Economics - Syndicate 9 - Teh Sosro

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Teh Sosro

- Mega Syaftiana (29119161)

- Adi Pramana (29119148)

- Rifqi Adiwisastra (29119262)

- Carissa Kusuma (29119177)

About PT. Sinar Sosro
PT  Sinar Sosro is the first company produce bottle tea  in Indonesia and even in  the

world. Starting in 1940, the Sosrodjojo family began their business in Slawi, Central

Java, producing and marketing tea brewed with Teh Cap Botol as the brand. In 1960,

Soegiharto Sosrodjojo and his brothers moved to Jakarta to establish the Sosrodjojo

family company for the citizens of Jakarta. Then, accidentally, he came up with an

idea to bring tea that had been prepared to the office and packed in bottles of soy

sauce or lemonade that had been washed. In 1969, the idea developed of offering

ready-to-drink tea in bottled containers. Till now, PT. Sinar Sosro already has 14

factories spread throughout Indonesia, such as in Medan, Palembang, Pandeglang,

Jakarta, Tambun, Cibitung, Ungaran, Gresik, Mojokerto and Gianyar. Then some sales

representative offices in certain region.

Developing the various needs of customers PT. Sinar Sosro

strives to reach all target customers and to meet the needs of

customers in various locations by building sales representative

offices (Kantor Perwakilan Penjualan (KPP)) in some regions.

One of those is PT. Sinar Sosro KPP Garut, the company is

developing a range of tea products, such as bottled tea, tea

box packaging and tea packing.

PT. Sinar Sosro has distributed its products across the

archipelago, through sales offices located in various

regions. Besides domestic, PT. Sinar Sosro also

penetrated the international market by exporting one

way packaging or non-glass bottles products to

several countries in Asia, America, Europe, Africa,

Australia and the Pacific Islands. PT. Sinar Sosro has

an ideal set forth in a vision that is to become “Teh

Indonesia world-class beverage company”, which can

meet the needs of consumers, anytime, anywhere,

and provide added value for all parties involved.

To meet the needs of lovers everywhere, Teh botol Sosro

with its innovations to date has had many choices of

product packaging, namely:

Glass bottle (Returnable Glass Bottle) with a volume

of 220 ml

Box packaging (Tetra Pak) with a volume of 1 Liter,

250 ml, 200ml.

Pouch packaging with a volume of 150ml

PET packaging with a volume of 500ml

Throughout its growth, we analyses sales of tea PT.

Sinar Sosro in two packages, namely tea in bottles and

tea in pouch packaging.


From the table above, it can be seen that there is a decline in sales of teh botol in

pouch packaging. The sales have fluctuated and the target has not been achieved that

is far realized by the company. For demand price, there is increase on Bottle, from

4000 to 4500, and on Pouch, from 2500 to 3000. For supply price, there is increase on

Bottle, from 1500 to 1800, and Pouch, from 1500 to 1700.

PT. Sinar Sosro has been around since 1974. The large

number of products from other companies are available

in the market, and sometimes has positive or negative

impacts on Sosro's own products. Called substitutes

and complementary products. Substitutes are those

products that serve the same purpose as the original

and can be used as an alternative. On the other hand,

Complementary products are two or more distinct items

or products whose use is associated or interrelated with

each other.
Coffee is a brewed drink prepared from roasted

coffee beans, the seeds of berries from certain

Coffea species. People already consume it for a

long time ago.

Teabag has the advantage of being a cheap price,

lower prices and not run out in one time because in

one box there are several teabags, and the taste is

not much different from the tea in bottles or pouch.

Product Another packaging drink from other brands, besides

Sosro with a better taste and cheaper price.


Complemen HONEY


Supply and demand, relationship

between the quantity of teh botol that

produce by Sosro wish to sell at various

gnigakcaP elttoB prices and the quantity that consumers

wish to buy. The price of teh botol is

determined by the interaction of supply

and demand in a market. Demand is

shifted inside since there was an

increases in price makes less consumers

to buy. Supply also shifted but outside

because there was an increasing amount

of product that produced by Sosro. Then

we found intersection between demand


and supply, we called it equilibrium. The

resulting price is referred to as the

equilibrium price and represents an

agreement between producers and

consumers of the good. In equilibrium the

quantity of a good supplied by Sosro

equals the quantity demanded by

consumers of Teh Botol Sosro.

gnigakcaP hcuoP

Q1 = Agustus, Q2 = September; P1 = Agustus, P2 = September

For pouch packaging, there are no shifted in curve even there was a changes in price and quantity in supply and

demand. Then we found an intersection between supply and demand curve as equilibrium.
Overall, Teh Botol Sosro glass-packaging is an elastic

good. in 2019, glass-packaging supply priced

increased from 1500 to 1800 and demand price

increased from 4000 to 4500. When the supply price is

1800, the Quantity of supply is increasing from 5800 to

7400. when the demand price is 4500, the quantity of

demand declining from 6455 to 4396. According to

the calculation of the elasticity theory, with these

changes prices and also changes in quantity, Teh Botol

Sosro glass-packaging is an elastic good in 2019. So is

Teh Botol Sosro pouch-packaging, but with different

price and quantity changes.


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