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Course details
Faculty name Victor Nayak

1 Semester Xth
Section A and B
Course code BAL/BBL X12
Course title Law, Science and Technology
Vision of School of Law
2 To be globally recognised for Pragmatic Hands-on Experiential Legal Education,
emphasizing on Research, Innovation and Value Based Education. 
Mission of School of Law
 To establish State -of-art facilities for world class legal education and research.
 To make students industry ready, such that they are grounded with legal
knowledge and equipped with skills required for the legal profession.
 To develop Students' critical analytical and legal reasoning skills through students'
centric approach and innovative pedagogy. 
 To prepare ethical professionals, emphasizing on Justice Education. 

Programme outcomes
PO1 Students will possess the knowledge and understanding of legal theory, substantive
and procedural laws
PO2 Students will develop ethical, social and professional understanding
4 PO3 Students will demonstrate proficiency in written and oral communication
PO4 Student will develop management and organizational skills with reference to social
and legal issues
PO5 Students will gain familiarity with rules of professional ethics towards clients
PO6 Students will develop the professional skills of counselling and negotiation needed
Programme Educational Objectives
PEO 1: Ensuring inculcation of advocacy skills.
PEO 2: Students will have Oral and Written Communication skills.
PEO 3: Preparing them to be ethical and legal professionals who will be socially responsible while
meeting their own career goals.
PEO 4: Will be industry-ready with strong legal research and problem solving skills.
Programme Specific Outcomes
PSO 1: Develop research aptitude using doctrinal and non doctrinal research.
PSO 2: Inculcate argumentative skills through presentations, student seminars, mock
6 Trials and moot courts.
PSO 3: Integrate research with theoretical aspects of the subjects by practical and
Drafting skills.
PSO 4: Develop social and ethical values required to make a budding lawyer responsible in their career.
Course outcomes (COs)
CO1 Understand the interplay between science, technology and law in modern society in
Indian legal framework
7 CO2 Analyse the development and use of biotechnology techniques in the legal conundrum of
Indian scenario
CO3 Apply the principles relating to health issues in legal regulations of India
CO4 Analyse the legal issues and challenges of the use of nuclear energy in India
CO5 Interpret the legal issues that arise with the use and application of artificial intelligence in
8 Evaluation Duration Marks Date &Time Nature of
Component Component
MTE 120 mins 50 (20) 2nd March-7th March 2020 Closed Book
(a per shared academic Examination
3rd week of March 2020
Class Test 20 marks 5 Class Test 1
1st week of April, 2020
20 marks 5
Class Test 2
5 2nd week of February
NA 5 2nd week of March
PPT Submission
Assignment and Presentation
10 2nd week of April Final Submission
9 List of teaching –learning pedagogy
A various learning methods will be used which will emphasize a cooperative learning
format. Student led discussions and presentations will be combined with instructor
facilitated experiences and lectures. Specific methods include:
 Class Room Discussion
 Chalk and Duster
10 Open hour for students: As per time table
11 List of e-books:

12 List of Links
 , Technology
Business Incubators: An Indian Perspective & Implementation Guidance Report by Centre for
Internet & Society, India.
 ,
Local working of Patents- Law and Implementation in India, G.B Reddy, University College
of law, Osmania University, Hydrabad, Jouranal of Intellectual Property Rights Voll 8, J 2013
, Science, Technology and
Innovation Policy

 downloads/report2009/eng/3_Recommendations.pdf.
 pdf

 committee/11strindx.htm#sci
 StDev/Capacity-

 Johnson, A., Functions in Innovation System Approaches, Department of

Industrial Dynamics, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg Sweden,
 1302537.htm 10. & http:// RAh
 , Science Technology &
Innovation Policy Working Paper, June – 2006
Formerly member, Law Commission of India.

13. Recommended list of online courses like SWAYYAM/NPTEL/MOOCS etc -

Students’ Presentation Area (illustrative)

Sl No. Area Roll No.
1. Biotechnology and patent
2. Block-chain
3. Artificial Intelligence and copyright issues
4. Artificial Intelligence and contract
5. Health and human rights law
6. Rehabilitative issues in health law
7. Medical Negligence
8. Technological Liability in health sector
9. Health hazards and legal response
10. Artificial Intelligence and privacy
11. Scientific development in legal field
12. Scientific Jurisprudence in legal science
13. Technology challenge in legal development
14. Surrogacy and health law
15. Nuclear Liability in Indian law
16. Compensatory Jurisprudence in nuclear law
17. Interplay of environmental law with nuclear law
18. Computer analytics and legal services
19. Artificial Intelligence in healthcare services
20. Birth control through legal intervention
21. Technology and pregnancy
Content beyond Syllabus
18 1. Digital Health law in India
2. Artificial Intelligence and
List of Committee Reports:
19 A.
Case laws:
20 Module 2
1. Monsanto Technology LLC & Ors. vs. Nuziveedu Seeds Ltd. & Ors (2019)
2. Mahyco monsanto biotech (india) private ltd & anr. v. Competition commission of india
3. & ors (2018)
4. Novartis AG V. Union of India (2013)
Module 3
1. Francis Coralie Mullin v Union Territory of Delhi 1981(1) SCC 608
2. Parmanand Katra v. Union of India (1989)4 SCC 286
3. Murli Deora v Union of India and Ors (2001)8 SCC 765
4. Poonam Verma v. Ashwin Patel & Ors
5. Bhalchandra @ Bapu & Another v. State of Maharashtra
6. Jacob Mathew v. State of Punjab & Another
7. Kurban Hussein Mohammedali Rangawalla v. State of Maharashtra
8. Kusum Sharma & Ors vs Batra Hospital &Medical Research (2010)
Module 4
1. Shivara Shantaram Wagle & Ors. Vs. Union Of India & Ors., 1988 SCC (2) 115
2. Vincent Vs. Union of India, A.I.R. (1987) SC 990
3. T.N. Godavarman v. Union of India, W.P. No. 202 of 1995
5. Centre for Public Interest Litigation vs. Nuclear Power Corp. Of India LTD., Writ Petition
(Civil) No. 187 of 2011
6. G. Sundarrajan vs. Union of India and others, CIVIL APPEAL No. 4441 OF 2013
7. Common Cause vs. Union of India and Ors, WRIT PETITION (CIVIL ) No.114 of 2014
8. Prafulla Samantra and Anr. Vs. Union of India and Ors., WRIT PETITION (CIVIL) No. 194
of 2014
Reading Material:
21 1.
Relationship between the Course Outcomes (COs) and Program Outcomes (POs)

Students will Students Students Students will Students Students Students

possess the will will demonstrate will will gain will develop
knowledge demonstrat develop proficiency in develop familiarity the
and e proficienc written and skills to with the professiona
understandin proficiency y in legal oral give rules of l skills of
g of legal in critical research communicatio opinions professiona counselling
theory, analysis and n on legal l ethics and
Substantive legal issues towards negotiation
and reasoning clients needed

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Understand the interplay between

1 science, technology and law in modern ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
society in Indian legal framework

Analyse the development and use of ✓ ✓

2 biotechnology techniques in the legal ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
conundrum of Indian scenario

Apply the principles relating to health ✓ ✓

3 issues in legal regulations of India
✓ ✓ ✓

Analyse the legal issues and challenges ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

4 of the use of nuclear energy in India

Interpret the legal issues that arise with ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

5 the use and application of artificial ✓
intelligence in India

Lesson Plan
Learning outcomes of each Total lecture in the
Lecture No. Date Topics to be covered Unit of syllabus
topic Unit

Science and technology- meaning

1. CO1 Module 1 8 lectures
and scope

Role of science and technology in

2. CO1 Module 1
legal system

Legal interplay with science and

3. CO1 Module 1

Scientific law and legal science-

4. CO1 Module 1
jurisprudential analysis

Scientific law and legal science-

5. CO1 Module 1
jurisprudential interaction

Technology in law – meaning and

6. CO1 Module 1

Legal Technology and technology in

7. CO1 Module 1
law – difference and meaning

Analysis of the use of legal

8. CO1 Module 1

Interaction between science, CO1 Module 1

technology and law – nature
Interaction between science, CO1 Module 1
technology and law – challenges
11. Biotechnology and its nature and CO2 Module 2 12 lectures
Interplay between biotechnology and Module 2
12. CO2
legal aspect

Human Rights Issues in Module 2

13. CO2

Judicial Analysis of biotechnology Module 2

14. CO2

Judicial decisions in biotechnology Module 2

15. CO2

Human Rights Identification relating Module 2

16. CO2
to biotechnology

Human Rights violations in the use Module 2

17. CO2
of biotechnology

18. Biotechnology and DNA CO2 Module 2

Agriculture and Biotechnology –

19. CO2 Module 2
legal issues

20. FDI and Biotechnology CO2 Module 2

21. Health as a fundamental right CO3 Module 3 12 lectures

22. CO3 Module 3

Indian constitution and health sector
23. Health hazards – nature and scope CO3 Module 3
24. Health hazards detection and role of CO3 Module 3

Health hazards detection and role of Module 3

25. CO3

26. Preventive aspects of health care CO3 Module 3

27. Rehabilitative aspects of health care CO2 Module 3

28. Medical negligence and tort law CO3 Module 3

Medical negligence – establishing

29. CO3 Module 3
“negligence” under other law

Medical negligence and judicial

30. CO3 Module 3

Medical negligence and judicial

31. CO3 Module 3

Legal issues in tackling medical

32. CO3 Module 3
negligence under modern law

33. Nuclear energy – a novel approach CO3 Module 4 6 lectures

34. Nuclear energy - CO3 Module 4

35. CO4 Module 4

36. CO4 Module 4

37. CO4 Module 4

38. CO4 Module 4

39. CO4 Module 5 10 lectures

40. CO4 Module 5

41. CO4 Module 5

42. CO4 Module 5

43. CO4 Module 5

44. CO4 Module 5

45. CO4 Module 5

46. CO4 Module 5

47. CO4 Module 5

48. CO4 Module 5

Appendix 4.2

Law, Science and Technology

Version: January 2020 Date of Approval: 3 1 0 4

Pre- Knowledge of Information Technology, Law and Science


Co-requisites IPR, Energy Law,

Catalogue Description
The course aims to impart a sound understanding of the philosophical aspects of law and
education on the whole, and how at national and international level legal interface between
Law, Science and Technology. What kind of contradictions and disputes are arising in these
in law related to rights and responsibility of Science and Technology. How much efficiently
these laws are working in present system.

Text Books
1. Dr. Lily Srivastava, “Law relating to Science and Technology”, Sweet & Maxwell
Publications (2017 edn)
2. Vikrant Sopan Yadav, “Science, Technology and Law: An Overview of International
& Indian Laws”, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2017 edn)
Reference Books
1. N S Sreenivasulu, “Law relating to Biotechnology” OUP (2016)
2. K Kannan “Medicine and Law”, OUP (2014)
3. Markandey Katju, Law in the Scientific Era (2000), Universal, New Delhi.
4. Helen Reece (ed.), “Law and Science in Current Legal Issues” Oxford University
Press (OUP) (1998)
5. Philip Grubb, “Patents for Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology” Oxford
University Press (OUP) (1999)
Course Outcome
1. Understand the interplay between science, technology and law in modern society in
Indian legal framework
2. Analyse the development and use of biotechnology techniques in the legal conundrum
of Indian scenario
3. Apply the principles relating to health issues in legal regulations of India
4. Analyse the legal issues and challenges of the use of nuclear energy in India
5. Interpret the legal issues that arise with the use and application of artificial
intelligence in India
Course Content
Module 1:- Introduction: Interplay of Science, Technology and Law (10 lectures)
 Science and Technology – meaning and application in modern society
 Legal interplay with science and technology
 Scientific Law vis-à-vis Legal science – Jurisprudential analysis
 Technology in Law vis-à-vis Legal technology – meaning and analysis
Module 2:- Biotechnology and Law (12 lectures)
 Biotechnology Dynamics and Applications
 Human Rights Concerns in Biotechnology
 Biotechnology Regulation in India
 Evolving a Policy Framework for Biotechnology
Module 3:- Health and Law (12 lectures)
 Health as a basic human right
 Health hazards and legal regulations due to technological advancement
 Preventive, promotive and rehabilitative aspects of health care
 Medical negligence and legal dilemma
Module 4:- Nuclear Energy and Law (6 lectures)
 Hazard Aspects of nuclear power
 India’s Atomic Energy Programme
 Civilian Use of Nuclear Energy
 Environmental Law interplay with nuclear energy hazards
Module 5:- Artificial Intelligence and Law (10 lectures)
 Software and computer analytics in legal services
 Creative uses of digital platforms and block-chain technology
 Contract and data protection law in light of artificial intelligence
 Intellectual Property issues under Artificial Intelligence
 Artificial Intelligence and Creativity
Compliance report

School of Law
Programme BALLB (Hons.) / BBALLB (Hons.)
Programme Mr. Sayan Das / Mr. Nizam Khan
Compliance report of course handout
Course handout Remarks by PC
Sl No Course code Course title Section Taught by faculty
coordinator Submissio if any
n date
1. BAL X12 / Law, Science and A&B Victor Nayak Victor Nayak 31.01.2020
BBL X12 Technology

Sigature of PC: Signature of Dean:

Review by IQAC:

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