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Estonia and the EU


- Thursdays at 10:00-11:30

- The course is a general approach to the history and current issues related to Estonia and the
European Union.

- It will be conducted discussing different topics during the lessons. It does not include any
theoretical papers, hence the students MUST prepare the topics before the lessons in order
to discuss with their classmates and with the instructor.

- The students must send before the lessons a paper to the instructor with the main ideas and
their opinion about the topic discussed.

- The grade is 100% the participation in the debates.

Attendance is compulsory. To pass the course without the exam, minimum is required
attendance to 5 of the 6 dates of debate.

- 9th of February we do not have lessons.

2nd February. Day 1. Introduction about the Europe, and the European Union

16th February. Day 2. Estonia and the European affairs


23rd February. Day 3. Reasons for Estonia to join the EU

2nd March. Day 5. Economic benefits for Estonia in the EU

9th March. Day 6. What Estonia gives to the EU?

16th March. Day 7. What the EU gives to Estonia?

23th March. Day 8. Future of EU-Estonia relations

The grade will be given to the groups of debate, which have to lead the debate, including ideas and
asking the other students.

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