Little Brother Grade 8

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ENGLISH – NOTES (Month: November)

Grade Level: VIII

I. Meanings:

1. Hamlet – village
2. Fretful – fussy
3. Sputtered – quick explosive sounds
4. Bedraggled – untidy
5. Skirmish – battle
6. Nestled – tucked
7. Stragglers – those left behind
8. Coveted – longed for
9. Diminishing – reducing
10. Ordeal – suffering

II. Answer the following:

1. Why were the people in the village leaving hurriedly?

Ans: The people in the village were leaving hurriedly because there is a war between the Germans and the
Belgians. So as a safety measure they were leaving the village

2. What did the mother ask the boy to do? Why was he unwilling to obey her?
Ans: The mother asked the boy to leave the village with his baby sister. Because as his mother was ill, she
could not make it. However, the boy wants to save his mother also. So he was unwilling to obey her.

3. Why did the boy keep to the fields instead of taking the road to the north?
Ans: The road was full of dust. The soldiers were marching through the streets. He thought that instead of
taking roads the fields will be safer. So the boy kept to the fields instead of taking road to the north.

4. How was the boy able to get some milk for his sister?
Ans: The boy wrapped his baby sister inside his coat. On their way to Holland , there was a women in the
farm house. The boy asks for some milk. She saw that there is something under his coat but
concluded it may be a pet kitten. This is how the boy was able to get some milk for his sister.

5. What was the condition of the two children when they arrived at the refugee camp in Holland?
Ans: The boy was dirty, bedraggled and footsore. His baby sister was only three days old, miserably thin.

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The spark of life was very weak within her.

6. What was the fate of the boy’s parents?

Ans: The boy’s father was killed in front of him. The Belgian hamlet, where his mother was destroyed in
the skirmish.

III. Answer in brief:

1. Why did the boy conceal the baby from the women at the farm and later from those at the refugee
Ans: The boy wrapped with a towel and hides the baby beneath his coat. He didn’t say anything about the
baby to the women in the farmhouse as she thought that it may be a pet kitten. Even when he reached
the Belgian refugee camp in Holland, at first he didn’t say to anyone that he is having a baby with
him. Because he wandered over every face in the room like testing them. Because he thought that if
he reveals the truth , it may cause some problem to the baby. So the boy concealed the baby from

2. What cause the boy to develop feelings of affection for his infant sister?
Ans: When the boy took the baby to the refugee camp, she was only three days old. She was wrapped with
the dirty cloth and without any proper food the baby began to cry fitfully. This incident made the boy
to develop feelings of affection for his infant sister.

IV. Reference to context:

1. ‘O, mother, mother, the Germans are coming!’

Ans: The boy said these words to his mother when there is a battle in their village.

2. ‘You must leave me and go on’

Ans: The mother said these words to the boy. As she is not doing well she asked the boy to move to

V. Antonyms:

1. Grasp x release
2. Wrinkle x smooth
3. Choked x free
4. Diminishing x increase
5. Bedraggled x clean

VI. Frame questions:

1. Helpless –
2. Diminishing –

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