Tugas Unit 5 Done

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Exercise 1

1. Below are three sets of main points for speeches. For each set, supply the general purpose, specific purpose, and
thesis statement.

a. General Purpose: To inform

Specific Purpose: To inform the audience why study abroad is important.
Thesis statement: Student abroad is currently an important influence on self development.
Main points: I. You should study abroad because it will enhance your personal
II. You should study abroad because it will enhance your academic
III. You should study abroad because it will enhance your career

b. General Purpose: To inform

Specific Purpose: To inform activities that held in triathlon.
Thesis Several event were held in a triathlon.
statement: I. The first event in a triathlon is swimming.
Main points: II. The second event in a triathlon is cycling.
III. The third event in a triathlon is running.

c. General Purpose: To inform

Specific Purpose: To inform what Thomas Jefferson has done.
Thesis statement: Thomas is a great multi-talented person.
Main points: I. As a writer, Thomas Jefferson penned the Declaration of Independence
and Notes on the State of Virginia.
II. As a president, Thomas Jefferson negotiated the Louisiana Purchase
and approved the Lewis and Clark expedition.
III. As an architect, Thomas Jefferson designed Monticello and the
University of Virginia

2. Write a speech outline on your own final test.

a. Topic Student lifestyle
General Purpose: To inform
Specific Purpose: To inform the student/audience about how to make a monthly budget.
Thesis statement: Making a monthly budget will have save monthly money
Main points: I. Make a budget plan every month
II. Don’t use money for wasteful things
III. Make sure you have money left to save

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