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Seminar Agenda

Course Code and Title: NU 949 712 Theory Construction

and Development of Nursing
Topic: Unit 1 Historical & Philosophical evolution
1.2 Historical evolution of theory and science
development in nursing:
1.2.1 Stages and milestones
1.2.2 Historical trends in approaches to nursing
Time and Place: 16 December 2019 (Time: 08.30 am – 11.30
Room 1305 (Building 1 Floor 3 ) Faculty of
Advisor: Associate Professor Dr. Somporn Rungreangkul
Seminar convener: Miss. Napachanok Raksaken
Seminar participant:
1. Mrs.Dasavanh Bounmany
2. Miss.Sawitree Sommongkol
3. Mr Muhamad Zulfatul Ala (Ala)
Objective: After finishing this topic the students are able to:
1. Discuss the historical evolution of theory and science
development in nursing.
2. Critically analyses stages and milestones.
3. Critically analyses historical trends in approaches to
nursing theory
Topic Content: Historical evolution of theory and science
development in nursing.
1. Stages and milestones.
1.1 Stages in nursing progress
1.2 Milestones in theory development
2. Historical trends in approaches to nursing theory.
Seminar procedures
1. The seminar convener identifies agenda of the study
including topics, search questions, objectives and scope of
the seminar.
2. The convener call for meetings with class members and
explore on relevancies or differences of the seminar agenda.
Then assigns each to have contributions on the progress and
completion of the seminar, such as explore some specific
contents, present them to the meetings, and etc.
3. The convener set up the meeting to present baseline
contents which are related to answer all search issues and
agenda and requests all class members to react on those to
complete content availability.
4. The convener presents framework or the “how to” of
analysis on each of the agenda to the meeting and requests
class members to react or to propose alternative of analysis
framework. Then make a wrap up according to the agenda.
5. The convener make a report of all those finding and
summary of the meetings as “an input paper” for the
seminar with teacher/s.
6. The convener organizes the seminar by presenting an input
paper while class members join in to add on some of the
comments and further analysis issues.
7. The teacher make comments and further guidance based
on the input paper and some critical comments of the class
members and the convener.
1. The convener should do performance evaluation of other
class members right after the final seminar with teacher is
2. The class members should also make performance
evaluation on the convener and other class members,
according to their roles and functions during all activities of
this topic.
(An evaluation form could be retrieved from the course
Seminar Questions
1. How does stages in nursing progress? What factors
influence that make change?
2. How does milestones in theory development? What
factors influence that make change? How does philosophy
related to develop nursing theory?
3. How does historical trends in approaches to nursing
theory? How does philosophy related to develop nursing

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