2. ITP
3. Haemophilia
Heparinized blood 1. In bypass surgery
Exchange transfusion 1. Haemolytic disorder of newborn
2. Acute renal failure
3. Acute transfusion reaction
Packed cell/ Red cell concentrate 1. If Hb% is low in elective surgery to raise Hb above 10 mg/dl.
2. Anaemia with CCF
White cells 1. Overwhelming infection
2. Usually after chemotherapy or bone marrow transplant
Platelets 1. DIC
2. ITP
3. Dengue
4. Aplastic anaemia
Albumin 1. Blood volume replacement
2. Liver cirrhosis
3. NS
Immunoglobulin 1. Prophylaxis against hepatitis
2. Multiple myeloma
Fibrinogen 1. Coagulation disorder
2. Liver disease
3. Needing urgent operation
Fresh frozen plasma 1. DIC
2. ITP
3. Factor VIII and IX deficiency
Factor VIII concentrate 1. Haemophilia A
Factor II, IX and X 1. Haemophilia B

Contraindication of blood transfusion: ASIF HOSSAIN [IM-09-008]

1. Hypersensitivity reaction
2. Coronary thrombosis
3. CCF
4. ARF
5. HTN
6. Polycythemia
7. Circulatory overload
8. Pulmonary edema or embolism
9. Bilateral renal failure

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