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MBA 2019-2021(Gen) Section : A

Subash Tripura
ID No: 19IUT0160022
DATE: 25/03/2020
1. What is the difference between quantitative and qualitative data?

Difference between quantitative and qualitative data are -



Meaning Qualitative data is the data in Quantitative Data is the type of

which the classification of objects data which can be measured
is based on attributes and and expressed numerically.

Research Exploratory Conclusive


Approach Subjective Objective

Analysis Non-Statistical Statistical

Collection of Unstructured Structured


Determines Depth of understanding Level of occurrence

Asks Why? How many or How much?

Sample Small number of non- Large number of representative

representative samples samples

Outcome Develops initial understanding. Recommends final course of

2. What is meant by a questionnaire and what the steps in preparation of

A Questionnaire is a structured form, either written or printed, consists of a

formalized set of questions designed to collect information on some subject or
subjects from one or more respondents. In other words, a data collection
technique wherein the respondents are asked to give answers to the series of
questions, written or verbal, about a pertinent topic is called as a

The steps in preparation of questionnaire are follows:

Deciding the Purpose:

The initial step in developing a questionnaire is to ask

yourself what you want to know. For instance, you may want to know how
satisfied your customers are, what services they would like you to offer or
which competitors they use. Begin by making a list of all the questions you
want answered.

Understanding the Use:

Before you start a survey, you need to understand
how you will use the data. For example, if you want to compare local clients to
out-of-town clients, you will need to ask people who complete the
questionnaire where they live.
Selecting Your Target:
A key component of survey design is deciding whom to
survey. You need to decide, for instance, whether you want to target a specific
demographic or if you want answers from a broad cross section of the public.
Choosing a Method:
Surveys can be administered in a variety of ways — for
example, in person, by phone or online. Choose a method that you think will
be most convenient for your customers or other respondents.

Selecting Question Types:

Survey questions take one of two forms — they are
either quantitative or qualitative. Quantitative questions are used to get
concrete responses, such as the number of times a customer visits your store.
Qualitative questions ask for opinions, such as how satisfied they are.

Writing Questions:
Questions should be written as succinctly as possible. State
your questions in plain, simple language. Avoid using complicated sentence
structure or uncommon words.

Arranging Questions:
The placement of survey questions needs to be carefully
thought out. To ease your respondents into the questionnaire, start with
simple questions that do not ask for much personal information. In longer
surveys, it helps to mix up question types — for instance, changing from yes-
or-no questions to open-response questions — to keep the respondent
Test your questionnaire on friends, family and employees. This helps
you to identify unclear questions, awkward wording or other mistakes that
you may not notice on your own. Rewrite any problem questions before
administering the questionnaire to real respondents.

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