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NVL: Converts a null value to an actual value. NVL (exp1, exp2) .

If exp1 is
null then NVL function return value of exp2.
NVL2: If exp1 is not null, nvl2 returns exp2, if exp1 is null, nvl2 returns
exp3. The argument exp1 can have any data type. NVL2 (exp1, exp2, exp3)
NULLIF: Compares two expressions and returns null if they are equal or the
first expression if they are not equal. NULLIF (exp1, exp2)
COALESCE: Returns the first non-null expression in the expression list.
COALESCE (exp1, exp2� expn). The advantage of the COALESCE function over NVL
function is that the COALESCE function can take multiple alternative values.
Conditional Expressions: Provide the use of IF-THEN-ELSE logic within a SQL
statement. Example: CASE Expression and DECODE Function.

1. What is join types of join, tell me example of self join.

Select * from a,b ; what is the outpout or any error.
one table having 5 record and other table having null data. which join will preper
to retriev all the record.

2. What is SQL clause, which part of query will execute first.

3. Types of analytis fucntions and what are those. Retrieve all nth record using
dense rank.
4. what is pseduo column and what are those.
5. What is cursor and types. How many attributes. why u will use explicit cursor,
even oracle has implicit cursor.
6.defined a cursor and opend it and then start loop . Inside loop got some error
and exit from loop. Then again open the cursor, what will happen it will give error
or not?
7.give the emp details, those are not assigned to dept. How will write the query
and which join you will prefer.
8. what is trigerrs and types . What is before and after trigger. What is mutting
tigger, how u can avoid this. What is autonomus pragram transaction.
9.what is package and how you will use package . How package is use for
perpormance. What is public and private fucntion. Can we create package without
10. what is set operators and types of it. WHich one is faster and why.
11. what is collection and types. difference between index by table and nested by
table. give me one example of nested table with bounded. syntax of nested table.
12. what is ref cursor and types . when u will use it and what is the advantage of

1. what is join,why u will go for join. what could be the out put if select * from
a,b. what is the output. what is the outer join and left outer join and right outer
2. how u will dipslay unmatching data from the both the table.
3. table a having 3 records and 2 records are duplicate among them . table b also
having same records and you are doing union what could be the out put
4. what is referentials constraint. can we delete primary key data if child records
are present. on which key u will create on delete cascade
5. you have a table and have some duplicate data on a column. Later i want to
create a primary constraint on that column, how will do that.
6. what is the unique key constriant.
7. what is index and types of index. which one is the default.
8.if u create on index on a column, which index does it create internally.
9. you have a unique index on a coulmn
10. what is the implicity cursor and tell me one example where u have used.
11.what is collections key words. what are those. tell me examples.
12. what is type and plsql type and differnce.
13. what is context switch, how you will select billion records and insert into a
table and how u will commit in every 1000 or 10000 records and how u willl handle
14. how u will check performance of a procedure and what is the explain plan what
are the fileds of explain plan and what is cost.
15. write query to display employee details whose doesnt have managers.

what is MV
what is TABLE function
what is bulk collect
how to count number of days in a month
how to display next month of 1st date
how to handle different time zone in you code
what is implycit cursor and explicit cursor
There are three situation or senario, requirment is to write code to on success of
first scenario, then 2nd will execute and on success of 2nd scenarion 3rd will

there is configuration table contain city based on country condtion, how you will
write the code the logic and it will return cities based on country by using
configuration table.

There is UI page and in first page there is city filed and it will display 10 city
name and if you click next from screen it will display next 10 cities. How you will
create a oracle object . Pagenation

what are the PLSLQl advanceced concept.


ADP Interview Test exam

1.get employee details who direct and indirect repot to manager

2. create indexindx01 on temp(firstname, lastname)
create indexindx02 on temp(lastname, firstname)

is this two index is same and if not why ?

3. write a query to display pro tab data . row data as column name.

4. write a query to out put would comma separted value by deleting duplicate value
by using below table.


5. in oracle version can we update partition key value ?

6. what are the 5 wait and events in oracle.

7. what are the 4 back ground process in oracle.
8. how to improve the startegic performance of distributed query (one or more than
one table ).
9.what is junk dimension in DWH.

10. What is FACTLESS FACT table in DWH

11. How to improve the performnace in on partition key in DWH process.

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