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My thought about learning English after watching

English vinglish
English language is an international language and it is widely spoken by people around the
world. If you are not proficient in the language then you will miss a lot of fine things. Many
good books, such as novels, short stories and many well known magazines are written in English
language. Apart from that, television programs and box office movies are produced in English
language .If you are not proficient in the language then you will not enjoy all the television
programs and the movies. In addition, many computer software and computer games are
developed by using English. Last but not least, you will not able to communicate with foreign
visitors if you are not good in the language . Therefore, learning the language will definitely
help you a lot and by mastering the language you could evaluate yourself to a better person in
the society.

It’s never late to do something new. As they say , age is just a number , so instead of crying
over the time lost and undermining oneself , it’s better to value- add by learning something
new- something that you had always wanted to do but couldn’t because of time, money or
other constraints. Weakness can be made strength but for it we have to struggle and work
hard. Everyone is not perfect from born, perfect comes from learning.

Learning English is not Hard. We can join learning classes and practice it in our day to day life.
Reading and watching news is also helpful. In movie when Shasi couldn’t attend her
classes , her French friend helped her attend classes by putting his Cell phone on speaker .
Person’s Interest and there will can make impossible things to happen .

If you have depth interest you too can stay connected on the go with all your friends and
colleagues with office 365 and scale new heights in your business with cloud. Technology is
updating and so should you.

This is especially true in the context of Indian females , as mostly after marriage , they devote
themselves completely in the service of their family .This leads to a monotonous life with zero
confidence on their capabilities as a person who can do much more in life, apart from home
making . This can lead to depression , but like Shasi did in this movie go out- be brave . after
all there’s only one life so find some ‘me’ time , do all things that make you happy and you will
see your life taking a 360 degree round about

World is a small place . Be proud of whoever you are and whatever you do. Shasi thought of
herself as a sweet maker but when she realized and was called an entrepreneur, she found
that aura of pride and dignity in what she did. Just needed is strong passionate and
determination . Practice is required in everything . Shashi is just medium to make us show
and realize that women are not born to do house hold works ; women are more intelligent than
men. In this movie Shashi made us realize that we should not have to be worried for our
weakness but just work to overcome weakness . Whatever is the person he / she always have
the right to be treated with respect and love . nowadays different online classes are there
which helps us to learn English . We can also learn English by sitting at home.

I learned practice is essential to learn anything. If there is interest and strong determination
than we can make the impossible things to happen. English is not so hard that we cannot learn
it, we can learn it

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