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@ ,"r",uran bagi penambahan dan penolakan integer: @ op"ruri bergabuirg mesti dilaksanakan mengikut
Rules for adding and subtracting integers: tertib operasi yang betul.
Combined operations must be carried out in the correcl
+ (+) I Dua tanda serupa menjadi (+).
- (-) | rwo tike signs become (+).
Hukum operasi aritmetik
- (+) 1
+ (-) I
Dua tanda tak serupa menjadi (-).
rwo unlike signs become (-). Lawsof arithmetic operations :i:
e"r"turan bagi pendaraban dan pembahagian integer:
. Hukum ldentitiltdentity laws i:i
..j--..---'-^-f -.-.i -" --. l
@ a+0=a ,l

Rules for multiplying and dividing integers:

(+) x (+) = (+) (+) + (+) = (+)
. Hukum Kalis Tukar TerliblCommutative laws .
Dua tanda serupa
(-) x (-) = (+) (-) + (-) = (+) J
a+b=b+a axb=bxa ii;
(+) x (-) = (-) (+) + (-) = (-) I
rwo tike sisns
Hukum Kalis Sekutuan lAssociative laws i.- -i--.".-",-.,,,
Dua tanda tak serupa (a+b)+c=a+(b+c) :ii
(-) x (+) = (-) (-) - (+) = (-) J rwo unlike sisns (axb)xc=ax(bxc) ,j:.. -". -l-.-...- ! *..-....,
Hukum Kalis Agihan/D istri butive laws

k$_q*i{;:t6;.ffi_l-, i _i: " --:-. : -.-i- -

Lffi (a) a+ (-9) =
-i---- ---.i-.. -... --.r-. --.-..
-4+10= i]!
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
-6 4 -2 0 2 4 6
(b) -s + 11 + (-4) = k) -a+G2)*12= ; ji,
iii-i--*l - "

-6 4 -2 0 2 4 b -6 4 -2 0 2 4 6
il 2

ffi (a) 6 + (-11) (b) -12 + 8 (c) 19 + (-28)

- -.
i -. --- -.. -:-. . -- -i-. - .

13+(-8)=5 ;i:
(d) -7 +3 (e) t2 + (-6) {r)
+ (-30) (g) -60 + (-13) iii.
------i--.-.-. .-.1--- -- - -i-.
= ::;^
-"i.- --:--"..--i'--.,"
iii :i,
ti i (h) a + (-2) + (-1) (i) -8+2+(-3) (j) 1 + (-3) + (-s) (k) 8 + (-3) + (-2) i:,
:;i = =

(a) -6 - (-tt) =
4-(-5)= -!

-2 0 2 4 6 8 10

(b) 3-q=f--_-l (c) -1-s-(-10)=

-6 4 -2 0 2 4 -6-4-20246

(a) -7 - (-3) = (b) t2 - (-5) =


(c) -13 - (-6) = (d) 22 - (-5) = (e) -r7 - (-8) =

(0 s-(-4)-(-3) (g) g-(+3)-(-2) (h) - (-8) - 4


--i **--l- -' - -'i' -- *'r
uarl nllal Dasl setraD \rang beflKut.UiU lii:1iil].
Find the value of each of the foillowing.
"-;,.- ,,.i. "---.i--.. ;-- -"-"" i."-...j..." -.i." .. i ..---;

Hw-ffi._ffi+-,ffi (a) 5x(-3)= (b) -z xg =

(c) -8 x (-t0) = (d) 11 x(-7)= (e) -12xs=

(f) -zx6x3= (g) 6'(-1) x (-5) = (h) -3 x (-4) x (-z) =

(a) 3s + (-7) = (b) -s2 + (-4) =

-32 = 4= -8

(c) -rZ + (-3) = (d) -50 + 1o = (e) 36 + (-6) =

,r) r:+(-2)+6 (s) zss * (-3) * (*s) (h) -364 +7 + (-4)


(u) (-3) - e

-- -l

(c) 1s -7 + (-e) (d) r -(-10)+(-e) G) 16+(-4)x5

(t) -t2+3x(-6) G) -P x7 + (-4) (h) x (-6) * (-e)

= =30


(a) -a + (-18) + 3 (b) 12 -3x(-z)

(r) -z + (-s) x I (d) - (=e) - (-10) G) J +(-8)x3+(-4)

(f) (g) t0-16+(-e+s) (h) -6+e+(-3)x(-5+8)


Hukum Operasi Aritmetik
Laws of Arithmetic OPerations

Hukum Identiti Hukum Kalis Tukar Tertib Hukum Kalis Sekutuan Hukum Kalis Agihan
ldentity Laws Commutative Laws Associative Laws Distributive Laws

Penambahan Penambahan Penambahan G) z(z +3)=

Addition Addition Addition 2(E) +2(-l)
(a) 8 +E= s (c) 2+s=[l+[ (e) (a+3)+s
Pendaraban Pendaraban =4 (-l*E) :

Multiplication Multiplication Pendaraban I Multiplication

0) axl-l=+ (d) 3x7=]rE (f) (3x 5)x2=E* $xz) :

(b) 3006x12

i1ifffif,{iri,ffi (a) 6 x 503 :

820 x25 = (800 1 20) x 25

= 2(} 0tl0 + 500
= 20 50fi

(.) +8+t2+4 (d) 33 + 306 + 54+ 57 (e) 250 x79 x 4


Satu larutan disejukkan sebanyak 12'C

dalam masa 6 minit. Hitung Purata
perubahan suhu larutan itu setiap minit.
A solution is cooled down by 12"C in 6 minutes.
Calculate the average change in temperature of the
solution per minute.

Perubahan suhu d*iam masa 5 minit = -12"C

Maka, purata perubaha-n suhu = (-i2) + 6
Sultu menurun 2oC setiap minit"
(b) Nilai sebuah kereta menurun daripada (c) Suhu di sebuah padang pasir menurun
RM32 000 kepada RM3t 400 dalam masa sebanyak 9'C dari pukul 7.00 p.m. hingga
-t 3 tahun. Hitung purata perubahan nilai 10.00 p.m. Cari purata perubahan suhu
kereta setiap tahun. setiap jam.
The value of a car drops from RM32 000 to The temperature in a desert dropped 9"C from
-ts RM31 400 in j years. Calculate the average 7.00 p.m. to 10.00 p.m. Find the average change
change in value of the car every year. in temperature per hour.


(d) Sebuah kapal selam berada 150 m di bawah (e) Suhu suatu larutan ialah 20"C. Larutan itu
aras laut. Kapal selam itu timbul 2 rrrper kemudiannya dialih ke dalam penyejuk
saat untuk 15 s dan kemudian tenggelam beku dan suhunya menurun sebanyak 2.C
20 m. Di manakah kedudukan akhir kapal seminit selama 15 minit. Berapakah suhu
selam itu? akhir larutan itu?
A submarine is 150 m below sea level. It then The temperature of a solution is 20"C. The
ascends at 2 m per secondfor 15 s, and then solution is then kept in a freezer where its
descends 20 m. What is thefinal position of the temperature decreases by 2'C per minutefor
submarine? 15 minutes. What is the final temperature of the

(f) Suhu di sebuah bilik ialah -2'C. Selepas (g) Dalam satu ujian yang mengandungi
sejam, suhu menurun sebanyak 20 soalan, 3 markah diberi untuk setiap
10'C. Kemudian suhu meningkat 5'C jawapan betul dan -t markah diberi bagi
sejam akibat gangguan bekalan elektrik. setiap jawapan salah. Alia menjawab
Berapakah suhu'di dalam bilik itu 3 jam 13 soaian dengan betul. Hitung jumlah
selepas gangguan bekalan elektrik? markah Alia.
The temperature in a room is -2"C. After an j
In a test containing 20 questions, mqrks are
hour, the temperature dropped by 10"C. Then, as
a result of a power disruption, the temperature
given for each correct answer qnd mark -l
isgiven for a wroltg answer. Alia answers 13
starts to increase at 5'C per hour. What is the questions correctly. Calculate her total marks.
temperature in the cold room 3 hours after the
power disruption?


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