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Electric Shock/Lightning Injury

Name • Age • Onset • Cause • Vital Signs • Pain Scale • Entrance and Exit Wounds • Oxygen


Level 1: Critical Resuscitation

Apnea or severe respiratory distress Refer for immediate treatment

Pulseless Staff at bedside
Unresponsive Mobilization of resuscitation team
Pale, diaphoretic, and lightheaded or weak Many resources needed

Level 2: High Risk Emergent

Confusion, lethargy, disorientation Do not delay treatment

Severe pain Notify physician
Copyright © 2019. Springer Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Altered mental status Multiple diagnostic studies or procedures

Weakness, chest pain, irregular pulse, Frequent consultation
palpitations Continuous monitoring
Evidence of burn marks (entrance and/or exit Monitor for internal injury, even if no external
wounds) signs of burn are present
Seizure Perform frequent extremity vascular checks
Age <18 months Obtain 12-lead EKG as soon as possible
History of unconsciousness Observe for entrance/exit burn wounds
Pallor, diaphoresis Start IV line if patient burned or monitoring
Oxygen saturation <92% on room air shows abnormalities
| Electric Shock/Lightning Injury

Level 3: Moderate Risk Urgent

History of cardiac disease Refer for treatment as soon as possible

Exposure to 220-W voltage or greater Monitor for changes in condition
Burn to face Monitor for internal injury, even with no exter-
Bloody/cloudy urine nal signs of burn

(continued )

Briggs, Julie K., RN, BSN, MHA, and Valerie Aarne, MALS, BSN, RN Grossman. Emergency Nursing 5-Tier Triage Protocols,
Second Edition, Springer Publishing Company, 2019. ProQuest Ebook Central,
Created from qut on 2020-02-23 15:52:08.

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Level 3: Moderate Risk (continued) Urgent

Muscle pain Perform frequent extremity vascular checks

Headache May need multiple diagnostic studies or
Fatigue procedures
Obtain 12-lead EKG as soon as possible
Apply dry dressing to burn wounds
If abnormal vital signs, consider Level 2

Level 4: Low Risk Semi-Urgent

Asymptomatic but parent or patient concerned Reassess while waiting, per facility protocol
Offer comfort measures
May need simple diagnostic study or

Chest Pain • Extremity Injury

Copyright © 2019. Springer Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

| Electric Shock/Lightning Injury


Briggs, Julie K., RN, BSN, MHA, and Valerie Aarne, MALS, BSN, RN Grossman. Emergency Nursing 5-Tier Triage Protocols,
Second Edition, Springer Publishing Company, 2019. ProQuest Ebook Central,
Created from qut on 2020-02-23 15:52:08.

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