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Life Coaching Vision


What is your intention for becoming a Life Coach?

Life Coaching Vision - 1 Associate Certified Empowerment Life Coach at


You want to connect with that goal being a bigger part of your life vision so that your life
doesn't become off-balance.

Life Coaching Vision - 2 Associate Certified Empowerment Life Coach at



Why do you want to become a Life Coach or start a life coaching practice/business?

How will every area of your life be impacted in a positive way by starting a life coaching

How will every area of your life be impacted in a negative way by starting a life coaching

ACTION: Make the wheel come to life with your responses by shading in the impact. Less
for negative more for positive.

Life Coaching Vision - 3 Associate Certified Empowerment Life Coach at


QUESTIONS : When you have thought about something over and over again, do you see more
or less of it in your life? The law of attraction causes us to attract the things that we are
thinking about into our lives, it is important to know what we want!


Place what you do want in life inside the circle. Place what you don’t want outside of the

Life Coaching Vision - 4 Associate Certified Empowerment Life Coach at

circle. This will help you focus on what is important for you to have in your vision & goals.

Consider what you want in your business and how YOU CHOOSE TO HAVE every other area
impacted including: health, financial, contribution, family and relationships.


QUESTIONS: Have you ever set a 10 year vision plan for your life? What was the outcome?

Setting a 10-year vision and the goals that support it allows you to create a clear picture of an
ideal future and what it takes to get there.

Jumping 10 years into the future inspires you to dream big because it removes the constraints
of time, money and knowledge.

Life Coaching Vision - 5 Associate Certified Empowerment Life Coach at

Creating goals from your vision allows you to make a plan for achieving your ideal life.

Get ready to step into the world of possibility and to create your future!

ACTION: Have your client complete the following fill-in-the-blank vision plan:

Who Am I In Ten Years?

In 10 years I am [ ] years old

In 10 years I feel
In 10 years I am
In 10 years I contribute by
In 10 years my achievements include
In 10 years I’ve experienced
In 10 years I love
In 10 years I’m surrounded by
In 10 years I’m a point of inspiration and influence for
In 10 years I’m helping to bring into the world

Life Coaching Vision - 6 Associate Certified Empowerment Life Coach at


QUESTIONS: What is your vision for your life coaching business and how it fits in your life?
Does that excite or scare you?

• Vision is based on the idea that in ten years ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE

• Articulates your greatest ambition
• Supports you right now in making choices that lead you to your exciting future life
• Can be changed by you at any time, it’s yours
• Is not what other people want for you. It is what you want for you


Writing a vision authentic to you takes time and practice, so be generous and let go of
needing it to be perfect the first time. Try out different ways of writing your 10-year
vision–just the facts, a story of your day 10 years in the future, a party where people are
acknowledging you–there’s no wrong way to write YOUR vision.

Life Coaching Vision - 7 Associate Certified Empowerment Life Coach at

You’ll know that you’re heading in the right direction when you are excited and nervous
reading it. Don’t forget to take a look at the work you’ve completed already.

These exercises connect you to who you want to be and what’s important for you 10 years
in the future.


QUESTIONS: Do you believe it is possible to achieve your 10 year vision? Why or why not?

ACTION: Fill in your goals, working back from 10 years to 1 year in the future.

Life Coaching Vision - 8 Associate Certified Empowerment Life Coach at


Warren Buffett said, “The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is
that really successful people say no to almost everything so they can stay focused on what
THEY want to achieve.”


1. Set aside time to take this course.

2. You can take it section by section.
3. Apply what you have learned and apply yourself.
4. Use the Q & A area to ask questions.
5. We are in partnership but I can't do the work for you.
6. Believe in yourself and your ability to follow through.

Life Coaching Vision - 9 Associate Certified Empowerment Life Coach at

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