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Georgia Linnard

Genre: horror

The film begins with a bird’s eye view to entice the audience into the film. This makes the
audience wanting to see what happens next.

The next shot is them two sitting down having a meal. The shot is a two shot to show both
characters actions. She then runs to the drawers to find some drugs to take them because
her and the man character had an argument, the shot was a close up of the drugs to
emphasise the fact that she is going to take them. When they were both arguing there was
high and low pitch used to create the different tones in their voices to show that they are

There is a mid-shot of the woman finding this long hair on the washing. The next shot is a
close up of her downing alcohol because you can see in her facial expressions that she is
very upset. Because she downed the alcohol and took drugs, there is an extreme close up of
her passing out and falling asleep.
The story then continues as she wakes up and turns to the wall to realise that there is
someone there. There is a wide shot of the person who was hiding behind the wall dragging
her into the closet and locking her away. There is a mid-shot of the man coming behind the
woman character and there is a close up of him massaging her neck. Then the shot goes into
an extreme close up of him trying to strangle her.

The woman character manages to grab the knife in front of her to defend herself from him
but he was stronger than her and he stabbed her in the neck with the knife, the shot to
portray this was a shot reverse shot. To exaggerate the fact that he has killed her, they use a
long shot of him standing over her dead body holding the knife. The girl who got locked in
the closet is scared for her life whilst witnessing the death of the other young lady. The shot
to show her emotions is a mid-shot to show how terrified she is.
There is another bird’s eye view to end the short film of him in bed with another woman.
The shot links back to how the film started.

It reflects the genre due to the fact that the producer has used iconography. The use of the
prop of a knife gives away that the genre is a horror.
It fits in with Todorovs theory because it finishes the way it starts but with another woman.
The Todorov's narrative theory suggests that all narratives follow a three part structure
where they begin with equilibrium, where everything is balanced, progress as something
comes along to disrupt that equilibrium, and finally reach a resolution.

Turn around
Genre: horror

The film begins with a two shot of two people in the car on their way to somewhere. The
producer has used shot reverse shots whilst they are in the car having conversation. There is
then a long shot of the couple out of the car at their location to show the audience the
environment that they are in.

The girl then walks off and leaves him at the location of where the car is. The producer uses
various mid-shots on the man waiting for the girl to come back to emphasise how long he
has been waiting for her. He then decides to go into the woods to find her… The man who
has gone looking for the young girl found her keys on the floor in the woods. The producer
has done a close up of the keys to portray to the audience that something has happened to
the young girl.

The man then gets knocked out by someone and tied up in a chair. The young man starts to
panic once he realises that he is tied down to the chair. The use of props can clearly tell us
that this short films genre is horror.

The young boy somehow kills the person who strapped him to the chair and escapes. The
boy finds this eerie house in the woods and walks up to it and enters the door. He opens the
door to find the young girl in the house and the film then finishes.
The use of low-key lighting creates the eeriness of the film and the tension that builds up.
This short film fits in with the Todorovs theory of equilibrium due to the fact that there is a
lead up until the whole situation changes and something happens. For example in this film,
he goes into the woods to find the girl and then he gets knocked out and strapped to the
chair to find the person in front of him about to kill him but then the young boy escapes to
finally ending up to find the girl where he probably would of never thought.

Genre: horror

These two friends go on a road trip. When arriving at their location, the girl opens the glove
compartment to find a hand gun.

The use of the prop of a gun emphasises that something will happen during the film with
this prop. The use of a gun also shows that the genre is most likely a horror

The man holds the girls hands with the gun in her hands and they shoot so she got to have a
go. The producer used a point of view shot so that the audience can see what the characters
are shooting towards. He girl then take the gun from the man and gets him on his knees and
close his eyes and make him count to 10 slowly. She sneaks away and as he turns to go after
her she is running away from him. The producer has used a tracking shot to show where she
is running too.
She fins this huge lake in the middle of the woods and strips naked and jumps in leaving the
gun on the pile of her clothes outside the water.
A man appears very strangely and she asks where her friend is and he says “he’s not coming
back, he’s dead” the use of this dialogue shows to the audience that the genre of this short
film is a horror. She then starts to get very anxious and nervous and he swims away from
where he was standing at the edge of the lake and when she turns back around he’s gone.
She then sprints out from the water, puts her clothes back on and screams for her friend
whilst running back towards the car.

She gets into the car and there’s this loud music playing from the radio and you see this
hand from the back of the car reach towards her and then the film ends. This is a wide shot
to show to the audience what is happening in this particular shot. This film uses Todorovs
theory because the tension builds and then something goes wrong and her friend
disappears and then she gets put in danger.

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