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The Ensuring statement of purpose is meant to be put forth my aspiration to pursue my

career through Master in Science in the department of Power mechanical Engineering in
your esteemed university as well as a description of my plans subsequent to my
graduation. In this ever-changing world of engineering and technology, the passing day
makes them obsolete. I want to attain the highest level of education and transcend a new
scope in Mechanical Engineering. This has always fascinated me and I am keen to
continue my academic pursuit in this field.

I have always cherished a dream to become Engineer, a dream that was initiated and
developed slowly over the years. Right from my school days, I found myself fascinated
by the intricacies of Mathematics and physics which span the web their web of aura
around me, a web that I sought to unravel in countless problem-solving session. I have
always felt a strong need for achievement Which has been the motivating force behind
whatever I achieved in my academic career. Mechanical engineering department
professors and Lab Assistant, as well as staff in my university, gave the strong support to
my feelings saying that “We being the Mechanical Engineers can make the world and we
can move the world “.

I finished my secondary school examination with 80.2%. In which Mathematics and

Science I got the grade “A+”. Then I finished my Higher secondary school with 72.6%
with Physics Mathematics and English. After that, I placed among the Top 5% of
15,000,00 students in National level Entrance examination for undergraduate study
through which I could cherish my dream of getting into the stream of Mechanical
Engineering in a reputed institution. I am proud to say that our college is one of the best
colleges in the state that every undergraduate student has a dream to enrol in it. The
college has accredited by NBT and AICTE. In such a good college I got 7.17 DGPA in
Bachelor of technology in the Mechanical Engineering department. During the final year
of Graduation, I got selected among 700-800 students from our university. Among such
a huge number of students Recruiter “Young Optics Taiwan Inc. “ recruited only 5
students and I was one of them.
My Work Experience since graduation has allowed me to apply my knowledge on one
hand and to accumulate further qualifications for undertaking your program. After
graduation, I started to work at “ Young Optics Inc. Taiwan “ as a Precision Measurement
Engineer Here I had become familiar with Precision Machinery and their Use to Measure
Mold and Lens. Which Lens is used in various optical Modules such as Security Camera,
Projectors, Vehicle Camera etc. During my work, I have received technical training to
measure the various parameters of Mold and lens through precision Machine ( Coordinate
measuring machine, UA3P, FTS 850A, FTS 840, Roundness Testing, Z-CMM etc). After
that, I joined “Cheng Hui Mechanical Co.Ltd, Taiwan. Here I am working as a Process
Engineer. I learned here Manufacturing of Cation Tank, Anion Tank, Carbide Polisher
Tank, MMF, SBP, Boron Resign, ACF Tower, VOC absorption Tower and wastewater
treatment units.

During my university days, I also got vocational Training on highly reputated Mechanical
German Based Company “ BOSCH Gmbh” and “National Thermal Power Corporation
Limited (NTPC) “ This Company Engaged in the generations of Electricity. It is the
largest power company in India with an electric power generating capacity of 58,156
MW. Using Coal, Gas/ Liquid Fuel, Hydro, Wind and solar projects.

My work experience, Vocational Training as well as my knowledge has Significantly

broadened my academic and professional horizon, making me realize that exciting future
of Manufacturing of Precision Machinery. As a student of Mechanical Engineering and
as an Engineer I wish to be part of this exciting process to contribute my talent and
knowledge to develop myself into a real specialist in Manufacturing Of Precision

With this motivation, I would like to apply for Department of Power Mechanical
Engineering in your esteemed University “National Tsing Hua University “ one of the
most prestigious research institute in the world of Power Mechanical Engineers. Which
represents your parallel academic reputation with unrivalled facilities.

It has been predicted that in the coming Decades Taiwan will become the largest precision
machinery market in the world after Design and manufacturing of Semiconductor. I feel
proud to have chosen my career development in this field where my greatest potential
lies. I like to make progress in my interested field and to possess a sense of Achievement
resulting from constant Self Improvement.

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