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REVIEW rather than supporting research on a larger

proportion of the chemicals being discharged
Learning from the past and considering and considered potentially problematic (7).

the future of chemicals in the environment Chemical risks are not equal, nor is exposure
Given the vast array of chemicals contaminat-
Andrew C. Johnson1*, Xiaowei Jin2, Norihide Nakada3, John P. Sumpter4 ing our natural environment, where should
we focus our greatest attention? For instance,
Knowledge of the hazards and associated risks from chemicals discharged to the environment has grown the risk of copper harming wildlife is reported
considerably over the past 40 years. This improving awareness stems from advances in our ability to to be five orders of magnitude higher than the
measure chemicals at low environmental concentrations, recognition of a range of effects on organisms, risk from the drug atenolol (8) when comparing
and a worldwide growth in expertise. Environmental scientists and companies have learned from the median exposure with median toxicity values for
experiences of the past; in theory, the next generation of chemicals will cause less acute toxicity and be less rivers in the United Kingdom. In other words,
environmentally persistent and bioaccumulative. However, researchers still struggle to establish whether the risk of harm from atenolol is only 0.001%
the nonlethal effects associated with some modern chemicals and substances will have serious of the risk from copper. In fact, metals dominate
consequences for wildlife. Obtaining the resources to address issues associated with chemicals in the the top 10 of 71 chemicals of concern studied in
environment remains a challenge. the United Kingdom (8) (Fig. 2) and are sim-
ilarly highly ranked in China (9).

Chemical exposure from wastewater, which
ynthetic chemicals have enabled marked plicated by the formation of breakdown can be expressed as the extent to which the
improvements in food production and products in the environment, for which we wastewater generated by an individual will

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living standards (1). Although concerns have little to no information. An additional be diluted by the natural river flow (10), is
exist about the many hundreds of chem- challenge to our efforts to assess risk from not evenly spread around the world. Depend-
icals in the environment, there are only these many chemicals entering the environ- ing on landmass, population size, and rainfall
a few, albeit notable, examples of chemicals ment is the potential for mixture effects. These amount, some countries will face constant and
actually harming wildlife populations (Fig. 1). effects may lead to higher impacts on orga- widespread elevated exposure to chemicals in
These examples demonstrate that hydro- nisms than would have been predicted on the wastewater, whereas other nations will expe-
phobic (lipophilic) chemicals can both per- basis of individual chemical-based risk assess- rience much less exposure (Fig. 3).
sist in the environment and bioconcentrate, ments (6). Today’s research funding model
meaning that the highest exposures manifest tends to encourage widening and deepening New chemicals and new places of concern
in the longest-lived top predators. In addi- studies on the current chemical, or group of In modern society, chemicals are expected to
tion, tests of acute toxicity on a limited range of chemicals, perceived to be of most concern, serve a variety of functions; examples include
laboratory-friendly species are not predictive
for all species and effects, and chronic tests on Chemical impacts on wildlife populations
a wider range of organisms are needed. Knowl- Metals and acid conditions have damaged freshwater fish The ship and boat biocide
edge gained from such disasters should make and terrestrial invertebrates (earthworms) (53-55) tributyltin has led to sterility
the use of chemicals increasingly safer. How- and failure of many gastropod
ever, our past failures suggest that we must be mollusks (57)
prepared for more surprises in the future.

Proportion of chemicals for which adequate

environmental information is known
In places where data are accessible, such as
the United States and Europe, the number of
chemicals and substances on the market is
believed to be around 75,000 to 140,000 (2, 3). Mass mortalities of Asian vultures have been OC insecticides such as DDT have devastated
linked to eating carcasses containing the birds-of-prey populations (56)
However, empirical data on persistence are painkiller diclofenac (58)
available for ~0.2%, bioconcentration data
for 1%, and aquatic toxicity for 11% of chem-
icals registered in the European Union (4, 5),
and similar data have been reported for the
United States (2). In the absence of such
substantive information for the majority of
chemicals, computational predictive methods
can provide some help in terms of risk as-

sessment (2, 4). Nevertheless, the task is com-

1 Failure of many killer whale
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Benson Lane, Crowmarsh
populations to breed has been linked
Gifford, Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX10 8BB, UK. 2China
National Environment Monitoring Centre, Anwai Dayangfang to high levels of polychlorinated
No. 8, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China. 3Research Center for biphenyls concentrated in their
Environmental Quality Management, Kyoto University, 1-2 tissue and milk (59)
Yumihama, Otsu, Shiga, 520-0811, Japan. 4Institute for the
Environment, Health and Societies, Brunel University London,
Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 3PH, UK.
Fig. 1. Classic examples of where chemicals actually have had or are having population-level effects.
*Corresponding author. Email: See (53–59). OC, organochlorine.

Johnson et al., Science 367, 384–387 (2020) 24 January 2020 1 of 4

medicines, flame retardants, and pesticides. Relative risk of chemicals Number of publications 2015–2019
We now recognize that the very properties Copper
that can make these chemicals work effec-
tively can simultaneously be deleterious for
the wider environment. For instance, as med-
ical knowledge grows, the expectation for
new pharmaceutical-based treatments for
diverse health conditions will continue. A
current example is the incentive for drug com-
panies to devise more effective compounds
to treat a range of age-related conditions (11).
Additionally, ethinylestradiol has been a very
effective oral contraceptive, but the com-
bination of its potency and persistence has
made it an endocrine disrupter in wild fish
downstream of wastewater effluent (12). If some
of the new pharmaceuticals act as agonists or
antagonists on the endocrine system, then the AES
estrogen-based disruption may expand to a Carbofuran
wider variety of fish (13). On the subject of Permethrin
flame retardants, problems with the persistence Arsenic

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and toxicity of polybrominated diphenyl ethers Silver
have led to a wider range of replacement can- 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 7531
didate substances, including nonhalogenated Fig. 2. The 20 highest-ranked chemicals from a pool of 71 common chemicals found in British rivers.
organic or metal compounds with phosphate Chemicals are ranked according to the ratio of median river concentration versus the fifth percentile of
groups, hydroxide, or stannate groups (14). Fi- aquatic ecotoxicity data. Relative risk numbers are presented as ratios. Data are from (8). Also shown is the
nally, concerns over pesticide mobility, non- number of publications found on Web of Science in September 2019 under the search “chemical AND
target toxicity, and persistence have markedly environment AND risk” for the period 2015–2019 for the chemicals listed at left. LAS, linear alkylbenzene
reduced the number of products for sale. The sulfonates; EE2, ethinylestradiol; B[a]P, benzo[a]pyrene; AES, alcohol ethoxysulfates.
pest-control approaches of tomorrow are like-
ly to be more precisely targeted to affect RNA administrations is debatable (20). In the case Europe, the phrase used to describe this con-
interference, pheromones, and sterility. New of local governance in China, there is evidence cept is “no data, no market” (25).
flame retardants and insecticides should be for uneven application of regulations (21, 22).
much safer than older ones, but we must be Protection is also boosted by a national com- Analytical developments, knowledge of
alert to unexpected consequences, as have been mitment to transparency, in which scrutiny undesirable chemical characteristics, and
observed for neonicotinoids (insect-specific by the public, environmental nongovernmen- alternatives to animal testing
postsynaptic agonists). These compounds, once tal organizations, and journalists is accepted. Developments in analytical chemistry continue
considered sustainable, are now known to Nevertheless, this approach has not been to drive down limits of detection. With the use
cause population decline in wild bees (15). adopted globally (23, 24). of nontargeted screening (NTS) methods, it is
The modern economy has been transformed becoming possible to search for and tentatively
by globalization. As a result, much chemical Reasons for optimism identify all molecules present in a sample,
production has been transferred to Asia (16), Progress in regulation and management of both known and unknown (26). NTS has been
where chemical sales are now 168% of those chemicals in the environment applied to reveal the range of compounds in
in the United States and Europe combined Chemical regulations in the 1960s and 1970s urban runoff water (27), to investigate unusual
(Fig. 4). However, in some cases, weak regu- concentrated on remediating past pollution and pollution incidents, and to identify the industrial
lation or uneven local enforcement has led controlling the emission of a limited number of premises responsible for such incidents (28). Re-
to severe pollution hotspots. Examples include pollutants. The approach today is becoming cently, historic analytical raw data from previous
atmospheric contamination with chlorofluoro- forward-looking to ensure that new chemicals studies have been used to retrospectively analyze
carbons coming from the Shandong and poised to enter the market will conform to “new” pollutants that were not originally target-
Hebei provinces of China (17), gross perfluoro- minimum human safety and environmental ed in these studies (29). These new approaches
octanoic acid pollution from a vast Chinese standards. Examples include the Toxic Sub- will help make the environment more trans-
manufacturing site (18), and water contami- stances Control Act (TSCA) in 1976 (Public parent with respect to chemical contaminants.
nation with antibiotics from a manufacturing Law 94-469) in the United States, as well as There is now much shared knowledge on the
plant in India (19). Unfortunately, successful Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and undesirability of properties such as hydrophobic-
management of industrial waste, and pollution Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) (EC 19072006) ity and persistence in chemicals intended for dis-
more generally, is far from straightforward. in the European Union. Still, because many charge to the environment. In the consumer
Setting water quality targets is a good step, but chemicals entered the market before these goods industry, recognition of poor biodegrad-
such benchmarks are successful only where laws were enacted, a retrospective authoriza- ability has led to the replacement of branched
independent regulators take consistent, high- tion process is trying to catch up. Although alkylbenzene sulfonates by linear forms, long-
quality measurements and are supported by not perfect, the establishment of regulations chain dialkyl quaternary surfactants by ester-based
an independent judiciary, on both the local such as TSCA and REACH set an important quaternaries, nonylphenol ethoxylates (which
and national scale. The degree to which en- precedent: The onus to demonstrate that a also have toxicity concerns) by alcohol ethoxylates,
vironmental protection is improved by cen- chemical is safe for humans and the environ- and musk xylene by macrocyclic musks. Al-
tralization or when it is devolved to local ment should lie with the manufacturer. In though not driven primarily by environmental

Johnson et al., Science 367, 384–387 (2020) 24 January 2020 2 of 4


concerns, an increasing proportion of newly re- instruments and the adoption of safer alter- crisis (40–42). Reasons may include perverse
gistered pharmaceuticals are the so-called “bio- natives, is now available to all countries (35). incentives on scientists to publish “exciting”
logics.” For example, 12 of the 30 new drugs research and a general lack of training for re-
registered for the German market in 2016 (noted Reasons for pessimism searchers (43). Two common associated prob-
by the German Pharma Association) and 75 of Continuing uncertainty over the importance of lems are poor experimental design and bias
the 200 recent top-selling retail drugs in the nonlethal effects (44). In ecotoxicology, many scientists con-
United States (30) are made from biological mate- Once we move away from apical end points duct their research on animals that are not
rials such as proteins, genes, allergens, and cells. (lethal or end points that disrupt reproduc- routinely used in regulatory tests and that
These substances are not considered to pose the tion or growth), it remains a matter of specula- other researchers rarely use.
persistence issues of small synthetic molecules. tion as to whether the response to a chemical The focus of public concern over chemicals is
Understandably, ethical concerns have arisen observed in the laboratory really translates to unpredictable. This can lead to sudden demands
about subjecting large numbers of animals to harm for individuals or populations in the for information, which can overwhelm other
laboratory toxicity tests for the many thousands wild. In theory, the detailed mechanistic detec- research areas. Inevitably, many fundable topics
of chemicals yet to be registered, and these tion of an adverse outcome pathway (AOP) pre- will have to be dropped so that resources can be
concerns have encouraged the development of dicts harmful effects ranging from the molecular concentrated in an area of new concern. One
toxicity and exposure models (2). Computer level up to the population level (36). AOPs have area of marked growth has been the study of
models have been used to help predict which been used to confidently predict population nanoparticles and the environment: A search
chemicals will be of greatest concern (in silico effects on fish from endocrine disrupters (37), for this topic on Web of Science revealed an
risk assessment)—in other words, those that will yet these effects have not been observed in the increase from 36 papers per year in 2000 to
be persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBT). field (38). Whether the development of AOPs 4200 per year in 2017. Yet many studies appear
In a survey of 95,000 chemicals, a model predict- will aid in the environmental risk assessment to show a modest relative risk, at least for com-

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ed that only 3 to 5% were likely to be PBT (4). of chemicals is presently unclear. Similarly, the mon metal-based nanoparticles (8, 45). Another
question of whether gene, protein, or metab- example may be the study of bisphenol A (BPA),
Better wastewater treatment and international olite expression studies can, on their own, predict an additive used in many plastic items, which
chemical initiatives actual impacts on wildlife populations or food has been shown to exhibit weak estrogen acti-
Shifting from primary wastewater treatment webs (39) remains to be answered. vity. Many hundreds of studies on BPA’s presence
(settling) to secondary treatment (biological) and possible harm to the environment have been
and increasing biological treatment time in Data quality and the relevance of research topics published (a September 2019 search of Web of
secondary treatment from simple methods such It is now widely accepted that a high propor- Science with the terms “BPA,” “effect,” and
as trickling filters to activated sludge (31, 32) tion of published research is not reproducible, “environment” revealed 630 papers). Yet the
have considerable benefits for general water a situation sometimes called the reproducibility evidence that BPA is adversely affecting wild-
quality and chemicals reduction. The wide- life is essentially nonexistent (46). On the
spread adoption of the activated sludge National dilution of wastewater other hand, there are many thyroid activity,
process (ASP) in towns and cities around cardiovascular, antiepileptic, and muscle re-
the world, with a biological treatment Sweden 1825 laxant drugs for which few, if any, studies
time of 8 hours or more, has done a great of possible effects on aquatic wildlife have
deal to protect rivers from the worst con- Zambia 1206 been carried out.
sequences of high chemical exposures. In Vietnam 508 Perhaps surprisingly, the focus of re-
China, it is now reported that the water search into chemicals in the environment
distributed to 94% of urban population Nigeria 294 is not necessarily linked to their relative
receives wastewater treatment, with 81% risk. For the top 20 highest-risk chemicals
Switzerland 257
undergoing advanced processes such as in British rivers (Fig. 2), publications rel-
ASP (33). Introduction of these methods China 145 ated to their environmental risk varied
can substantially improve water quality between 7531 for lead to only 2 for the
and, hence, biodiversity as compared with USA 120 anionic surfactant alcohol ethoxysulfates
previous, less efficient treatments (31). As Austria
in the period 2015–2019 (Fig. 2).
a society, we now have the capacity to This area of science is prone to the
introduce stringent tertiary treatment to France 76 “bandwagon” effect, by which many papers
eliminate almost all organics from waste- only demonstrate what we already know.
Japan 58
water effluent, as is being done in some Did we need ≥250 papers to tell us that
parts of Switzerland (34). UK 37 ethinylestradiol poses a risk to fish? Every-
Developed and developing countries thing we need to know to protect the en-
share many of the same chemical chal- Germany 32 vironment was communicated in the
lenges. This is particularly true with re- first half a dozen papers. A current trend
Mexico 28
gard to many persistent pollutants, which is this desire to search for increasingly more
know no boundaries. It is encouraging to Cuba 20 subtle effects, such as the expression of
see international agreements on persist- one or a few genes being altered, when the
ent organic pollutants (Stockholm Con- Belgium 8.7 consequences of those effects are entirely
vention), mercury (Minamata Convention), Tunisia unknown.
hazardous waste disposal (Basel Conven-
tion), and certain hazardous chemicals and Fig. 3. Examples of the relative dilution of an individual’s Risk assessments are falling further behind,
pesticides (Rotterdam Convention). Sensible wastewater, based on national median annual natural flow and scientists tend to stay in their silos
advice on managing chemicals, with respect divided by the national annual inland wastewater volume. Thorough risk assessment is costly and
to legal, economic, technical, and voluntary Data are from (10). may require decades of research. Given

Johnson et al., Science 367, 384–387 (2020) 24 January 2020 3 of 4

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theory, in assessing chemical impacts on wild- Funding: A.C.J. and J.P.S. are grateful to NERC for
6. T. J. Thrupp et al., Sci. Total Environ. 619–620, 1482–1492 (2018).
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9. A. C. Johnson et al., Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 37, 1115–1121 (2018). members of the Defra (UK) Hazardous Substances Advisory
surprisingly few examples of collaboration Committee. No other competing interests are known.
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Johnson et al., Science 367, 384–387 (2020) 24 January 2020 4 of 4

Learning from the past and considering the future of chemicals in the environment
Andrew C. Johnson, Xiaowei Jin, Norihide Nakada and John P. Sumpter

Science 367 (6476), 384-387.

DOI: 10.1126/science.aay6637

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