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Topic : Conjunctions
Answer key attached

Q I. Fill in the blanks with appropriate conjunctions:

1. The mice will play ______________ the cat is away.

2. ______________ you work hard, you will pass.
3. Suniti is wiser ____________ Prabha.
4. He asked me _________________ I would like to join them.
5. Three _______________two make five.
6. I work hard _________________ I may get good marks.
7. They left their town _________________ the epidemic has spread there.
8. He is not to attend school ______________ he is fully fit.
9. ____________he is very poor, honesty is his strong point.
10.Make hay____________ the sun shines.

Q II. Fill in the following blanks with Correlative Conjunctions:

1. He gave me __________ much help __________ I needed.

2. _________you sow, ______shall you reap.
3. __________ you will accompany me _______ not depends entirely on you.
4. ____________did he carry tiny notes into the examination hall, ____________ he
had his guide book with him.
5. __________________ did I reach the station ________ the train started moving.

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Answer Key:

Q I. Fill in the blanks with appropriate conjunctions:

1. The mice will play when the cat is away.

2. If you work hard, you will pass.
3. Suniti is wiser than Prabha.
4. He asked me whether I would like to join them.
5. Three and two make five.
6. I work hard so that I may get good marks.
7. They left their town because the epidemic has spread there.
8. He is not to attend school until he is fully fit.
9. Although he is very poor, honesty is his strong point.
10.Make hay while the sun shines.

Q II. Fill in the following blanks with Correlative Conjunctions:

1. He gave me as much help as I needed.

2. As you sow, so shall you reap.
3. Whether you will accompany me or not depends entirely on you.
4. Not only did he carry tiny notes into the examination hall, but also he had his
guide book with him.
5. No sooner did I reach the station than the train started moving.

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