Presentation (EGTET 2016) - Paragmoni Kalita

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2nd National Conference on Emerging Global

Trends in Engineering and Technology

(EGTET 2016), School of Technology, Assam
Don Bosco University

Effect of Freestream Parameters on the

Laminar Separation in Hypersonic Shock
Wave Boundary Layer Interaction

Vikash Kumar
Md. Asif Hussain
Paragmoni Kalita
Outline of the presentation

1. Introduction
2. The governing equations and the numerical schemes
3. The problem statement and the boundary conditions
4. Results and discussion
5. Concluding remarks

1. Introduction

Features of hypersonic flow [1]:

I. Thin shock layer
II. Entropy layer
III. High temperature flows
IV. Viscous interactions
V. Low density flows

3 [1] J. D. Anderson Jr., Hypersonic and High Temperature Gas Dynamics, McGraw Hill, pp. 13-24,
Introduction continued….

Thin shock layer

Figure 1.1: Thin shock layer exhibited by hypersonic flow [1]

Introduction continued….

Viscous interactions

M 2
Re x

Figure 1.2: Temperature profile in a hypersonic boundary layer [1]

2. The governing equations and the
numerical schemes

The Navier Stokes equations for compressible flow in 2D [6]:

U FI G I Fv G v
    (2.1)
t x y x y
where,    u   v 
 u      vu 
 F 
p   u 2
 G  
 v  I
  uv  I
 p  v 2 
     

 me  p   em  u   p   em  v 

[6] M. Delanaye, Polynomial reconstruction finite volume schemes for the compressible Euler and
6 Navier-Stokes equations on unstructured adaptive grids, Ph. D. Thesis, University De Liege, pp. 15-
19, 1996.
The governing equations and the numerical
schemes continued…

0  0 
   
Fv  
xx  G  xy 
 xy  v  yy 
   
u xx  v xy  qx  u xy  v yy  q y 
 ui u j  u j
In general,   
     ij  ,
 x j xi  x j

so that  ij  0, if i  j ,  ij  1, if i  j,    
T T
and qx  k , q y  k
7 x y
The governing equations and the numerical
schemes continued…

Computation of convective fluxes

van Leer’s flux vector split scheme (FVS) [2]
Q  QL  QR (2.2)

M 1  M L  M R
2 (2.3)
 1

 2
 M  M  , for M  1
M  (2.4)
  1 ( M  1)2 , otherwise
 4

8 [2] W.K. Anderson, J.L. Thomas and B. van Leer, “Comparison of finite volume flux vector
splitting for the Euler equations,” AIAA J., vol. 24, No. 9, pp. 1435-1460, 1986.
The governing equations and the numerical
schemes continued…

1 
 
 nx  u   2c  u 
  
a  
2 ny  u  2c  (2.5)
Q  ( M  1)  
 v 
4   
 
    1 u  2c u 2  v 2  u 2 

  

 2    1
2 

Otherwise, Q  Q , Q  0 for M  1 (2.6)

And, Q  0, Q  Q for M  1
 

The governing equations and the numerical
schemes continued…

Gradient computation using Green’s theorem [3]

 1 1 NF
 '  dS  '  m S x' ,m

x '
m 1

 1 1 NF (2.8)
 '  '  dS y  '  m S y' ,m

y    m 1
 
  i j
x y

Figure 2.1: The location where gradient is

computed and the control volume around
that point [3]

10 [3] J. Blazek, Computational fluid dynamics: Principles and applications, Elsevier, pp. 267-293, 2001.
The governing equations and the numerical
schemes continued…

 

2     


   R  L
   (2.10)
 l  LR lLR

Figure 2.2: The method of rLR

averaging of gradients across a cell t LR  (2.11)

 
   
 

 I
   
   .tLR     tLR
 l  LR 

3. The problem statement and the boundary

Figure 3.1: Schematic diagram representing 2D high speed flow

over a compression corner involving SWBL interaction [13]
[13] P. Kalita, and A. K. Dass, “Effect of numerical diffusion on the computation of hypersonic
shock wave boundary layer interaction,” Proc. Int. Symp. Asp. Mech. Engg. Tech. Ind., NERIST,
12 India, vol. 1, pp. 306-313, 2014.
The problem statement continued…

Table 3.1: The geometric and freestream parameters for the problem [12]
Parameter Value

Length of the flat surface upto the compression corner 0.05 m

Total length of ramped surface along the x-direction 0.12 m

θ 150
 U  8X105 m-1
Re 
M∞ 6.0

Freestream stagnation temperature 1080 K

Wall temperature 300 K

[12] B. John,, V. N. Kulkarni and G. Natrajan, “Shock wave boundary layer interactions in
13 hypersonic flows,” Int. J. Ht. Ms. Trnsf., vol. 70, pp. 81-90, 2014.
The boundary conditions

At inlet and top boundary: Freestream conditions

At outlet : Extrapolation
At bottom wall : (i) Velocity-field by using the no-slip
boundary condition.
(ii) Pressure in the dummy cell is set equal to
that at the interior cell.
(iii) Temperature in the dummy cell is set equal
to the specified wall temperature.
(iv) Density in the dummy cell is calculated
using the values of pressure and
temperature through the equation of state.
4. Results and discussion

Fig. 4.1. A typical coarse grid for the computation of the hypersonic SWBL
15 interaction problem
Results and discussion continued…

Figure 4.2: Skin friction Figure 4.3: Skin friction

coefficients along the surface coefficients along the surface at
at freestream temperature of freestream temperature of 150 K
120 K and varying freestream and varying freestream
pressures pressures
Results and discussion continued…

Figure 4.4: Skin friction Figure 4.5: Skin friction

coefficients along the surface at coefficients along the surface at
freestream pressure of 150 freestream pressure of 350 N/m2
N/m2 and varying freestream and varying freestream
17 temperatures temperatures
Results and discussion continued…

Table 4.1: Laminar separation and re-attachment vs freestream

pressure for given freestream temperatures
Freestream Freestream Effect on LSB
temperature pressure
(K) (N/m2) Separation Re- LSB Size
location attachment (mm)
(mm) location
150 44.2 73.4 29.2
200 44.6 65.0 20.4
250 44.6 61.4 16.8
300 44.6 59.8 15.2
350 44.6 59.0 14.4
Results and discussion continued…

Table 4.1: Laminar separation and re-attachment vs freestream

pressure for given freestream temperatures continued…

Freestream Freestream Effect on LSB

temperature pressure
(K) (N/m2) Separation Re- LSB Size
location attachment (mm)
(mm) location
150 44.6 84.2 39.6
200 43.8 73.8 30.0
250 43.8 67.4 23.6
300 44.2 64.4 20.2
350 44.2 63.8 19.6
Results and discussion continued…

Table 4.2: Laminar separation and re-attachment vs freestream

temperature for given freestream pressures

Freestream Freestream Effect on LSB

pressure temperature
(N/m2) (K) Separation Re- LSB Size
location attachment (mm)
(mm) location
120 44.2 73.4 29.2
130 44.2 77.4 33.2
140 44.2 81.0 36.8
150 44.6 84.2 39.6

Results and discussion continued…

Table 4.2: Laminar separation and re-attachment vs freestream

temperature for given freestream pressures continued…

Freestream Freestream Effect on LSB

pressure temperature
(N/m2) (K) Separation Re- LSB Size
location attachment (mm)
(mm) location
120 44.6 59.0 14.4
130 44.6 60.6 16.0
140 44.2 62.2 18.0
150 44.2 63.8 19.6

Results and discussion continued…

Fig. 4.6: Pressure coefficients along Fig. 4.7: Pressure coefficients

the surface at freestream along the surface at freestream
temperature of 140 K and varying pressure of 250 N/m2 and varying
freestream pressures freestream temperatures
Results and discussion continued…

Figure 4.6: Skin friction coefficients along the surface for fixed
23 freestream stagnation temperature and Reynolds number
Results and discussion continued…

Table 4.3: Laminar separation and re-attachment vs Mach number

Mach number Effect on LSB

Separation Re- LSB Size
location attachment (mm)
(mm) location (mm)
5 44.2 60.8 16.6
6 44.5 60.8 16.3
7 45.2 61.2 16.0
8 46.2 60.5 39.6

5. Concluding remarks

• In hypersonic SWBL interaction, the location of the point of

separation does not change appreciably with freestream pressure
and temperature.
• However, the re-attachment point advances upstream when the
freestream pressure is increased at a given freestream temperature.
• With the increase in freestream temperature at a given freestream
pressure, the re-attachment point shifts further downstream, thereby
increasing the separation length bubble size.
• The pressure coefficient increases with freestream pressure but
decreases with freestream temperature.
• Mach number influences the locations of both separation and re-
attachment points. Increase in Mach number delays the separation
and advances the re-attachment.

Concluding remarks continued…

• At a given freestream temperature, the skin friction coefficient

increases with the increase in freestream pressure.
• At a given freestream pressure, the skin friction coefficient
decreases with the increase in the freestream temperature.
• For a given freestream temperature, the pressure coefficient
increases with the increase in the freestream pressure.
• The pressure coefficient deceases with the increase in the
freestream temperature at a given freestream pressure.
• The skin friction coefficient increases with the increase in
freestream Mach number for a given freestream stagnation
temperature and Reynolds number .


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27 grids, Ph. D. Thesis, University De Liege, pp. 15-19, 1996.
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